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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
June 18, 2014 11:35 PM!

Social Media Reach Is Dead, Long Live Content Curation & Community… [thoughts on Guillaume's post]

Social Media Reach Is Dead, Long Live Content Curation & Community… [thoughts on Guillaume's post] | Curation Revolution |

Social Media Reach Is Dead, Long Live Content Curation & Cmmunity
@Guillaume Decugis  was nice enough to ask me to weigh in on his blog post. He knew it wouldn't be hard for me to write 1,000 words on something that I feel strongly about - what will tomorrow's marketing look like.

Little is certain OTHER than tomorrow's marketing will be very different than today's and unrecognizable from yesterdays. The post on G+ shares my reaction to Guillaume's post along with as much Nostradamas as I can muster at midnight after a long day.

The core is YES content curation is going to be an integral part of the friends of friends marketing creating community we see at our Triangle Startup Factory funded startup called Curagami ( ).

One BIG THING we've already learned is RESPECT, ADMIRATION and enough envy to fuel a train for what Marc, Guillaume, Ally and the Scoopiteers created. The post discusses how any cause moves from passion, through to business and finally into quackery.

That evolution is why all tactical online marketing is dead man walking. The key is winning and keeping hearts and minds. Certainly content curation is going to be HUGE in winning the LOVE any successful brand or online presence will require to be successful in tomorrow's marketing. Are there a few other things? You bet and I tried to share all of the hard won lessons about content, community and love team Curagami is learning.

My G+ Post

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
January 28, 2014 11:31 AM!

Hubs vs. Stand Out Content - Conversation With Mark Traphagen on G+

Hubs vs. Stand Out Content - Conversation With Mark Traphagen on G+ | Curation Revolution |

Hubs vs. Stand Out Content
Fascinating conversations with @ janlgordon@Guillaume Decugis& "Content Shock" author blogger Mark Schaefer helped create this conversation about Hubs vs. Stand Out Content with @Mark Traphagen.

As we attempt to understand and plan for the future of #SEO and #contentmarketing these conversations becoming increasingly important.

Lori Wilk's curator insight, January 28, 2014 3:16 PM

Great to hear what's being said on issues of content creation vs content curation and we'll get the see what worked best when we tally up the results at the end of the year. I do agree that in many cases the writers are not getting paid enough to create the original content.It is easier to get more content delivered to more people, quickly, by having fewer original articles to create and more curated content to share. The curated content is already written and is waiting for more distribution. The original content takes more research, thinking, writing, editing, and then posting. It's a longer process to create new content and it costs more than curating existing content. The perfect combination of both content creation and content curation will be very lucrative for some platforms this year-we'll have to wait to see who figures it out the best and who makes the most money doing it.