Corporate Rebels United
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Corporate Rebels United
Movement to unite corporate rebels worldwide to ensure that true change happens virally
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Scooped by Peter Vander Auwera
October 11, 2018 5:55 AM!

Making waves: hiring technicolour delivery teams in an ocean of banking grey –

Making waves: hiring technicolour delivery teams in an ocean of banking grey – | Corporate Rebels United |
When interviewing, ask people about your version of the ocean, not just ship-building.
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Scooped by Peter Vander Auwera
December 6, 2017 2:25 AM!

The Ugly Truth About The State Of The Workplace | Corporate Rebels

The Ugly Truth About The State Of The Workplace | Corporate Rebels | Corporate Rebels United |
In this blog post Corporate Rebels discuss the painful results of the research study that was performed by independent market research firm Markteffect.
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Scooped by Peter Vander Auwera
November 23, 2017 3:39 AM!

John Waters Doesn’t Need To Make Movies To Make Trouble

John Waters Doesn’t Need To Make Movies To Make Trouble | Corporate Rebels United |
The famed filmmaker, artist, and writer has a new album, a global spoken-word tour, and a bunch of jobs that don’t involve making films.
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Scooped by Peter Vander Auwera
November 4, 2017 2:40 AM!

Five Things I Learned from Master Investor, Chris Dixon

Five Things I Learned from Master Investor, Chris Dixon | Corporate Rebels United |
Some people leave a deep impact on everyone they meet. Philosopher, programmer and investor Chris Dixon was one of those folks for me. The funny thing is, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t know it. We met…
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Scooped by Peter Vander Auwera
April 15, 2017 1:58 AM!

The loneliness of a long distance innovation hero | BankNXT

The loneliness of a long distance innovation hero | BankNXT | Corporate Rebels United |
Leda Glyptis shares the travails of an imagined innovation hero, who battles through the drama of banking over three acts.
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Scooped by Peter Vander Auwera
March 2, 2017 1:22 AM!

7 Ways Managers Motivate And Demotivate Employees

7 Ways Managers Motivate And Demotivate Employees | Corporate Rebels United |
Few things are as costly and disruptive as managers who kill morale.
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Scooped by Peter Vander Auwera
February 9, 2017 3:39 AM!

Let’s stop calling them ‘soft skills’ – It’s Your Turn

Let’s stop calling them ‘soft skills’ – It’s Your Turn | Corporate Rebels United |
It’s generally understood that Ty Cobb was a jerk. His teammates didn’t like him very much. But he’s still in the Hall of Fame. That’s because baseball keeps score… of hits, of runs and of catches…
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Scooped by Peter Vander Auwera
January 30, 2017 5:36 AM!

Yammer collaboration helps Sanofi Pasteur improve quality, make more life-saving vaccines

Yammer collaboration helps Sanofi Pasteur improve quality, make more life-saving vaccines | Corporate Rebels United |
Microsoft customer stories. See how Microsoft tools help companies run their business.
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Scooped by Peter Vander Auwera
December 31, 2016 6:35 AM!

2017: Workers' Revolt in Sight?

2017: Workers' Revolt in Sight? | Corporate Rebels United |
How will organizations evolve in 2017? Will we see a slow, gentle evolution
towards more collaboration? Or could change be more radical and brutal?
Brexit, Trump... what happened in 2016 in the political arena could very
well impact business organizations too.
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Scooped by Peter Vander Auwera
December 9, 2016 1:09 AM!

Bureaucracy’s $3 Trillion Price Tag | Management Innovation eXchange

Bureaucracy’s $3 Trillion Price Tag | Management Innovation eXchange | Corporate Rebels United |
What’s the least efficient activity in your organization? What sort of work delivers the least value per dollar? We think it’s management and administration.
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Scooped by Peter Vander Auwera
November 25, 2016 3:26 AM!

5 Mistakes Employees Make When Challenging the Status Quo

Advice for work rebels.
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Scooped by Peter Vander Auwera
November 1, 2016 12:39 PM!

Petervan Productions: when my edge becomes the core

Petervan Productions: when my edge becomes the core | Corporate Rebels United |
Hello Tribe, This is a post to share that I’m taking an extended sabbatical from Innotribe and Swift after some of the most amazing years of my career so far. It has been such an exciting journey working with many of you creating and enabling Innotribe to grow. Thank you for letting me being part…
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Scooped by Peter Vander Auwera
October 27, 2016 5:12 AM!

Why Top Executives Do Not Get Innovation – and What to Do About It | Innovation Management

Why Top Executives Do Not Get Innovation – and What to Do About It | Innovation Management | Corporate Rebels United |
Many leaders of corporate innovation efforts struggle to get the support they need from executives higher up in the organization. Top executives can be skilled
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Scooped by Peter Vander Auwera
December 17, 2017 7:56 AM!

An Update From The Writer's Cave | Corporate Rebels

An Update From The Writer's Cave | Corporate Rebels | Corporate Rebels United |
Here is the first update from the Corporate Rebels writer's cave. We discuss which progress we have made over the last months and what ahead.
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Scooped by Peter Vander Auwera
November 27, 2017 3:24 AM!

Leading to Become Obsolete

The core value of Haier is self-negation
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Scooped by Peter Vander Auwera
November 16, 2017 2:24 AM!

Using quality as a lever for transformation - Céline Schillinger, Sanofi

Using quality as a lever for transformation - Céline Schillinger, Sanofi | Corporate Rebels United |
Using quality as a lever for transformation - growing modern leadership skills, taking advantage of digital and social technologies.
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Scooped by Peter Vander Auwera
September 11, 2017 2:24 AM!

Leadership on the Shop Floor

Leadership on the Shop Floor | Corporate Rebels United |
Is shop floor the blind spot of leadership? For so much management and
control, very little people-centered leadership seems to happen there.
That's why I got so interested in my colleague Bill Murray's experiment.
His team's success shows that leadership is not only possible on the
manufacturing shop floor, but that it delivers exceptional results. I asked
Bill to explain why and how. 
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Scooped by Peter Vander Auwera
March 7, 2017 1:10 AM!

Corporate Innovation Challenges: Culture, Budgets, and “Frozen” Management

Corporate Innovation Challenges: Culture, Budgets, and “Frozen” Management | Corporate Rebels United |
Corporate innovation leaders face many challenges when attempting to get innovation programs off the ground. Peter Schwarzenbauer, chairman of BMW (a Crowd Companies member), is quoted saying,…
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Scooped by Peter Vander Auwera
February 27, 2017 3:33 AM!

Are you solving the right problem? | Rebels at Work

Are you solving the right problem? | Rebels at Work | Corporate Rebels United |
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Scooped by Peter Vander Auwera
February 2, 2017 3:45 AM!

The challenge of thinking for yourself in work - Hack And Craft News

The challenge of thinking for yourself in work - Hack And Craft News | Corporate Rebels United |
Do you ever stop to consider what it meant to think openly? Wasn’t that your basic education at school and what your parents told you to do? Whatever happened to that? The question is important because today, more than ever, we are urged to be creative in our jobs. If you cannot think openly, how can you be creative? Introducing the open-thinking movement!
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Scooped by Peter Vander Auwera
January 13, 2017 11:25 AM!

Can we have a voice in the corporate world? - The Future of Work is Human

Can we have a voice in the corporate world? - The Future of Work is Human | Corporate Rebels United |
By Céline Schillinger, Head, Quality Innovation & Engagement, Sanofi Pasteur.
Not everyone wants to speak at work. Most people in fact, stay silent. Of course, they don’t necessarily see it this way — they’re busy working, meeting co-workers, suppliers and clients, delivering on projects. Naturally, these activities require them to talk. But what about speaking up? Speaking their mind about processes that aren’t fit for purpose, that are hindrance rather than help?  » Read more about: Can we have a voice in the corporate world?  »
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Scooped by Peter Vander Auwera
December 31, 2016 6:34 AM!

2017: Workers' Revolt in Sight?

2017: Workers' Revolt in Sight? | Corporate Rebels United |
How will organizations evolve in 2017? Will we see a slow, gentle evolution
towards more collaboration? Or could change be more radical and brutal?
Brexit, Trump... what happened in 2016 in the political arena could very
well impact business organizations too.
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Scooped by Peter Vander Auwera
December 3, 2016 2:07 AM!

My 16 months of digital transformation in Australia

My 16 months of digital transformation in Australia | Corporate Rebels United |
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Scooped by Peter Vander Auwera
November 25, 2016 1:43 AM!

Create Purposeful Experiences: The Key to 21st Century Leadership and Organizations

Create Purposeful Experiences: The Key to 21st Century Leadership and Organizations | Corporate Rebels United |

Transformational stories of/for change makers. Your servant is one of the 21 stories. Great book by Ayelet Baron​

It is time to lead with our humanity, as leading with structure is no longer sufficient in a world that is shifting towards the value of experiences over things. Every great business idea is born…

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Scooped by Peter Vander Auwera
October 30, 2016 3:14 AM!

‘Failure and innovation are inseparable twins’: Amazon founder Jeff Bezos offers 7 leadership principles

‘Failure and innovation are inseparable twins’: Amazon founder Jeff Bezos offers 7 leadership principles | Corporate Rebels United |
You don't choose your passions; your passions choose you. Be stubborn on your vision, but flexible on details. Failure is necessary for invention. Take pri
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