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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
October 1, 2014 10:39 AM!

How Links Can Kill Your Website via @Curagami

How Links Can Kill Your Website via @Curagami | BI Revolution |
Bad links can kill your website's hard-won authority, reputation & traffic. Use Google's disavow tool to protect your site's traffic from SEO bandits.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

This post shares two harrowing tales of "spam link attacks". One I experienced and, with my great team, fought our way out of one October several years ago. The other share happened recently (so still an issue). Learn how to protect your hard-won digital assets from spam link attacks.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
July 15, 2013 1:17 PM!

Google on Guest Blogging - Natural and Quality Is Key [Video]

Google on Guest Blogging - Natural and Quality Is Key [Video] | BI Revolution |
There's lots of buzz about Google and guest blogging for links lately. Should we be concerned? Read on to find out...
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Guest Posts - Be Careful of Spammers
Found this post confusing UNTIL I watched the video. 

Like anything guest blogging can be taken to extreme or done in a natural way with quality (great comment by Spook SEO on the video. 

I like guest posting as a form of BRANDING. I don't suggest or create guest posts for links. When a group in Texas conducted a social media study showing big brands don't respond well that was a guest post that reinforced Atlantic BT's core brand. 

Great Social Media Customer Service Race

I agreed to drive one link back to the author. The "author link:" shouldn't be "payment" as much as a way to follow and read other quality posts by that author. If we were going to do more than an occasional guest post I would develop writer profile pages and link to those (and probably no-follow the link since it just bleeds out Google-juice). 

When a "quality" writer writes for your blog they bring their tribe with them. I loved the examples in the video (as if LOL). The key information is if someone approaches you about writing a post be afraid, be very afraid UNLESS they are known for quality non-spammy writing. 

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