Cities and buildings of Tomorrow
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Cities and buildings of Tomorrow
Living buildings for tomorrow’s cities
Curated by Saint-Gobain
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April 11, 2022 8:09 AM!

Features of the Future Sustainable City

Features of the Future Sustainable City | Cities and buildings of Tomorrow |

When one imagines a future city, we often tend to imagine a scene from some sci-fi movie wherein technology has the reins to the world, robots steer the economy and we completely rely on gadgets. While all this is a probability that might come true, the predominant concept that needs to be adopted in the future is of a smart yet sustainable city.

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March 2, 2021 5:30 AM!

Singapore is building a 42,000-home eco 'smart' city - CNN Style

Singapore is building a 42,000-home eco 'smart' city - CNN Style | Cities and buildings of Tomorrow |
With its centralized cooling, automated trash collection and car-free town center, could Singapore's new eco-town offer a roadmap for slashing the city-state's carbon emissions?
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July 21, 2020 11:17 AM!

Those net-zero building commitments are adding up | Greenbiz

Those net-zero building commitments are adding up | Greenbiz | Cities and buildings of Tomorrow |

These metrics show why commercial buildings have become an important focus for the World Green Building Council (WGBC). Its Advancing Net Zero buildings initiative aims to have every building produce net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. That’s every building on the planet.

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May 12, 2020 11:58 AM!

How Artificial Intelligence Will Shape Design by 2050

How Artificial Intelligence Will Shape Design by 2050 | Cities and buildings of Tomorrow |
By 2050, the effects of AI adoption will be widely felt across all aspects of our daily lives.
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January 27, 2020 3:24 AM!

5 Futuristic Smart Cities to Keep An Eye on Through the 2020s

5 Futuristic Smart Cities to Keep An Eye on Through the 2020s | Cities and buildings of Tomorrow |
Whether it's embedded sensors or autonomous robots, cities are going to get a whole lot smarter in the 2020s. But some super ambitious developments are leading the way by building whole new city developments built around the latest tech. Here are 5 such projects to keep an eye on.
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January 14, 2020 11:48 AM!

Greener, healthier, more sustainable: why cities of the future need more biodiversity

Greener, healthier, more sustainable: why cities of the future need more biodiversity | Cities and buildings of Tomorrow |
Cities around the world can improve the health of their residents – plants, animals and humans – by implementing programmes to boost biodiversity.
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November 26, 2019 6:13 AM!

7 Architectural Considerations that are Shaping Future Cities

7 Architectural Considerations that are Shaping Future Cities | Cities and buildings of Tomorrow |
The cities of the future are being designed today. Climate change, disruptive technologies, human behavior data are some of the considerations shaping them.
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November 12, 2019 10:28 AM!

Europe's largest green wall will be on Citicape House in London

Europe's largest green wall will be on Citicape House in London | Cities and buildings of Tomorrow |
Sheppard Robson has unveiled the mixed-use Citicape House in London that will have the "largest living wall in Europe" to help improve local air quality.
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August 28, 2019 4:38 AM!

This is what the future’s sustainable cities could look like

This is what the future’s sustainable cities could look like | Cities and buildings of Tomorrow |
A next-generation metropolis will need to serve people and nature, while letting ecology guide its development.
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March 15, 2019 8:58 AM!

Cities of the future: How developers are working to reverse the health and climate impacts of urban sprawl

A National Geographic special issue looks at the way we've built cities in the past and how we will reverse the effects on the climate and our own health in the future.
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July 9, 2018 9:50 AM!

Creating Green and Resilient Cities – with Women as Leaders | World Green Building Council

Creating Green and Resilient Cities – with Women as Leaders | World Green Building Council | Cities and buildings of Tomorrow |
In World Green Building Council's latest blog in the series for #Women's eNews, CEO Terri Wills and Asia Pacific Network Regional Head Joelle Chen 陈思敏 define what makes a green and resilient city - and which cities are leading the way on liveability. #resilientcity #sustainability
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February 20, 2018 4:00 AM!

Ville du futur : un retour à la terre ultra high-tech

Ville du futur : un retour à la terre ultra high-tech | Cities and buildings of Tomorrow |
Pour imaginer la ville du futur, il faut réconcilier l’irréconciliable : le respect de la nature et de la terre (low-tech) et une maîtrise des puissants outils informatiques et robotiques (high-tech)
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February 20, 2018 3:57 AM!

A quoi rassemblera l'architecture du futur? 

A quoi rassemblera l'architecture du futur?  | Cities and buildings of Tomorrow |

Quel sera le futur de la ville et de l'habitat ? Des architectes visionnaires comme David Fisher ou les Chinois de MAD ont déjà une idée, entre rêveries futuristes et union avec la nature...

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July 2, 2021 9:25 AM!

Dans « Le défi urbain », le président de Saint-Gobain réfléchit sur le futur des grandes villes

Dans « Le défi urbain », le président de Saint-Gobain réfléchit sur le futur des grandes villes | Cities and buildings of Tomorrow |
Dans Le défi urbain paru en mai 2021 aux éditions Odile Jacob, Pierre-André de Chalendar, président de Saint-Gobain, s’interroge sur un modèle qui n’a jamais été aussi fragile et demande à être repensé.
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September 7, 2020 5:12 AM!

How can we make cities more sustainable?

How can we make cities more sustainable? | Cities and buildings of Tomorrow |
Nearly 70% of the world’s population will live in cities by 2050. The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals highlight the need to ensure these cities are safe and sustainable for all.
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July 21, 2020 11:13 AM!

An investment opportunity for the coming decades: the environment

An investment opportunity for the coming decades: the environment | Cities and buildings of Tomorrow |

The issues raised by global warming and environmental questions more broadly require new technologies and sources of energy. The solutions are tied to the gravity of the current pandemic in the sense that there are many calls for the stimulus measures taken to support the economy to be directed at sustainable solutions.

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February 12, 2020 8:50 AM!

This is what the future’s sustainable cities could look like by 2050

This is what the future’s sustainable cities could look like by 2050 | Cities and buildings of Tomorrow |

By #2050 the world’s population is expected to reach 9.8 billion. Nearly 70 percent of this booming population—6.7 billion people— is projected to live in urban areas. National Geographic asked experts at the architectural and urban planning firm Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) how they would design a city of the future, educated by lessons of the past and anticipating challenges of the #future. 

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January 14, 2020 11:50 AM!

Towards the smart cities of 2025

Towards the smart cities of 2025 | Cities and buildings of Tomorrow |
From tech trends to behavioural shifts and new ways to make smart cities economically sustainable, Matthew James Bailey explores what the next five years could look like.
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December 12, 2019 10:21 AM!

L’Afrique, un continent propice au développement de smart cities

L’Afrique, un continent propice au développement de smart cities | Cities and buildings of Tomorrow |

Maisons connectées, technologies de pointe, gestion optimale des ressources… les villes de demain seront de plus en plus intelligentes, suivant la tendance de la révolution technologique au niveau mondial. En Afrique, ces villes intelligentes semblent rencontrer un franc succès auprès des dirigeants qui y voient une opportunité pour mieux relever le défi de l’explosion urbaine qu’enregistrera le continent au cours des prochaines années.

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November 26, 2019 6:12 AM!

How Data Will Fuel Smart Cities

How Data Will Fuel Smart Cities | Cities and buildings of Tomorrow |
Hudson Yards in New York and Sidewalk Labs’ project in Toronto are test cases that will radically change the way our cities work through the use of data and the Internet of Things.
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October 11, 2019 11:37 AM!

Smart vs Green Cities

Smart vs Green Cities | Cities and buildings of Tomorrow |

"A future in which our lives are surrounded by and intertwined with ecological infrastructure systems offers an antidote or balance to the future in which our lives are constantly monitored and informed by digital technologies."

Sarah Hinners, a landscape and urban ecologist focused on bridging the gap between academic research and real-world planning and design applications.

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May 7, 2019 10:46 AM!

How to Build Sustainable Megacities of the Future?

How to Build Sustainable Megacities of the Future? | Cities and buildings of Tomorrow |
By 2050, 66% of the world’s population will live in cities. With such figures, it is imperative for the city planners to consider sustainability as a critical parameter while planning the amenities of a megacity. Here are some of the simple yet innovative solutions that can help keep megacities sustainable.
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October 29, 2018 5:00 AM!

How India is building a sustainable city

How India is building a sustainable city | Cities and buildings of Tomorrow |
Amaravati, a new town in Andhra Pradesh, India, is transforming from farmland to urban utopia, with British architect Norman Foster's firm at the helm. Will it succeed?
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March 13, 2018 6:55 AM!

Here are 5 predictions for the future of our cities

Here are 5 predictions for the future of our cities | Cities and buildings of Tomorrow |
The next decades will see cities growing rapidly, forging powerful international partnerships and taking the lead in solving global problems. Here is why.
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February 20, 2018 3:58 AM!

Les villes du futur construites en bois ?

Les villes du futur construites en bois ? | Cities and buildings of Tomorrow |

Le bois est devenu un matériau très prisé par les architectes du monde. L'un des plus grands promoteurs japonais envisagent même de construire le plus haut gratte-ciel en bois du monde. Ce grand immeuble sera composé de 90% de bois et 10% d'acier.

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