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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
October 24, 2015 3:56 PM!

How To Make Buffer's Social Failure Your Success via Curagami

How To Make Buffer's Social Failure Your Success via Curagami | Curation Revolution |

Buffer's Social "Failure" = Your Success
Make Buffer's Social Failure Your success with lessons from three great web marketing books including Superforecasting, The Silo Effect and The Black Swan. The post builds on a Buffer post sharing their shocking 50% decline in social media traffic. 

The real question is - ARE THEY FAILING.

They seem to think so and that thought may point to bigger issues. Issues well outlined in 3 great web marketing books (note if you buy using the links to Amazon below you make a contribution to curing cancer TY)

SuperForecsting: The Art and Science of Prediction  

The Silo Effect: The Perils of Expertise

The Black Swan:  Impact of the Highly Improbable

How web marketers THINK about what they are doing matters and this Curagami post shares tips on how to THink Like An Internet Marketer along with links to some of our favorite web marketers including several from

@Guillaume Decugis 
@Cendrine Marrouat - 
@Brian Yanish - 

Among others.

Start thinking like a web marketer, read this Curagami post  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
April 18, 2014 11:52 PM!

Great Curator Profile: Cendrine Marrouat - CrowdFunde's Favorite Bedouin :)

Great Curator Profile: Cendrine Marrouat - CrowdFunde's Favorite Bedouin :) | Curation Revolution |

The Amazing Cendrine Marrouat
Cendrine told us this was one of the nicest reviews of her work she's ever received. Hard to believe since here writing and tireless content curation is informative, inspirational, smart and hard working.

Cendrine is one of the hardest working "bands" in content marketing. When she takes a "day off" she is probably teaching.We shared a fraction of where she writes and curates and its six places.

Cendrine understands COPE (Create Once Publish Everywhere), but she doesn't fall into the trap. She actively supports, engages on and refines here content arsenal.

Not ONLY is Cendrine one of our favorite and hardest working "bands" in content marketing and curation she is one of our favorite Bedouin too. Always moving and in touch with what's happening we love it when Cendrine shows up. We share a cup of tea, warm our hands against the desert wind and talk about where we need to go next.

Cendrine beat me to the punch and wrote some nice words about me yesterday you can find in her 5 Social Media Gurus To Follow post:

My post was schedule before we saw hers, but hearing her feedback was inspiring just when inspiration was needed. Thanks Cendrine and rock on :).

@Cendrine Marrouat -

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
December 29, 2014 12:20 PM!

Content Curation For The Win via @Curagami

Content Curation For The Win via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |

Content Curation's 12 Biggest Myths are busted by Julia McCoy so any web marketing team can understand why content curation is a Critical Success Factor.

Thanks to @Cendrine Marrouat - https://www.cendrinemedia.comfor sharing Julia McCoy's great post. Enjoyed riffing on top of the 12 Content Curation Myths.

Cendrine Marrouat -'s comment, December 29, 2014 12:31 PM
Awesome curation, @Martin (Marty) Smith!