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Digital footprints follow us in concrete rather than in sand. What does yours say? Your Students?
Curated by GwynethJones
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Scooped by GwynethJones
June 15, 2017 11:44 AM!

Opinion | How to Keep Your College Admission Offer: Start With Digital Literacy

Opinion | How to Keep Your College Admission Offer: Start With Digital Literacy | Concrete_Digital_Footprints |
What students do and post online has real-life consequences. It’s on us to teach them that.
GwynethJones's insight:

GREAT Opinion Article by by @Luvvie


"But for your average teen, a quick class in the rules of online conduct could mean the difference between a youthful indiscretion kept private and a life derailed by immaturity that became public"

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Scooped by GwynethJones
May 14, 2016 6:27 PM!

Social Networking Nightmares

Social Networking Nightmares | Concrete_Digital_Footprints |

Click here to edit the content

GwynethJones's insight:

Interesting, Blast From the Past

From 2009

- Don't Drink & Tweet - or Better yet, Don't show yourself drinking on Social Media. What's the point, anyway?

Have fun, & keep your private life, private.


Things have NOT changed that much! In fact, only the social media outlets NAMES have changed!


Stoopid Choices & actions, really have not.

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Rescooped by GwynethJones from iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation)
December 6, 2015 1:05 PM!

Classroom Posters | Common Sense Media

Classroom Posters | Common Sense Media | Concrete_Digital_Footprints |
Common Sense Media improves the lives of kids and families by providing independent reviews, age ratings, & other information about all types of media.

Via Tom D'Amico (@TDOttawa)
GwynethJones's insight:

Super Cool! A litle Elem for me, but cool!

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Scooped by GwynethJones
April 17, 2015 8:02 AM!

To the Well-Intentioned but Ignorant Parents of Teenagers.

To the Well-Intentioned but Ignorant Parents of Teenagers. | Concrete_Digital_Footprints |
I've been mulling over this topic for quite some time, but this morning it became increasingly clear to me that I must say something. Folks, stranger danger is a real thing. And even more real toda...
GwynethJones's insight:

Very interesting post from a young teacher.
Great perspective and heartfelt.

What's even MORE fascinating are the comments!

Do we Trust but Verify?

Do we Block & Filter?

IS Life Filtered?

OR d o we teach ethics and keep an open line of communication with our kiddos about making the right choices both online and IRL?

IN REAL LIFE? See? Online IS real life. Even whilst gaming! I truly think that the kids most at risk for getting into trouble online are kiddos who are already "at rick" and are exhibiting troubling behavior. In which case, there are deeper issues.

"It's the choices... that we make that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities" - Professor Dumbledore

THAT is the issue, I think. Great post!  

EdTechSandyK's curator insight, April 17, 2015 8:14 AM

We can't individually keep up with everything kids are doing. Make sure you heed the advice of those who care (like this blogger) and most importantly, KEEP CONVERSING WITH YOUR CHILDREN AND INSTILLING YOUR FAMILY'S VALUES IN THEM EVERY DAY. Remind them that what is inappropriate in person is also inappropriate online. And try not to over-react when they do mess up. Look at it as a learning/growth opportunity for both of you.

Samantha Pena's curator insight, September 20, 2020 12:05 PM
This article discusses the good intentions of parents, trying to buy their children the latest and greatest in technology for personal and school use. However, these young students do not know the depths of online and computer use. Many young women fall prey to online predators, such as discussed in the article. Before giving their children devices and access to the internet, parents should discuss digital citizenship and safety to ensure their children are at least aware of the dangers and precautions to take.
Scooped by GwynethJones
December 28, 2014 12:17 PM!

Just an Analogue Girl Living in a Digital World: We Are No Longer Leaving Behind Footprints

Just an Analogue Girl Living in a Digital World: We Are No Longer Leaving Behind Footprints | Concrete_Digital_Footprints |
GwynethJones's insight:

This is just brilliant and it takes a few of my long held thoughts and ideas about "internet awareness" even farther - which is SO exciting!

by Nancy Sharoff or @nsharoff

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Scooped by GwynethJones
December 27, 2014 6:56 PM!

7 safety tips from hackers

7 safety tips from hackers | Concrete_Digital_Footprints |
Want to protect yourself from hackers? Take advice from hackers.
GwynethJones's insight:

Apparently 13,000 Amazon & Xbox users passwords and info were hacked today - reminding me it was time again to change ALL my passwords. Blog post to follow w/ tips!

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Rescooped by GwynethJones from iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation)
October 5, 2014 11:04 AM!

New This Graphic Shows How to Remove Embarrassing Photos from Social Media

Via Tom D'Amico (@TDOttawa)
GwynethJones's insight:

Great Infographic - share with students, parents, & community!

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Scooped by GwynethJones
September 11, 2014 1:18 PM!

Top 10 Things to Think About Before You Post — The MHMS Daring School Library Blog

Top 10 Things to Think About Before You Post — The MHMS Daring School Library Blog | Concrete_Digital_Footprints |
GwynethJones's insight:

Great video by Flocbulary to use with Digital Citizen classes!

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Rescooped by GwynethJones from Digital Literacy in the Library
August 16, 2014 10:50 AM!

Web Trolls Winning as Incivility Increases

Web Trolls Winning as Incivility Increases | Concrete_Digital_Footprints |
Emotionally abusive comments are becoming more common online, and the consequences could include scaring away from the web those subject to attacks.

Via Mary Reilley Clark
GwynethJones's insight:

A current exploration of hating online and negative trolling 

Mary Reilley Clark's curator insight, August 15, 2014 4:41 PM

This article would be great for a discussion about online.rights and responsibilities. Just because you can comment on everything online, should you? Can students come up with a civility code that they think we should adhere to online (or anywhere)? 

Lots to think about here.

Rescooped by GwynethJones from iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation)
August 13, 2014 10:25 PM!

Snapchat Is Now The #3 Social App Among Millennials | TechCrunch

Snapchat Is Now The #3 Social App Among Millennials | TechCrunch | Concrete_Digital_Footprints |
Snapchat is now the third most popular social app among millennials, according to a recent report by comScore which finds that Snapchat has 32.9% penetration..

Via Tom D'Amico (@TDOttawa)
GwynethJones's insight:

This is a must convo for Digital Citizenship

Susan Denise PortilloRoche's curator insight, August 13, 2014 9:35 AM

Learning about Snap Chap.

Leonard P. Miller's curator insight, August 13, 2014 3:15 PM

The Facebook lead is astounding. My students report is most often that FB is NOT their platform of choice!

Scooped by GwynethJones
June 8, 2014 11:56 AM!

5 Myths and Truths About Kids' Internet Safety

5 Myths and Truths About Kids' Internet Safety | Concrete_Digital_Footprints |
Advice from Common Sense Media editors. Help keep your kids' online experiences positive and productive by learning the truth (and ignoring the rumors) about what really makes them safe.
GwynethJones's insight:

We've moved beyond the myth or truth of the 48 year old pedophile trolling to groom children in chat rooms and Chris Matthews jumping out behind a kitchen pantry asking awkward questions.

I have discovered in the last 17 years teaching Internet Awareness (There is no safety, only aware) , Most children who are at risk online are already AT RISK offline.

These are some very good myths that NEED to be broken!

Kate JohnsonMcGregor's curator insight, June 9, 2014 9:06 AM

I have to agree with Gwyneth Jones in that, "there is no safety, only awareness" when teaching kids digital literacy. These are some great myths that need to be understood so that we can better equip our kids to navigate both the real and virtual world effectively.  

Rescooped by GwynethJones from InformationFluencyTransliteracyResearchTools
April 27, 2014 9:59 AM!

Part 1: Digital Citizenship Education... Over 20 Essential Resources

Part 1: Digital Citizenship Education... Over 20 Essential Resources | Concrete_Digital_Footprints |
Welcome to a series that examines the importance of facilitating digital citizenship with today's students. First, to ensure you do not miss one of these valuable posts or other resources covering ...

Via Glenda Morris, Joyce Valenza
GwynethJones's insight:

Always looking for quality free resources for this topic!

Bookmarking Librarian's curator insight, April 15, 2014 8:33 PM

Digital citizenship.

Joyce Valenza's curator insight, April 27, 2014 7:34 AM

Michael Gorman shares a wonderful list of annotated links.

Valerie Hill's curator insight, April 30, 2014 4:50 PM

Teaching digital citizenship has rapidly risen to the top of my priority list as a school librarian.

Rescooped by GwynethJones from Responsible Digital Citizenship
February 2, 2014 10:32 AM!

Gregory’s iPhone Contract

Gregory’s iPhone Contract | Concrete_Digital_Footprints |

Via mrhooker, EdTechSandyK
GwynethJones's insight:

This is just brilliant. Though gee, mom...Hot Damn?

Also, in our school you can bring your phone  and use it during transitions, lunch, & recess.

It's an evolving digital world out there - and yeah...rules need to be put down for the kiddos - every parent and school should negotiate those that are most resasonable - but I think we need to always keep TRUST at the center!

We Trust you to make good choices. Until you disapoint us - and then we will CRUSH YOU WITH PETTY RESTRICTIVE RULES!!! Muuwaaa.

Kidding. We need to be proactive and not reactive!

EdTechSandyK's curator insight, February 1, 2014 5:36 PM

Rules a mom gave her son when she gave him an iPhone for his birthday...

Rescooped by GwynethJones from Future Ready School Libraries
December 8, 2016 7:54 AM!

Fake News Recommendations - Media Literacy Clearinghouse

Fake News Recommendations - Media Literacy Clearinghouse | Concrete_Digital_Footprints |

Frank Baker writes: "From the various news stories and blog posts recently about “fake news,” I have culled the following recommendations and advice." 

Via Mary Reilley Clark, Bookmarking Librarian
GwynethJones's insight:

Teaching our kids to be savvy curators of information!

Mary Reilley Clark's curator insight, December 7, 2016 10:25 PM

A great summary from Frank of various strategies for analyzing online "news."

Martha Bongiorno's curator insight, December 8, 2016 8:59 AM
You can never have too many resources for this topic!
Vicki Hansen's curator insight, December 8, 2016 9:13 AM
Frank Baker provides lots of resources and insight into the many ways we can help our kids recognize fake news.
Rescooped by GwynethJones from Future Ready School Libraries
March 20, 2016 7:52 PM!

9 Rules For Digital Citizenship -

9 Rules For Digital Citizenship - | Concrete_Digital_Footprints |

Via Bookmarking Librarian
GwynethJones's insight:

Who doesn't like a cool infographic WITH

Teen kids and not ELEM kids!!!



Janet Campbell's curator insight, March 21, 2016 4:18 PM

Who doesn't like a cool infographic WITH

Teen kids and not ELEM kids!!!



Tracey Carayol's curator insight, March 23, 2016 11:16 PM

Who doesn't like a cool infographic WITH

Teen kids and not ELEM kids!!!



Rescooped by GwynethJones from Future Ready School Libraries
April 22, 2015 9:50 PM!

4 Global Digital Citizenship Myths—Debunked!

4 Global Digital Citizenship Myths—Debunked! | Concrete_Digital_Footprints |
Here are 4 distinct Global Digital Citizenship myths we've managed to debunk!

Via Bookmarking Librarian
GwynethJones's insight:

Great for a class convo! I would also talk about the word Civility!

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Scooped by GwynethJones
December 28, 2014 12:19 PM!

WEB2DNA - Convert your website into DNA art

WEB2DNA - Convert your website into DNA art | Concrete_Digital_Footprints |
Turn your website into DNA art.
GwynethJones's insight:

SO COOL! My Daring Librarian blog DNA is gorgeous!

This is a cool, engaging, and visual way to introduce this concept to students or teachers.

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Scooped by GwynethJones
December 27, 2014 7:07 PM!

Hackers release thousands of Amazon, Wal-Mart, X-Box and Play Station passwords; credit card data leaked

Hackers release thousands of Amazon, Wal-Mart, X-Box and Play Station passwords; credit card data leaked | Concrete_Digital_Footprints |
Hackers have released thousands of passwords and credit card information tied to popular sites such as Hulu, Amazon and Wal-Mart.
GwynethJones's insight:

My awesome assistant texted me this - just to make sure I heard about this latest breach! Time to change your passwords, friends!

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Scooped by GwynethJones
October 26, 2014 11:01 AM!

Internet posse on the heels of national parks 'art' vandal

Internet posse on the heels of national parks 'art' vandal | Concrete_Digital_Footprints |
Crowd-sourced crime fighting: What a concept.
GwynethJones's insight:

Crowd-sourced crime fighting: What a concept. - Discussion 

This angers me like nobody's business --- I HATE stories of historic, archeological, or natural vandalism!

But this article would be a great discussion starter about cime fighting via Instagram & Social Media via @MrsOrman

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Scooped by GwynethJones
September 21, 2014 12:58 PM!

The Daring Librarian: 10 Things to Think About Before You Post

The Daring Librarian: 10 Things to Think About Before You Post | Concrete_Digital_Footprints |
GwynethJones's insight:

My latest blog post featuring the AMAZING collaboration between my friends at @Flocabulary and the cool people at @CommonSense Media - ALL with LESSON IDEAS and teacher resources

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Rescooped by GwynethJones from Eclectic Technology
August 23, 2014 10:18 AM!

Great Back to School Activity for Digital Citizenship

Great Back to School Activity for Digital Citizenship | Concrete_Digital_Footprints |

"Like it or not, today's students are not just citizens. They are "digital" citizens. This means that educators need to spend time with students on ensuring they know how to be responsible online."

Via Beth Dichter
GwynethJones's insight:

SWEET! Must to share w/ my teachers!

Beth Dichter's curator insight, August 20, 2014 11:06 PM

In this post Lisa Neilson shares a great activity to help students learn more about digital citizenship.

There are five steps, which begin with the students thinking about their online reputation and coming up with a sentence that describes it in 140 characters or less.

* Students them would then go to Animoto and create a 30 second video using images that help illustrate their sentence (Steps 2 and 3 in the post).

* Videos would then be uploaded to Padlet.

*Have a movie screening so the students can see others work.

There is much more information in the post and I would urge you to check out the link to the New York City Department of Education Social -  Media page for additional resources.

Jennifer Crutchfield's curator insight, August 23, 2014 10:28 AM

So true that all educators need to do this thanks for sharing @GwenythJones

Rescooped by GwynethJones from Future Ready School Libraries
August 16, 2014 10:46 AM!

Digital Literacy resources for your classroom - Mark Anderson's Blog

Digital Literacy resources for your classroom - Mark Anderson's Blog | Concrete_Digital_Footprints |

Via Bookmarking Librarian
GwynethJones's insight:


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Scooped by GwynethJones
August 9, 2014 6:03 PM!

14-year-old Google Scientist: She makes trolls think twice before hitting 'send'

14-year-old Google Scientist: She makes trolls think twice before hitting 'send' | Concrete_Digital_Footprints |
14-year-old Trisha Prabhu plans to eventually major in neuroscience, but first she wants to solve cyberbullying. Selected as a global finalist for the Google Science Fair 2014, her Rethink project...
GwynethJones's insight:

LOVE this idea! LOVE that it's a girl, too! W00t! Girls for Science!

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Scooped by GwynethJones
June 7, 2014 10:51 AM!

Should Schools Teach Social Media Skills?

Should Schools Teach Social Media Skills? | Concrete_Digital_Footprints |
Taking selfies at funerals. Tagging pictures of teens drinking alcohol at parties. Kids (and adults for that matter) post a lot of silly stuff online -- and although most of it is chatter, some of what might seem harmless leads to tragic consequences. But is it the job of schools to teach kids the dos and don'ts of social media?
GwynethJones's insight:

Is it the job of schools to teach kids the dos and don’ts of social media?

Does it take a village to raise a digital kid?

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Scooped by GwynethJones
February 27, 2014 8:52 AM!

If You Think You're Anonymous Online, Think Again

If You Think You're Anonymous Online, Think Again | Concrete_Digital_Footprints |
In Dragnet Nation, Julia Angwin describes an oppressive blanket of electronic data surveillance. "There's a price you pay for living in the modern world," she says. "You have to share your data."
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