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consumer psychology
Real-life consumer psychology – with a touch of technology
Curated by Leona Ungerer
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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
October 26, 2023 5:29 AM!

Instagram sued over harm to young people's mental health

Instagram sued over harm to young people's mental health | consumer psychology |

"Meta, the parent company of Instagram and Facebook, is facing legal action from dozens of US states ..."

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
December 23, 2021 1:27 AM!

Five ways the metaverse could worsen the effects of social media

Five ways the metaverse could worsen the effects of social media | consumer psychology |

"Social media's fast growth has come with negative effects. Here are ways the metaverse could worsen these if it also takes a growth-first approach ..."

Scooped by Leona Ungerer
November 15, 2017 11:21 PM!

Social media fuels compulsive quest for validation |

Social media fuels compulsive quest for validation | | consumer psychology |

"I have a friend in graduate school who called me the other night because, she said, she felt like either the world was crazy or she was. As a part of her studies, she works with undergraduate students ..."


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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
May 23, 2016 12:34 AM!

How big tobacco lost its final fight for hearts, lungs and minds

How big tobacco lost its final fight for hearts, lungs and minds | consumer psychology |

"With a high court ruling spelling the end for cigarette branding in the UK, the industry has lost its last tool to entice young customers to take up the habit ..."

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
December 4, 2015 6:44 PM!

Inside tumblr’s teen shoplifting rings | watch | i-D

Inside tumblr’s teen shoplifting rings | watch | i-D | consumer psychology |

"A community of anonymous high schoolers is raiding malls across the country and blogging about it. Who are they? ..."

Leona Ungerer's insight:

The dark side of consumer psychology ...

Sarah Swiat's curator insight, December 13, 2015 2:27 PM

While a lot of teenagers have shoplifted at some point or another, these online communities are again controversial because they actually promote shoplifting. This brings up an interesting conversation of who is really being harmed here? Corporations? The teenagers themselves as they expose themselves to potentially becoming more criminal, going after bigger steals, and risking getting caught? I don't know if this is a millennial problem (every article blames something on being millennial), but I would feel concern that the teenagers could potentially ruin promising lives over stealing, especially those over 18. Maybe having sympathy with people who willingly engage in criminal activity is wrong, but it's important to note that as the middle class of America is shrinking, those living in poverty increase and that may have a profound effect on teens learning how to shoplift. Additionally, social media facilitates these desires. If you go to a relatively low-income school, you may not see many kids with expensive goods, but with social media you see many people putting out an "idealized" life with expensive clothes and accessories. This may encourage people to steal in order to fit in, and find communities that accept shoplifting as a hobby. 

Scooped by Leona Ungerer
June 14, 2015 6:27 AM!

Mobile banking addiction is now a thing - Money

Mobile banking addiction is now a thing - Money | consumer psychology |

"In one poll, nearly half of people who bank by phone admitted to checking their balances in the bathroom ..."


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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
February 20, 2014 10:21 AM!

Coca-Cola's Social Media Guard commercial (Video)

Coca-Cola's Social Media Guard commercial (Video) | consumer psychology |

"The Social Media Guard' is probably not a real product from the Coca-Cola Company, but this fake ad definitely offers an amusing solution to cure one's social media addiction ..."

Melissa Marshall's curator insight, February 20, 2014 8:04 PM

How do you stop a social media addiction? Here's a funny ad to make you think about how often you look down at your phone. Might be good to show students during a Life Skills or Digital Citizenship lesson. 

Scooped by Leona Ungerer
October 9, 2013 1:04 PM!

Why Do I Need 'Likes' To Feel Like I Exist?

Why Do I Need 'Likes' To Feel Like I Exist? | consumer psychology |

"Hi, my name is Elise, and I am an affirmation addict. I realize that I am a living human on the planet earth, no matter how many likes I get..."


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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
May 30, 2013 2:31 AM!

You can use your social media addiction to fuel a car - Digital Trends

You can use your social media addiction to fuel a car - Digital Trends | consumer psychology |

"Every single thing you do online can help the social media powered car get to its destination. You can follow Minddrive on Twitter and give the car five social watts of power..."


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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
February 23, 2022 5:20 AM!

Opinion | The sports gambling gold rush is on. Should we be concerned? - The New York Times

Opinion | The sports gambling gold rush is on. Should we be concerned? - The New York Times | consumer psychology |

"With sports gambling now legal for millions of Americans, some commentators worry that the number of addicts is set to surge ..."

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
April 12, 2018 6:58 AM!

Our addiction to selfies means big business for plastic surgeons 

Our addiction to selfies means big business for plastic surgeons  | consumer psychology |

"We now know people don’t have to be consciously aware that they are aroused for their reward system to highjack neural pathways. New research on addiction indicates social media “likes” and approval from others is changing the way we think and request plastic surgery. Welcome to 'Selfie Surgery'. ..."

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
September 17, 2017 12:08 PM!

How big business got Brazil hooked on junk food

How big business got Brazil hooked on junk food | consumer psychology |

"As growth slows in wealthy countries, Western food companies are aggressively expanding in developing nations, contributing to obesity and health problems ..."

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
March 20, 2016 2:07 AM!

The end of prescriptions as we know them in New York

The end of prescriptions as we know them in New York | consumer psychology |

"Starting on March 27, physicians in the state will have to write out prescriptions electronically, as part of an effort to reduce fraud and errors ..."


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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
November 9, 2015 4:35 AM!

Ten signs you're addicted to online shopping - Huffington Post

Ten signs you're addicted to online shopping - Huffington Post | consumer psychology |

"Online businesses nowadays always seem to know what we want and how to drive us toward their shopping carts, even when we are just on Facebook or browsing online ..."

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
May 10, 2014 3:04 AM!

For the love of being 'liked' - New York Times

For the love of being 'liked' - New York Times | consumer psychology |

"In February, the Thai government psychiatrist Dr. Panpimol Wipulakorn warned that young people who don't get approval on social media risk destabilizing society ..."

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
December 2, 2013 6:31 PM!

15 Signs You Are Hopelessly Addicted To Online Shopping - Huffington Post

15 Signs You Are Hopelessly Addicted To Online Shopping - Huffington Post | consumer psychology |

"The addiction many of us have to online shopping is a struggle, and the struggle is real..."


Kendra's curator insight, November 23, 2020 1:50 PM
This article goes into the depth of online shopping and the warning signs to look out for if you're on the track of being a shopaholic, or if you're already an addicted shopaholic. this article states that ecommerce sales racked up to be about $289 billion in 2012. I could not imagine what that number currently is in 2020 especially in the current epidemic.
Scooped by Leona Ungerer
June 30, 2013 1:52 AM!

Talking cigarette packs to encourage quitters - Scotsman

Talking cigarette packs to encourage quitters - Scotsman | consumer psychology |

"Smokers could soon be experiencing a new, unwelcome side effect to their unhealthy habit – hearing voices.

Scottish researchers have created talking cigarette packets which inform addicts of the risks of tobacco use in case they had missed the prominent health warnings and gory pictures which already adorn the products..."


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