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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
October 15, 2015 11:56 AM!

Brilliant Quiet Twitter Lists Prospecting Idea from @KDHungerford

Brilliant Quiet Twitter Lists Prospecting Idea from @KDHungerford | Curation Revolution |

Brilliant Twitter Lists Idea
I'm blessed with brilliant friends. Earlier I shared my friend and Startup Factory founder Chris Heivly's new book. Build the Fort is a startups must read.

A few days ago another friend, @Kelly Hungerford, including my @Scenttrail twitter handle in a list. Twitter lists may be the coolest tool no on uses I know, but Kelly's use of the list to include me in something NEW was beyond brilliant. 

Granted Kelly is a "trusted source" for me. Whatever she says I should look at, review, write about and share there is a close to 100% chance I will. Kelly's use of an ignored tool should work "cold" too. By placing someone on a list you tweak their curiosity in a way almost guaranteed to get a click and a review. 

Compare the subtle grace of including people you want on your "beta" list to spamming emails sure to be ignored. Kelly's approach is graceful and such a tease I bet the approach generates a higher level of conversion and advocacy than spammy pitches. 

When you add someone's Twitter to a list they receive a notification with a link to your list. Here is a list I just created following Kelly's lead: 

When people subscribe to the list in response to your added them following up with an email or call doesn't feel spammy. The person is part of your tribe. Even better is PEOPLE YOU DON'T KNOW but who may like to be part of your beta (or whatever) will signal their desire to join by subscribing to the list. 

WOW, now you get to have a WARM call or email conversation with someone who may invest, contribute content or become an advocate for your idea, startup or campaign. TOO GOOD. 

The future of social media is about just such brilliant applications. Many don't have lists. I've always been a big believer in lists, but seeing how brilliantly Kelly used Twitter Lists create a new dimension of awe and respect (for lists and Kelly :). Marty 


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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
July 31, 2014 10:05 AM!

SurveyReviews Cool New Must Steal Social Media Idea via @CourtyardHotels

SurveyReviews Cool New Must Steal Social Media Idea via @CourtyardHotels | Curation Revolution |

Steal This Survey To Post Idea
Had a great stay at the Courtyard by Marriott in downtown Charlotte during the Search Exchange conference. I NEVER fill out surveys since who has the time, but the service was so good I wanted to share that information with Marriott.

I broke my rule and completed a survey that was at least 2 pages too long. Started out looking all Net Promoter and then just went on too long. Glad I hung with it because if I'd bailed I wouldn't have seen one of the coolest ideas - use surveys to create web reviews.

The last page asked me to write a review TO GO TO THE COURTYARD WEBSITE. Now that is BRILLIANT. Bet they are smart enough to create a new webpage with the 100 words I just shared too adding to page spread and aggregating reviews on their property.

Why am I so confident Courtyard is that good? Look at their 7,000 follows on 43K following number (15%). IMPRESSIVE. Most big brands think social is about THEM talking to you. That's why I created Social Its About the Conversation Stupid on Haiku Deck ( ).

Don't have to teach Courtyard by Marriott to listen. They are and the experience in their hotel was pretty amazing as a result. Now all they need is our startup Curagami ( ) to take their community to the next level of excellence in listening :). M

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
November 24, 2014 4:19 PM!

10 Social Marketing Lessons From Banksy via @Curagami

10 Social Marketing Lessons From Banksy via @Curagami | Curation Revolution |

Banksy, a grafitti artist, is a powerful social marketer. Banksy's art blew up New York teaching ten online marketing lessons for those wise enough to see including:

  1. Live By A Single Rule: If Your Content Is Generating Shares DO MORE.
  2. Other “Control Rules” Are Gone.
  3. Use existing distribution systems, but turn them upside down.
  4. Create EVENTS and content people will CHASE and SHARE.
  5. Get THEM to do YOUR work for YOU.
  6. Keep some secrets as long as possible.
  7. Whatever happens is all good as long as Rule #1 still applies.
  8. Use the Internet and social media to amplify content & events.
  9. Define deadlines because deadlines heighten the web’s amplification.
  10. Rinse & Repeat

Are people racing around NYC to see your latest work? If no then steal some social marketing tips from one of the world's best - Banksy.

Irina Mk's curator insight, November 25, 2014 5:16 AM

Le Marketing social selon Banksy... Règle 6 : garder des secrets le plus longtemps possible. La règle la plus importante ? Peut-être car nous avons tendance à vouloir "tout" dévoiler sur le web participatif. Mais gardons un peu de mystère.... Le mystère attire et attise la curiosité.