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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
February 12, 2015 10:01 AM!

Music Lover & Gear Ambassador Review Contest via @Moon_Audio

Music Lover & Gear Ambassador Review Contest via @Moon_Audio | Must Play |

Love Music? Audio Gear?
Friends at Moon Audio ( are looking for people who love music and the amazing emerging technology changing the way we hear to write reviews to share their love. Reviewers become "Official Moon Audio Ambassador / Reviewers" and get to audition gear I can't afford (lol).

Moon's Reviewer Contest illustrates a favorite strategy associated with the "New Ecommerce" - ASK. The new ecommerce is about building sustainable online communities in a social / mobile / connected time. Building sustainable community means listen more than you talk and ASKING for help.

Moon is lucky. Music and technology lovers love to share. Moon is not alone. No matter what industry you are in there are Ambassadors wiling to help...if you ask. Why? Marketing guru Faith Popcorn said it best:

"People don't BUY brands, they JOIN them".

If you love music and the cool gear we use to make it sound amazing you need to "audition" to become a  Moon Audio's Reviewer. Here is where you can find out more and enter the contest:

Deadline is March 15th, but I wouldn't wait until the last minute rush. If my friends at Moon Audio love your review you might be audition equipment tomorrow :). Marty

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
March 1, 2014 3:50 AM!

Is Google+ The Ultimate Game? A: Yes

Is Google+ The Ultimate Game? A: Yes | Must Play |
Business 2 Community How to Effectively Incorporate Google+ Into Your Brand's Content Strategy Business 2 Community Last year, the integration of Google Plus with YouTube (forcing YouTube users to have a Google Plus account) artificially added...
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Great tips here for using the most disruptive tools out there to create disruption in your biz vertical.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
May 22, 2013 9:17 AM!

Brands Take Note, Mobile Games RULE: Creating HTML5 Mobile Games With A Serious Approach

Brands Take Note, Mobile Games RULE: Creating HTML5 Mobile Games With A Serious Approach | Must Play |
Using HTML5 for dynamic educational games: HTML5 developer Przemyslaw Szczepaniak considers the possibilities ...
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Mobile Devices As Game Consoles
More evidence smart phones are really game consoles. I agree with Gamasutra's central idea - creating games should be serious fun. As we create mobile games we should embrace the OTHER side of the phone such as:

* GPS.

* Always ON.

* Always NEAR.

* Almost always logged in. 

These conditions are UNIQUE to phones and mobile devices. An XBox has an "Event Horizon" where everything STOPS for game play to start or resume. The phone's "Event Horizon" is almost infinite since phones are left ON and we stay logged in. 

These unique to mobile devices conditions CAN BE incorporated into game play. Like long distance chess our phones are capable of remembering our and our opponents last moves AND locating us in space and time. 

What if I walk into a Starbucks and the Starbucks Game is in progress? I can join in, watch or learn from the game. If all brands are publishers now I would argue all brands are game creators too, even more specifically the coolest brands will become mobile game developers and use our phones and mobile devices as the game consoles they are becoming.  


alice joan's comment, May 24, 2013 9:13 AM
html becoming popular now
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
August 21, 2014 12:16 AM!

Snapchat Coming Soon: Brands, Commercials, Contests & Games - Fast Company

Snapchat Coming Soon: Brands, Commercials, Contests & Games - Fast Company | Must Play |
Fast Company
Coming Soon To Snapchat: Commercials
Fast Company
Social media-savvy brands like Taco Bell, McDonald's, and Heineken are already experimenting with Snapchat to hold contests and offer promotions.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

MUST get on the SnapChat wagon here soon. M

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
December 13, 2013 1:48 PM!

Why Badges Matter - Librarian Creates Site for Teachers to Earn Digital Badges

Why Badges Matter - Librarian Creates Site for Teachers to Earn Digital Badges | Must Play |
Even teachers need a little acknowledgment for learning new skills, according to library media specialist Laura Fleming.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Chaos Means Brands Matter, Brands Mean Badges Matter
As chaos, or the perception of chaos, increases we pattern seeking humans look for signposts, maps and ways out of the forest. Many say they despise social media badging with a, "Badges, we don't need no stinking badges," attitude.

Badges are meaningful icons, icons with a story of legitimacy behind them. Badges are earned, competed for and so cherished. This post shares how Librarian created badges to help define digital expertise among teachers.

When you learn something new you've worked hard. Everyone knows we are in the "constant learning" world. Luckily it is easier to learn new skills, but it can be hard to identify those new skills on your LinkedIn profile.

Badges like the ones Librarian created are great examples of how to create meaningful icons that help define personal branding and makes a conversation about who knows what easier and more universal.

So who needs some "stinking badges"? Chances are you do :). M

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