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Scooped by Philippe J DEWOST
December 17, 2018 12:15 AM!

Apple reportedly developing custom cellular modem for iPhones in-house amid battle with Qualcomm

Apple reportedly developing custom cellular modem for iPhones in-house amid battle with Qualcomm | cross pond high tech |
Apple has been expanding its development and use of custom chips over the last few years. Last month we first heard that Apple was looking to poach employees from Qualcomm on its home turf of San Diego to potentially create custom radio chips. Today, a new report from The Information says that Apple is indeed …
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Scooped by Philippe J DEWOST
March 23, 2013 4:03 AM!

Can “Less than Moore” FDSOI provides better ROI for Mobile IC?

The goal for a chip maker supporting “Less Than Moore” is not to displace the Qualcomm or Samsung, following Moore’s law and getting back more than enough revenue to invest and develop IC ever more integrated, targeting smaller technology node, supporting the type of Roadmap you can see below. This roadmap from Samsung shows Discrete Application Processor and Baseband Processor paths, as well as in parallel a roadmap for cost sensitive systems with Integrated (Application + BB) processor.

Philippe J DEWOST's insight:


Interesting introduction to "Less Than Moore" approaches, that combine Price/Performance/Power optimization techniques with Time To Market constrains.

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