Complex Insight - Understanding our world
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Complex Insight  - Understanding our world
A few things the Symbol Research team are reading.  Complex Insight is curated by Phillip Trotter ( from Symbol Research
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Scooped by Phillip Trotter
December 17, 2012 5:17 PM!

The Strange Non-Referential Domain of Morphology | Urban Models + Spatial Complexity + Smart Cities

The Strange Non-Referential Domain of Morphology | Urban Models + Spatial Complexity + Smart Cities | Complex Insight  - Understanding our world |
Phillip Trotter's insight:

Self simularity,fractal and flow systems etc are often mentioned in the context urban evolution and landscape. However as this lovely post and commentary by Mike Batty highlights, there is often a disconnect between dfferent schools of urban planning, geography and their writings and  how they often fail to reference related development and research works in complex sysems, physics and mathematics as if they were totally unconnected works. Batty argues that thesea re really disffernt aspects of the same phenomena and that the phenomena themselves are part of a unifiable view. I hope he goes on to connect the dots in a future posts. worth reading and following.

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Suggested by Jed Fisher
December 2, 2012 12:07 PM!

Ordos: A Chinese City Constructed in the Fast Lane

Ordos: A Chinese City Constructed in the Fast Lane | Complex Insight  - Understanding our world |

China’s new city Ordos is regularly described as a “ghost town,” but the forces behind the city go beyond images of vacant towers. One of the fastest developing urban environments in China is the Ordos Municipality, located in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Established only ten years ago, Ordos has become a widely debated example of an economic and urban development that attempts to leapfrog the progressive stages of modernization. Although growth is largely fueled by local extractive industries, official municipal discourse portrays Ordos’s long-term development strategies as a model to be followed, not only in terms of economic growth. Ordos’s leaders also claim to embrace development in terms of better education, hygiene, social welfare, more ardent institutions for culture and innovation, and environmental sustainability. Despite these pronouncements, the international press has branded Ordos as evidence of China’s real estate bubble and a construction culture gone into overdrive. there appears to be more to the picture than the international press perspective. Click on the image or title to learn more.

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Scooped by Phillip Trotter
November 29, 2012 7:35 AM!

Shareable: Rural Coops Show the Way to Urban Job Growth

Shareable: Rural Coops Show the Way to Urban Job Growth | Complex Insight  - Understanding our world |

Rural Coops started out as necessities for powering rural communities. Can they show a way forward for urban economies?


"Rural electricity and telephone coops are one of the great sharing success stories in American history - largely due to coordination by the federal government. In 1934, only 11% of farmers had electricity compared to 90% in Europe. Private electric companies refused to serve many rural customers or price gouged them when they did. The Rural Electrification Administration (REA) was formed in 1935 to fix the problem by providing technical assistance and loans to electric cooperatives. Less than 20 years later, practically all farms had power due largely to electric coops."...

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Suggested by Jed Fisher
December 17, 2012 11:45 AM!

iPad App Provides Guide To Building The Perfect Sustainable City

iPad App Provides Guide To Building The Perfect Sustainable City | Complex Insight  - Understanding our world |
Inspired by the Harvard Graduate School of Design's book, Ecological Urbanism, published in 2010, the school commissioned Portland-based interactive studio...
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Scooped by Phillip Trotter
December 1, 2012 8:25 AM!

Stantec Is...: Bringing Urban Development Into Focus

Stantec Is...: Bringing Urban Development Into Focus | Complex Insight  - Understanding our world |

"As cities continue to grow, HOW we develop and accommodate growth within the existing urban areas becomes critically important."

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Scooped by Phillip Trotter
November 16, 2012 6:40 PM!

Getting Better

Getting Better | Complex Insight  - Understanding our world |

 Peter Jasperse posted a wonderful link to a brilliant dutch blog. Its gems like this that make you really appreciate google translate. Peter wrote: The leading urban planner Zef Hemel, publishes daily on his blog about the latest developments in his profession. Short, sharp and insightfull posts, all in Dutch but with the help of Google Translate still worth reading for the rest of the world. In this particular post he writes about the impact of technology on cities: how they become more local, while staying global. He stresses the importance of Open Data, the role of city governments as facilitators, but most of all the creativity of the urban dwellers. Very much worth reading. Click on the image or the title to learn more.

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