De la com : interne ou non #job#news
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De la com : interne ou non #job#news
De la com' interne mais pas que...
Curated by Fabrice
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Rescooped by Fabrice from Médias sociaux : Conseils, Astuces et stratégies
October 26, 2012 10:56 AM!

Guide Twitter pour les professionnels, Comment rechercher efficacement sur Twitter

Guide Twitter pour les professionnels, Comment rechercher efficacement sur Twitter | De la com : interne ou non #job#news |

Anne Diamantidis , consultante en marketing internet publie une présentation sur Twitter (30 pages, en pdf) intitulée : Utiliser Twitter pour accroître sa visibilité en ligne et gérer sa e-réputation. Ce dossier propose une découverte du service Twitter et de ses potentialités dans un but professionnel, plus spécifiquement dans les domaines de la communication et du marketing

Via Frédéric DEBAILLEUL, emmanuel chila
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Rescooped by Fabrice from Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
October 21, 2012 8:27 AM!

Twitter Lists Are Greater Than Media Lists | Voce

Twitter Lists Are Greater Than Media Lists | Voce | De la com : interne ou non #job#news |

What’s the value of a media list?

They provide access to email addresses and phone numbers of journalists and influencers who cover the industries our clients operate in. Media lists are a necessity for PR people, yes, but they’re largely glorified phone books. Stagnant spreadsheets filled with contact information. As soon as they’re created we’re immediately asking when the last time they’ve been updated was.

What I’ve realized over the course of the past few years is that a well kept Twitter list can be more valuable to a PR person than a well kept media list.

On a daily basis, what do you look at more often: Twitter or a media list? I’m going to go out on a wide limb two feet high and say, Twitter....

Via Jeff Domansky
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