Curation Revolution
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Curation Revolution
Curation the next web revolution.
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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
November 9, 2015 12:03 PM!

5 Cool Content Marketing Tools & How We Use Them via @Curagami

5 Cool Content Marketing Tools & How We Use Them via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |

5 Cool Content Marketing Tools shares how we use, Haiku Deck,, Gplus & Pinterest to create, test and improve Curagmai's content marketing. Tools discussed:

@Scoop.itHaiku Deck


Learn why we love these 5 content marketing tools:

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Must Market
July 9, 2014 9:00 PM!

6 Reasons Content Curation Is Your Elephant - via @Curagami

6 Reasons Content Curation Is Your Elephant - via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |

Content Curation is the "new marketing" & this post shares 6 reasons curating content should be your online marketing's elephant:

6 Reasons Content Curation Should Be Your Elephant
* Easy to curate content for any receiving device (great for mobile / social web).

* Encourages Sharing.

* More Reach Faster.

* Content Curation Great & Subtle Value Add.

* Great way to test.

* Protects valuable modeled digital assets.

How about you? Is content curation your digital marketing elephant? This post helps define content curation and shares 6 reasons why you will be curating more content next year than this:  

Post mentions Scoopiteer @Brian Yanish - 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 9, 2014 1:43 AM!

Brand Sculpting: 5 Online Branding Tips & 10 Tools via @Curagami

Brand Sculpting: 5 Online Branding Tips & 10 Tools via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |

Brand Sculpting creates a brand's online community in alignment with User Generated Content, a growing tribe of advocates & trending keywords & content.

5 Tips
* 10 Tools including ( @Kelly Hungerford), Haiku Deck, G+, Pinterest & Others.
* Community & UGC.
* Digital Listening.
* Analytics.
* Moon Audio examples.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

add your insight...

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
April 16, 2014 10:02 AM!

50 Great Curators - Mark Traphagen via @CrowdFunde

50 Great Curators - Mark Traphagen via @CrowdFunde | Curation Revolution |

GPlus Guru Mark Traphagen
If you don't know Mark you should and if you don't use GPlus and your an Internet marketer you should be shot. Mark is more than just one of the top GPlus experts in the world, he is also a friend and fellow cancer survivor.

Something about surviving a bout with the Big C that makes you want to give back and Mark does. He speak all over the country (and soon the world I predict) about the power of concepts like the new SEO, GPlus, Google authorship and semantic web.

If you aren't part of the more than 80,000 followers Mark already has on Gplus we suggest you hop on board this train since your Internet and content marketing will be better because of it.

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