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Scooped by Philippe J DEWOST
May 1, 2014 5:46 AM!

Facebook Figured Out How To Completely Take Over Your Phone

Facebook Figured Out How To Completely Take Over Your Phone | cross pond high tech |

Last year, it took a shot at creating its own pseudo mobile operating system with Facebook Home, an Android app that replaced your home screen with a pretty stream of photos and updates from your Facebook feed. It was a dud.

Then there were the series of separate mobile apps like Poke, Camera, and Paper that have largely failed to resonate with people. Most seem to be happy with the regular Facebook app, Instagram, and Facebook Messenger.


But at today's F8 developers conference, Facebook unveiled some new tools that will give Facebook a deeper level of control over your phone, no matter what kind of device you use.


The most important one is called App Link, a tool that developers can use to help their apps and websites talk to each other.

To use Facebook's example, imagine looking up a movie review on your phone on the mobile Rotten Tomatoes site. Well, what happens if you want to use the Fandango app to buy tickets to that movie? As things stand now, you'd have to close out your browser, launch the Fandango app, and then search for the movie again. With App Link, the Rotten Tomatoes developers would be able to provide you with a link that lets you jump right into the movie's ticket page in the Fandango app. In theory, it's seamless.

That process is also called deep linking, and it's been a messy problem for app developers until now. Apple, Google, and Microsoft don't make it very easy for developers to use deep linking on their respective mobile operating systems. App Link is open for any developer to use, so over the next few months you can expect to see more and more of your apps start playing nicely with each other.

Philippe J DEWOST's insight:

What you offer often tells what you (want to) control.

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Scooped by Philippe J DEWOST
April 17, 2012 2:35 AM!

Context by MEX – mobile user experience

Context by MEX – mobile user experience | cross pond high tech |

The ability to understand user context is increasing continuously. New sensors and data points colour ever more detail into the picture of who a user is, what they’re doing and where they are interacting with digital services.

The way in which design responds to context, however, lags this new availability of contextual data points. This is due partly to the relative complexity of creating contextually responsive digital experiences and partly to a misconception among designers that users are willing to change their context in order to gain access to particular products. In reality, such life altering products are few and far between. Most experiences, and particularly those distributed across multiple digital touchpoints, can be made better by embracing contextually responsive principles.

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Scooped by Philippe J DEWOST
February 13, 2013 4:51 PM!

Tempo AI - Tempo Smart Calendar

Tempo AI - Tempo Smart Calendar | cross pond high tech |
Philippe J DEWOST's insight:

Context matters. Tempo AI finally rejuvenate a sleeping product category, who remembers webcalendar ?

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