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consumer psychology
Real-life consumer psychology – with a touch of technology
Curated by Leona Ungerer
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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
January 5, 2017 11:23 PM!

Ad of the Day: Audi zooms through the toy aisle, smashing gender norms along the way

Ad of the Day: Audi zooms through the toy aisle, smashing gender norms along the way | consumer psychology |

"At the start of Audi Spain's "The Doll That Chose to Drive," a row of Barbie-esque dolls in the pink section of a toy aisle apply makeup, perform ballet and push a baby stroller ..."

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
October 19, 2016 11:52 AM!

Ad of the day: Duracell's latest Star Wars ad spreads cheer in a children's hospital

Ad of the day: Duracell's latest Star Wars ad spreads cheer in a children's hospital | consumer psychology |

"A long time ago, in a hospital far, far away … Duracell returns to the Star Wars universe today, launching a holiday-themed tie-in to Rogue One: A Star Wars Story ahead of that film's release in December ..."

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
September 25, 2016 10:57 AM!

Ad of the Day: Oddball 'bragspeople' sing Pizza Hut's praises in first ads from Droga5

Ad of the Day: Oddball 'bragspeople' sing Pizza Hut's praises in first ads from Droga5 | consumer psychology |

"Pizza Hut has a lot to brag about, but it's way too humble to do so ..."

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
September 13, 2016 9:27 AM!

Ad of the Day: Volvo's ads are getting artful and cryptic, and maybe that's a good thing

Ad of the Day: Volvo's ads are getting artful and cryptic, and maybe that's a good thing | consumer psychology |

"A dark diner in Anywhere, USA. A writer chasing his invisible muse. A tree set aflame in the midst of a desert ..."

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
July 25, 2016 1:13 PM!

Ad of the Day: The origin story of running legend Usain Bolt, as told by Gatorade

Ad of the Day: The origin story of running legend Usain Bolt, as told by Gatorade | consumer psychology |

"We've learned a lot about Usain Bolt through advertising—that he broke the 100-meter world record in 9.58 seconds, hails from Jamaica, a former colony of England (at whose capital he's appeared, avenging his ancestors, as the Grim Reaper) ..." 

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
July 19, 2016 2:29 PM!

Ad of the Day: Heathrow airport crafts sweet first TV spot set to David Bowie song

Ad of the Day: Heathrow airport crafts sweet first TV spot set to David Bowie song | consumer psychology |

"This is the story of an adventurous little suitcase that heads to Heathrow Airport in London, makes it through security relatively unmolested and falls in step with another cute carryall on the same journey ..."

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
May 17, 2016 12:11 PM!

Ad of the Day: IBM's Watson talks love and loss with Bob Dylan in advertising's oddest pairing

Ad of the Day: IBM's Watson talks love and loss with Bob Dylan in advertising's oddest pairing | consumer psychology |

"Most of us know IBM's Watson as a threat to humanity's dominance of Jeopardy and the AI successor to a machine that similarly dethroned chessmaster Garry Kasparov ..."

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
September 5, 2015 10:41 AM!

Ad of the Day: This woman's heartbreaking makeup tutorials double as powerful PSAs

Ad of the Day: This woman's heartbreaking makeup tutorials double as powerful PSAs | consumer psychology |

"This isn't the kind of makeup tutorial you see every day ..."

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
July 6, 2015 1:12 PM!

Ad of the day: Coca-Cola's minimalist can promotes a world without labels

Ad of the day: Coca-Cola's minimalist can promotes a world without labels | consumer psychology |

"Coca-Cola has toyed with its packaging once again, this time to join the global movement for equality and tolerance—by removing its own label off its products to promote a world without labels and prejudices ..."

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
March 1, 2015 3:32 AM!

Ad of the Day: Facebook just made some of the truest ads ever about friendship

Ad of the Day: Facebook just made some of the truest ads ever about friendship | consumer psychology |

"Facebook, in its advertising, used to get all caught up in lofty and tortured metaphors for friendship. But its latest ads—gritty, immediate, powerfully evocative—show how far the social network has come in grounding its message in more relatable truths ..."

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
February 8, 2015 7:22 AM!

Ad of the Day: Android celebrates unlikely animal buddies in maybe the cutest spot ever

Ad of the Day: Android celebrates unlikely animal buddies in maybe the cutest spot ever | consumer psychology |

"Dogs and cats living together. Mass hysteria! The latest ad for Google's Android is hysterical, and adorable, as it features various pairings of different animal species playing and frolicking with each other ..."

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
May 24, 2014 2:37 AM!

Ad of the day: Turkish airlines lands one of the year's loveliest commercials

Ad of the day: Turkish airlines lands one of the year's loveliest commercials | consumer psychology |

"Turkish Airlines is known to the advertising world mostly for its goofy, fun-loving, insanely popular ads with Kobe Bryant and Lionel Messi ..."

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
April 19, 2014 2:56 AM!

Ad of the day: This Wonder Bread campaign is the greatest thing since … well, you know

Ad of the day: This Wonder Bread campaign is the greatest thing since … well, you know | consumer psychology |

"Wonder Bread takes its fair share of abuse, but this campaign from Canada is a lot of fun—appropriately light and fluffy, and more fulfilling than you might think ..."

Leona Ungerer's insight:

The use of movement to attract (and hold) consumers' attention and building on their cognitive processes.

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
December 18, 2016 12:33 PM!

Ad of the day: Kids act out Romeo and Juliet in Apple's charming new iPhone 7 spot

Ad of the day: Kids act out Romeo and Juliet in Apple's charming new iPhone 7 spot | consumer psychology |

"Wherefore art thou, iPhone 7? Here's a charmer for the digital scrapbook ..."

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
October 18, 2016 12:25 AM!

Ad of the day: This superb stop-motion film pleads heartbreakingly for wildlife conservation

Ad of the day: This superb stop-motion film pleads heartbreakingly for wildlife conservation | consumer psychology |

"There are things we just don't see—remote places under the sea, in the savannah or covered in snow, whose joys, dramas and tragedies we aren't privy to ..."

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
September 23, 2016 2:24 PM!

Ad of the Day: Pine-Sol is clueless, except when it comes to cleaning, in 19 fun pre-rolls

Ad of the Day: Pine-Sol is clueless, except when it comes to cleaning, in 19 fun pre-rolls | consumer psychology |

"Most folks won't be floored by these brief, humorous Pine-Sol vignettes. But that's probably OK with the venerable brand, which set out to display its versatility and show viewers that its grease- and stain-fighting action works on lots of household stuff, not just floors ..."

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
August 4, 2016 1:37 PM!

Ad of the Day: Whirlpool put washers and dryers in schools, with remarkable results

Ad of the Day: Whirlpool put washers and dryers in schools, with remarkable results | consumer psychology |

"Most of us take clean clothes for granted. But the sad truth is that some people simply can't afford to go around with spotless—or even unstained—attire every day ..."


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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
July 24, 2016 8:01 PM!

Ad of the Day: Samsung combines the world's anthems into one beautiful song for Rio 2016

Ad of the Day: Samsung combines the world's anthems into one beautiful song for Rio 2016 | consumer psychology |

"The world's national anthems come together to form a song of international unity in Samsung's latest Olympics spot. From Leo Burnett Chicago and Leo Burnett Sydney, the new TV and digital spot does more than just promote the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge ..."

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
July 18, 2016 6:16 PM!

Ad of the Day: Gillette's grand Olympic spot takes a dark look at athletes' sacrifices

Ad of the Day: Gillette's grand Olympic spot takes a dark look at athletes' sacrifices | consumer psychology |

"The athletes gathering next month in Rio may be dazzling spectacles of human achievement, but getting there took a lot of ugliness. A new Olympic ad from Gillette tackles a familiar angle on sports-themed marketing—the grueling road to greatness ..."

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
March 31, 2016 12:36 AM!

Ad of the day: This Porsche magazine ad brings the 911 to life as a floating hologram

Ad of the day: This Porsche magazine ad brings the 911 to life as a floating hologram | consumer psychology |

"Some advertisers have grown increasingly inventive with print media in recent years ..."

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
August 31, 2015 7:56 AM!

Ad of the Day: Agency invents GPS that switches to a child's voice around schools

Ad of the Day: Agency invents GPS that switches to a child's voice around schools | consumer psychology |

"Forsman & Bodenfors has found a clever way to insert a safety feature into GPS satellite navigation: Have the app switch to a child's voice near schools, day-care centers and other areas where children are likely to be present ..."

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
June 11, 2015 12:26 AM!

Ad of the day: HSBC travels 40 years in one remarkable elevator ride

Ad of the day: HSBC travels 40 years in one remarkable elevator ride | consumer psychology |

"Grey London does a top-flight job of capturing the intensely personal nature of running and growing a business in "Lift," a 90-second film for HSBC ..."

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
February 22, 2015 12:15 PM!

Ad of the Day: Comcast beautifully shows how a 7-year-old girl who is blind imagines the Wizard of Oz

Ad of the Day: Comcast beautifully shows how a 7-year-old girl who is blind imagines the Wizard of Oz | consumer psychology |

"Here's an ad that should be a show-stopper during the Oscars on Sunday night. The beautiful 60-second spot from Comcast tells the story of Emily, a 7-year-old girl who was born blind ..."

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
September 30, 2014 1:06 AM!

Ad of the Day: Starbucks cleverly advocates for meeting up instead of texting

Ad of the Day: Starbucks cleverly advocates for meeting up instead of texting | consumer psychology |

"Starbucks wants to help you with your communication problems. Just spend more time sitting in one of its shops talking to a real live person instead of text messaging ..."

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Scooped by Leona Ungerer
May 20, 2014 12:35 AM!

Ad of the Day: Classic film characters marvel over Samsung's curved TV

Ad of the Day: Classic film characters marvel over Samsung's curved TV | consumer psychology |

"It's one of the oldest, hoariest tricks in the book: using snippets of dialogue from films and TV shows out of context, so the characters appear to be surprised or impressed by something you're promoting—that cable movie marathon this weekend, or ..."

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