Interventional Chronic Pain Management Treatments | Central Chiropractor | El Paso Chiropractor • 915-850-0900 | Chiropractic + Wellness |

Interventional pain management (IPM) is a special field of medicine that uses injections and small processes to help patients control their own chronic pain. Interventional pain management specialists are trained to diagnose and cure ailments, and their goal is to improve patients’ quality of life.


Pain control plays a big role in chronic pain since many forms of pain can’t be cured, so pain victims must find out how to live with and work around the pain. A pain management specialist can help them locate the pain relief that they need to work in the daily. The interventional treatments are part of a multi-disciplinary approach that might include use of medications, psychology, and therapy. Part of IPM is currently finding treatments that works best for your treatment or combination.