Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment
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Scooped by Sergio Ariño Blasco
September 9, 2014 2:56 PM!

interRAI - Contact Assessment

interRAI - Contact Assessment | Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment |
Sergio Ariño Blasco's insight:

El InterRAI CA, instrumento elegido para cumplir esta función, establece las bases de un lenguaje común para los y las profesionales de los sistemas de salud y de servicios sociales, facilitando y promoviendo su colaboración a la hora de prestar una atención integral a las personas con necesidades complejas.

Este instrumento, se convertiría así en la puerta de entrada a los servicios sociosanitarios, aportando el núcleo básico de información para la construcción de la historia sociosanitaria.

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Scooped by Sergio Ariño Blasco
September 5, 2014 9:02 AM!

Tau-Based Therapeutic Approaches for Alzheimer's Disease - A Mini-Review -

Tau-Based Therapeutic Approaches for Alzheimer's Disease - A Mini-Review - | Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment |
Sergio Ariño Blasco's insight:

Gerontology 2014, Vol. 60, No. 5 -

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Scooped by Sergio Ariño Blasco
September 4, 2014 5:52 PM!

American Geriatrics Society Feeding Tubes in Advanced Dementia Position Statement - 2014 - Journal of the American Geriatrics Society - Wiley Online Library

American Geriatrics Society Feeding Tubes in Advanced Dementia Position Statement - 2014 - Journal of the American Geriatrics Society - Wiley Online Library | Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment |
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Scooped by Sergio Ariño Blasco
August 13, 2014 4:32 AM!

Surgical decision-making for elders: GeriBoards, prehab, and other great ideas - Geripal

Surgical decision-making for elders: GeriBoards, prehab, and other great ideas - Geripal | Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment |
Surgical decision-making for elders: GeriBoards, prehab, and other great ideas
Emily is designing a new "prehab" clinic for frail older adults undergoing elective surgery.
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Scooped by Sergio Ariño Blasco
August 8, 2014 9:51 AM!

Prevención y Control de la Infección en Atencion Geriátrica Residencial y Comunitaria.

Prevención y Control de la Infección en Atencion Geriátrica  Residencial y Comunitaria. | Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment |


By The National Health  and Medical Research Council

Australian Government

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Scooped by Sergio Ariño Blasco
August 2, 2014 3:01 PM!

Chronic kidney disease: refining diagnosis and management : The Lancet

Chronic kidney disease: refining diagnosis and management : The Lancet | Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment |
Chronic kidney disease: refining diagnosis and management. By - The Lancet
Sergio Ariño Blasco's insight:

Profundizando en el articulo de la REGG, comentado hace unos días, sobre insuficiencia renal / filtrado glomerular. 


NICE clinical guideline 182 


Kidney disease early identification and management of chronic kidney disease in adults in primary and secondary care

Issued: July 2014



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Scooped by Sergio Ariño Blasco
August 2, 2014 3:08 AM!

International Society of Geriatric Oncology Consensus on Geriatric Assessment in Older Patients With Cancer

“RT @BreastDocUK: Intn’l Consensus that we should do comprehensive geriatric assessment in cancer. No consensus how.”
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Scooped by Sergio Ariño Blasco
July 20, 2014 6:18 PM!

Assessment tools for determining appropriateness of admission to acute care of persons transferred from long-term care facilities: a systematic review

Assessment tools for determining appropriateness of admission to acute care of persons transferred from long-term care facilities: a systematic review | Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment |
Residents of long-term care facilities have a high risk of acute care admission. Estimates of the frequency of inappropriate transfers vary substantially throughout the studies and various assessment tools have been used. The purpose of this study is to systematically review and describe the internationally existing assessment tools used for determining appropriateness of hospital admissions among long-term care residents.
Sergio Ariño Blasco's insight:

No disponemos todavía de una herramienta adecuada...

Further research is needed to develop a tool that is evidence-based, comprehensive and generalizable to different regions or countries in order to assess the appropriateness of hospital admissions among long-term care residents.

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Scooped by Sergio Ariño Blasco
July 17, 2014 3:35 PM!

Palliative care: more than one chance to get it right : The Lancet

Palliative care: more than one chance to get it right : The Lancet | Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment |
Palliative care: more than one chance to get it right. By - The Lancet
Sergio Ariño Blasco's insight:

Mas cuidado menos vias clinicas   AND one chance to get t right

“To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always”


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Scooped by Sergio Ariño Blasco
July 15, 2014 6:02 PM!

Predictors of emergency room visits or acute hospital admissions in Palliative Home Care Clients

Predictors of emergency room visits or acute hospital admissions in Palliative Home Care Clients | Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment |

Hospitals are considered a setting ill-prepared for end of life issues; therefore, use of such acute care services has to be considered an indicator of poor quality end of life care. This study examines predictors of ERVH prior to death among HPC home care clients. 

Methods: A retrospective cohort study of a sample of 764 HPC home care clients who received services from a community care access centre (CCAC) in southern Ontario, Canada.

All clients were assessed using the Resident Assessment Instrument for Palliative Care (interRAI PC) as part of normal clinical practice between April 2008 and July 2010. The Andersen-Newman framework for health service utilization was used as a conceptual model for the basis of this study.

Logistic regression and Cox regression analyses were carried out to identify predictors of ERVH. 

Results: Half of the HPC clients had at least one or more ERVH (n = 399, 52.2%). Wish to die at home (OR = 0.54) and advanced care directives (OR = 0.39) were protective against ERVH.

Unstable health (OR = 0.70) was also associated with reduced probability, while infections such as prior urinary tract infections (OR = 2.54) increased the likelihood of ERVH. Clients with increased use of formal services had reduced probability of ERVH (OR = 0.55). 

Conclusions: Findings of this study suggest that predisposing characteristics are nearly as important as need variables in determining ERVH among HPC clients, which challenges the assumption that need variables are the most important determinants of ERVH.

Ongoing assessment of HPC clients is essential in reducing ERVH, as reassessments at specified intervals will allow care and service plans to be adjusted with clients'changing health needs and end of life preferences.

Sergio Ariño Blasco's insight:

Author: Lialoma Salam-WhiteJohn P HirdesJeffrey W PossJane Blums
Source: BMC Palliative Care 2014, 13:35

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Scooped by Sergio Ariño Blasco
June 26, 2014 7:01 AM!

interRAISpain - Lenguaje común para VGI

interRAISpain - Lenguaje común para VGI | Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment |

InterRAI es una red internacional de colaboración de investigadores multidisciplinares, de más de 26 paises, que tiene como propósito mejorar la atención sanitaria de las personas ancianas, frágiles o discapacitadas.


"Nuestro objetivo es promover  la atención sanitaria y la toma de decisiones basadas en la evidencia científica, a través de sistemas de registros de valoración que permitan la mejor calidad de la información".

Sergio Ariño Blasco's insight:

Nueva página web de interRAI España

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Scooped by Sergio Ariño Blasco
September 5, 2014 9:19 AM!

VitaminaD_persones_grans_2014. Essencial. Generalitat de Catalunya

VitaminaD_persones_grans_2014. Essencial. Generalitat de Catalunya | Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment |

No es recomana la vitamina D en persones grans en la comunitat per reduir el risc de caigudes, excepte en persones amb dèficit de vitamina D.

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Scooped by Sergio Ariño Blasco
September 4, 2014 5:55 PM!

National Osteoporosis Society Vitamin D Guideline Summary

National Osteoporosis Society Vitamin D Guideline Summary | Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment |
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Scooped by Sergio Ariño Blasco
August 13, 2014 4:32 AM!

Redesigning Surgical Decision Making for High-Risk Patients — NEJM

Redesigning Surgical Decision Making for High-Risk Patients — NEJM | Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment |
Perspective from The New England Journal of Medicine — Redesigning Surgical Decision Making for High-Risk Patients
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Scooped by Sergio Ariño Blasco
August 12, 2014 6:29 PM!

Terapia secuencial con medicamentos

Terapia secuencial con medicamentos | Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment |

Acceso a la monografía a través del siguiente link

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Scooped by Sergio Ariño Blasco
August 8, 2014 9:11 AM!

Update in Hospital Medicine: Evidence Published in 2013 Annals of Internal Medicine

Update in Hospital Medicine: Evidence Published in 2013 Annals of Internal Medicine | Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment |

Two studies look at the prevention and treatment ofClostridium difficile infection (CDI), and 4 address intensive care unit (ICU) topics related to transfusion thresholds in severe gastrointestinal bleeding, prone positioning in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), a drug cocktail for cardiac arrest, and the controversial practice of screening for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection. Three studies address optimum inpatient management of diabetes and exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and heart failure. Finally, because no hospital medicine year in review would be complete without a study on venous thromboembolism (VTE), we highlight a study that examined the merits of extended VTE prophylaxis with aspirin versus low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) in patients undergoing elective hip replacement

Sergio Ariño Blasco's insight:

Otra lectura obligada, la selección del Annals of Internal Medicine sobre los artículos más relevantes de MI publicados en el 2013, complementa el Update in Geriatrics presentado en Junio

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Scooped by Sergio Ariño Blasco
August 2, 2014 2:25 PM!

Comprehensive geriatric assessment on the UpToDate

Comprehensive geriatric assessment on the UpToDate | Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment |
Geriatric conditions such as functional impairment and dementia are common and frequently unrecognized or inadequately addressed in older adults. Identifying geriatric conditions by performing a geriatric assessment can help clinicians manage these c
Sergio Ariño Blasco's insight:

Artículo de acceso gratuito, última revisión Diciembre 2013, con los 6 steps, los programas más eficaces y los criterios de derivación a programas de Valoración Geriátrica Integral...


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Scooped by Sergio Ariño Blasco
July 29, 2014 4:12 PM!

Diferencias entre filtrado glomerular disminuido e insuficiencia renal: riesgos de asociar estos 2 conceptos en el anciano

Diferencias entre filtrado glomerular disminuido e insuficiencia renal: riesgos de asociar estos 2 conceptos en el anciano | Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment |


 Joaquín Álvarez Gregori , Juan F. Macías Núñez 


En la insuficiencia renal crónica, además de un FGe < 60 ml/min según recomendaciones de la National Kidney Foundation-Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (NFK-KDOQI)29 tienen que alterarse otras funciones. Por ello, el diagnostico de IRC utilizando el FGe < 60 ml/min como único criterio ha sido diana de muchas críticas desde su publicación, siendo la más reciente la de Shlipak et al. que pone en evidencia la imprecisión de definir IRC basados en el valor crítico de FGe ≤ 60 ml en la población general y en los mayores de 70 años en particular

Sergio Ariño Blasco's insight:

Una lectura necesaria!!

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Scooped by Sergio Ariño Blasco
July 20, 2014 6:01 PM!

Career choices for geriatric medicine: national surveys of graduates of 1974–2009 from all UK medical schools

Career choices for geriatric medicine: national surveys of graduates of 1974–2009 from all UK medical schools | Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment |

Age Ageing (2014) 43 (4): 535-541 first published onlineJanuary 14, 2014

Sergio Ariño Blasco's insight:

Vocación tardía pero con un esperanzador, aunque pequeño, incremento en los últimos años en el Reino Unido. 

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Scooped by Sergio Ariño Blasco
July 17, 2014 3:30 PM!

Telecare Collaborative Management of Chronic Pain

Telecare Collaborative Management of Chronic Pain | Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment |
Research from JAMA — Telecare Collaborative Management of Chronic Pain in Primary Care — A Randomized Clinical Trial


Telecare collaborative management increased the proportion of primary care patients with improved chronic musculoskeletal pain. This was accomplished by optimizing nonopioid analgesic medications using a stepped care algorithm and monitoring.

Sergio Ariño Blasco's insight:

Grupos de edad con una media de edad de 55 +/- 9  años. 

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Scooped by Sergio Ariño Blasco
July 13, 2014 4:21 PM!

Addressing the Growing Need for Geriatric Oncology - OncLive

Addressing the Growing Need for Geriatric Oncology - OncLive | Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment |
“OncLive Addressing the Growing Need for Geriatric Oncology OncLive Researchers at Thomas Jefferson University's Kimmel Cancer Center in Philadelphia have developed a model for establishing a comprehensive multidisciplinary geriatric oncology center...”
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Scooped by Sergio Ariño Blasco
June 22, 2014 2:24 PM!

Identifying Common Characteristics of Frailty Across Seven Scales - Theou - 2014 - Journal of the American Geriatrics Society - Wiley Online Library

Identifying Common Characteristics of Frailty Across Seven Scales - Theou - 2014 - Journal of the American Geriatrics Society - Wiley Online Library | Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment |
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