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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
October 1, 2014 10:39 AM!

How Links Can Kill Your Website via @Curagami

How Links Can Kill Your Website via @Curagami | BI Revolution |
Bad links can kill your website's hard-won authority, reputation & traffic. Use Google's disavow tool to protect your site's traffic from SEO bandits.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

This post shares two harrowing tales of "spam link attacks". One I experienced and, with my great team, fought our way out of one October several years ago. The other share happened recently (so still an issue). Learn how to protect your hard-won digital assets from spam link attacks.

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from SEO and Social Media Marketing
April 1, 2013 9:13 AM!

How Social Signals Affect SEO

How Social Signals Affect SEO | BI Revolution |

Do social signals really play a big role in SEO?  We know for certain that social media plays an essential role in increasing website traffic and creating awareness for your brand.


But can social signals also improve your rankings? Yes, they can.


Read more at:

Via Antonino Militello
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Use Social Signals or Drown
that was the choice Google faced. They could fight against the social tide or use it. Then Navneet Panda stepped up with his new machine code algorithm and Google could use social signals to see just how clean or dirty our rooms really are/were. 

Are social signals important to SEO? Absolutely. Is SEO still important to your ability to generate converting traffic? Absolutely.  

Recently I wrote Storytelling Is The New SEO (on Slideshare) because one of the secret implications of social signals being used so extensively by search engines is we must create content that engages and is shared.


Not all content is up to that task, or, more accurately, our execution of some types of content such as heavily lawyer influenced terms is not up to the task of being shared.

My advice is to ONLY have content on your website someone will want to share.  


Storytelling Is The New SEO  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
May 27, 2013 9:25 AM!

SEO: Do Top Listings Still Matter? A: Yes, No and Maybe

SEO: Do Top Listings Still Matter? A: Yes, No and Maybe | BI Revolution |
#Google Search - How Important Is It to Be on the Top? (Really, with the float, #1 isn't what it used to be since multiple websites could be #1 depending on the receiving computer.

Marty Note
Couple of important things to remember when looking at this infographic:

`1. Since the Google float* several websites can be presented as #1 depending on the RECEIVING IP.

2.Only way to know true absolute reference in SEO is use a tool like Mike's Keyword Checker (free) or SEOmoz (paid).

3. Match Mike's or SEOmoz with your Google Analytics to see the VALUE of being #1 (how much traffic your website received).

All of that said, I still fire Mike's at critical keywords to see where we stand. It is helpful to be able to trend especially not that "Not Providing" is climbing past 50% (Not Provided in GA is the growing group of people that visit your website signed into Google).

* Google Float - Google's index now "floats" based on the receiving device. You and I can type the same search at the same time and receive different results. This infographic, while helpful, speaks as if we exist in the old static Search Engine Result Pages days.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Top SEO Listings Yes, No & Maybe Because ...
The key to knowing IF a top listing matters and if you have one is NOT looking at the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) with your computer logged in since you will see SERPS manipulated to look like what Google thinks you want to see.

At the very LEAST log out. Logging out helps some, but your IP still has a shadow, so if you want to know the truth use a tool to know your position and then check your analytics to know how many times you were shown and how many searchers came to your website as a result of that key.

SO, Yes top listings matter. No they don't matter as much as they used too. Maybe they matter, but it depends on the term.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
November 6, 2012 7:28 AM!

A Brief History of Time and Social Signals In Google

A Brief History of Time and Social Signals In Google | BI Revolution |

Social signals are paving the way for the future of search, but just how much influence might they have on the SERPs?

Marty Note
The SERPs are something different than when I started this Internet marketing gig in 1998. If you are going to be an Internet marketer now with all of its implicaitons you must understand how social signals do and don't play in Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs).

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