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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from AtDotCom Social media
December 18, 2013 5:08 PM!

50 Content Marketing Predictions for 2014

Here is our annual piece - 50 Content Marketing Predictions for 2014. Produced by the Content Marketing Institute. See if the following predictions come true a

Via Mike Ellsworth, John van den Brink
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Working on a agree/ disagree list (iwth 50 trends creating the list is taking loneger thant I thought). 

Mike Ellsworth's curator insight, December 17, 2013 8:39 AM

Joe Pulizzi and the CMI present lots of interesting predictions about where content marketing is going in 2014. Get ready for a barrage of 2014 predictions . . .


Via @maxOz

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
July 16, 2013 2:54 PM!

CMI Content Marketing Benchmark Study 2013 B2B & B2C

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Content Marketing Institute Genius
You could build an entire content marketing world using @CMIContent's two amazing yearly Content Marketing Benchmark Studies.



Content Marketing World remains one of the best conferences I've ever attended and these two studies are masterworks that define a revolution - the content marketing revolution. 

I'm using both to write SpinSnip's business plan. SpinSnip is moving content from one dimension to another (spin and then snip). Content must flow in all directions at all times. Paid moves to earned and owned and so forth. 

We LACK the tools needed as content marketers to effectively know what content needs spinning and what should be snipped, so we are working on that. Working on a set of tools content marketers can use to know what content is achieving critical mass and why. 

SpinSnip is at the core of our crowdfunding work for too ( If you only use two pieces of content fo form your plans, not something I would recommend, these would be the two.  

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