consumer psychology
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consumer psychology
Real-life consumer psychology – with a touch of technology
Curated by Leona Ungerer
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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
January 16, 2018 12:29 PM!

Seven things Amazon will be selling you by 2028 | Impact Lab 

Seven things Amazon will be selling you by 2028 | Impact Lab  | consumer psychology |

"Amazon has found its way into just about every part of people’s shopping lives. Once a fledgling online bookstore, the tech giant has changed retail as we know ..."

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
September 19, 2016 10:16 AM!

Why most cereal brands are discontinued within five years

Why most cereal brands are discontinued within five years | consumer psychology |

"There are more cereal varieties than ever before. But we're not buying them ..."

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
January 19, 2014 1:36 AM!

The smartphone has effectively replaced all the technology offered in this 1991 Radio Shack ad

The smartphone has effectively replaced all the technology offered in this 1991 Radio Shack ad | consumer psychology |

"Should a time traveler visiting from 1991 show up here in 2014 at Radio Shack clutching this ad showcasing calculators, devices to play music and other electronic gizmos and gadgets, we're sure the ..."


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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
January 24, 2017 5:04 AM!

Product design in the age of variety

Product design in the age of variety | consumer psychology |

"Consumers want more variety than ever before. This means product design needs to be rethought to avoid multiple and costly production lines ..."

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
December 16, 2015 5:42 AM!

Retailers can be smarter with music

Retailers can be smarter with music | consumer psychology |

"Retailers need to take a more considered approach to their choice of in-store music during the festive season as a significant proportion of shoppers feel strongly about this subject ..."


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