consumer psychology
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consumer psychology
Real-life consumer psychology – with a touch of technology
Curated by Leona Ungerer
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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
September 15, 2014 1:16 AM!

The twelve cognitive biases that prevent you from being rational

The twelve cognitive biases that prevent you from being rational | consumer psychology |

"The human brain is capable of 1016 processes per second, which makes it far more powerful than any computer currently in existence. But that doesn't mean our brains don't have major limitations ..."

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
August 21, 2013 2:09 AM!

Social Media Project Monitors Keywords to Prevent Suicide

Social Media Project Monitors Keywords to Prevent Suicide | consumer psychology |

"The opt-in Durkheim Project combines search technology with predictive analysis to estimate suicide risk based on a person's social media behavior..."


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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
February 8, 2014 12:30 AM!

Technology Must Prevent Texting While Driving, Say Doctors

Technology Must Prevent Texting While Driving, Say Doctors | consumer psychology |

"Note: DO NOT read this story on your cellphone while driving ..."


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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
June 4, 2013 1:23 AM!

A Simple Way to Reduce Suicides

A Simple Way to Reduce Suicides | consumer psychology |

"Changing the packaging of Tylenol can save thousands of lives each year..."


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