In the first episode of Season 1 South of France, Benita and Marie go into the deep forests around the legendary Pic de Bugarach. What you find here is anything but everyday. Ancient stone formations suggest ancient civilizations. The trees you find here present themselves with mysterious beauty and at the same time carry a breathtaking secret.
La Magie des mantras, des pensées positives en-vers soi m'aime, la puissance du verbe dans son art cosmique...
C'est tout ça Elemantra : une guirlande de p'tits mots doux qui fait du bien à l'âme, au corps et à l'esprit, qui pose, qui pause... On se dépose ici, là, en Soi, en Amour pour ce qui est...
Enregistré devant le mont Bugarach, au Coeur de la Rose Harmonie Amour Douceur vers vous.... 🙂🎶🌈❤️ The Magix✨ #mountainview #bugarach #hautevalleedelaude #TheMagix #newband #fusionmusic #musictravel #love #guitar #voice #womenartists #loookaaofficial #chachaletoile #didgeridoo #handpan #piano #percussions #drums #drummer #nature #hippiestyle #livemusic #elemantra #tribal #shamanic Paroles : every day when you wake up you are free to begin a new life you can explore your options and discover many aspects of yourself use the power of your imagination to create what you want in your life your intuition will guide you to the people you should meet i’m always at the right place at the right time successfully engaged in the right activity i am whole and complete in myself i am energy But you, who do you think you are ? You… who do You think you are ? you are special part of the universe you are important you are magic you are such more that you think to be Oh oh oh oh l’univers est une corne d’abondance et chacun peut y puiser je suis abondance par nature même désormais je l’accepte j’accepte comme faisant parties de moi toutes mes émotions je ne suis qu’amour j’ai déjà en moi tout ce dont j'ai besoin j’ai tout ce qu'il faut pour être heureuse ici et maintenant je suis une source intarissable d'énergie créatrice je ne suis qu’amour je ressens la force de l’univers je ressens la part de divinité qui est en moi je suis divinement guidée, divinement protégée, et divinement guérie Umbaheya umbaheya Oh oh oh oh Umbaheya Umbaheya Umbaheya Umbaheya Ooooohhhhh my love, my bluebird, my sunshine, my rainbow Umbaheya Umbaheya je suis désolée je vous demande pardon je vous remercie je vous aime !
Syvain Durif, alias "le Christ cosmique", veut racheter un château pour y installer "le siège du Cosmos"
Sylvain Durif, également connu sous le nom du “Christ cosmique” a le projet d'acheter un château près de Grenoble. Un projet à 221 millions d'euros.
Sylvain Durif, aussi connu comme le “Christ cosmique, s'était fait connaître en 2012 comme figure emblématique de Bugarach, village audois qui aurait dû être le seul à échapper à la fin du monde. En 2017, le quinquagénaire avait également fait parler de lui en se déclarant candidat à la Présidentielle.
Aujourd'hui, Sylvain Durif souhaite se lancer dans un nouveau projet, comme le rapporte Le Dauphiné Libéré. Il souhaite acquérir Fort Queyras, un château près de Grenoble, afin d'y installer “le siège du Royaume de France, du monde et du Cosmos”.
“Le choix de Château Queyras m’a été indiqué par des signes et éléments de synchronicité”, explique-t-il ainsi à nos confrères.
Un projet pour lequel il propose 2 millions d’euros pour l’achat, 20 millions pour la restauration et un “investissement complémentaire de 200 millions d’euros” à terme.
L'actuel propriétaire du château ne semble cependant pas vraiment disposé à vendre son bien pour un tel projet. De son côté, le “Christ cosmique” assure qu'il participera à la prochaine audience d’enchères.
Fin de la taille des pierres lors de la reconstruction en août 1993
Ce magnifique petit pont à une arche en arc de cercle, situé sur la voie romaine reliant Rennes les bains à Bugarach se trouve entre Bugarach et le hameau de la Vialasse. Il permet de franchir les gorges de la Blanque, rivière qui descend du Pech de Bugarach. Il a été construit au début des gorges pour permettre un franchissement plus aisé quand la rivière se transforme en torrent et que les crues parfois importantes ne rendent le passage à guet dangereux voire impossible pour les troupeaux ou les chariots.
Malheureusement en septembre 1992, une crue exceptionnelle après un orage très important et violent, l'a emporté, détruisant ce joyau de l'époque gallo-romaine. Ne subsistaient alors que les culées de chaque côté. La Municipalité décidait de reconstruire à l'identique ce trésor patrimonial, et fit appel à des tailleurs de pierre "Compagnons du Devoir du Tour de France" et à la collaboration des villageois. Ainsi en Août 1993, après 2 mois de travaux, construction du berceau et taillage des pierres, le nouveau pont "romain" retrouvait sa place sur la Blanque.
A l'entrée du pont, une plaque de pierre gravée commémore la reconstruction de l'édifice et permet de connaitre le nom des huit tailleurs de pierre qui ont contribué à rendre à l'endroit son charme et permettre aux promeneurs de continuer d'admirer des points de vue superbes des gorges de la Blanque en aval du pont et du Pic de Bugarach en son amont et de franchir la rivière les pieds au sec.
There are some who believe in the extraterrestrial, and others who believe they can be rescued by it... like in the village of Bugarach.
In 2012 internet-fueled terror struck many people around the world of impending doom that the Mayans had long since foretold. It was clear that on 21 December 2012, the earth was about to reverse its rotation - hurling everyone into space, or that the planet, Nibiru, was about to collide with earth, or something else ridiculously apocalyptic.
Bugarach is a tiny (but beautiful village in the South of France in the Pyrennes close to the border with Spain. It is a place that has been unfortunate to have attracted New Agers and esoterics questing for its aliens and salvation.
Population: 234
Mountain: 1,230 Meters - 4,035 Feet
Coordinates: 42°52′41″N 2°21′07″E
A Page Out Of Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy
But for some of these terrified souls, they found solace in the knowledge that they could make it off the doomed celestial sphere and be rescued by aliens. It kinda reminds one of Douglas Adam's Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy:
"People of Earth, As you will no doubt be aware, the plans for development of the outlying regions of the Galaxy require the building of a hyperspatial express route through your star system, and regrettably your planet is one of those scheduled for demolition. The process will take slightly less than two of your Earth minutes."
Fortunately, the book's hero's, Author and Ford, managed to hitchhike and catch a lift on a space freighter and managed to flee the earth's demolition.
But while the absurdity and satire of Hitchhiker's Guide are enough to keep readers in stitches, it is crazy to think that some people actually thought and acted on the belief that something analogous to that was actually about to happen.
Why People Thought Pic de Bugarach Would Be Their Salvation
It started in the 1960s and 70s when the mountain by the village called Pic de Bugarach became popular with the hippie movement and the with New Agers later on. The mountain's unusual geology attracted them and soon they believed that the "upside-down mountain" had mystical powers.
Just like the famous witch scene from Monty Python's 1975 movie Holy Grail, the logic was sound.
Monty Python's Logic To Find Out If The Woman Was A Witch:
Statement: "There Are Ways Of Telling Whether She Is A Witch"
Question: "So, Why do witches burn?"
Answer: "Because they are made of wood"
Question: "Does Wood Sink In Water?"
Answer: "No It Floats"
Question: What Else Floats In Water?"
Answer: "A Duck"
Logical Conclusion: "So Logically If The Woman Weighs The Same As A Duck, She's Made of Wood, And Therefore A Witch!"
Here the logic may have been a bit more: the mountain has unusual geology, therefore it's upside down, which means that it has mystical powers, and that means that aliens are living in the mountain in their spacecraft, so logically the adjacent village would be spared by aliens from the impending 2012 apocalypse foretold by the Maya.
Belief: New Agers Though Aliens Where Chilling In The Mountain In Southern France
What Happened In 2012 At Bugarach
One can understand Douglas Adam's book about the world being a mental asylum when The Independent reported that up to 100,000 people may have been planning a trip there in a quest for salvation.
The mayor of the closest town (Bugarach) reported that over 20,000 visitors had arrived between January and July 2011 and believed many more would be flooding in as the apocalypse neared. He also reported that groups were taking part in strange rituals.
Government Fears: There Were Real Cultic Fears Of What Could Have Happened There
French Police: French Police Blocked Off The Mountain
Some individuals even bought land in the mountain planning to build bunkers there. In the end, the French police even blocked access to the mountain out of fear that some of the groups were planning a mass suicide. At one point the mayor was evening considering calling in the army to help out with this concern.
It may come as a surprise, but there is no recorded evidence that aliens ever did emerge from their cozy little hiding place in the South of France. Nor did they get a ride off this world. They didn't even manage to hitchhike on a Vogan space freighter.
Pic de Bugarach in Aude, France, is a place that effortlessly combines natural wonder and legends. Add to its history a heaping portion of serious scientific misunderstandings, flavor with rumors and imaginative speculation, then bake for centuries, and the result is a bizarre mashup of fact and fiction that satisfies in our modern spooky times.
There are so many sacred mountains around the world. Perhaps every significant peak has its own mythical origin story. Pic de Bugarach, ranks near the top. Its geological oddness was recognized early in the scientific community as one of the “Pyrenean Paradoxes”. But the copious number of metaphysical claims about this particular mountain is striking. To demonstrate the weirdness, I can’t do better than to quote from a horrendous website called Mary Magdalene France Tours. I leave the spelling and punctuation as in the original:
Pic De Bugarach is both an energetic and geological phenomenon. Geologists say Bugarach is a mountain built upside down. Thousands of years ago when the formations of the Pyrenees Mountains were arising out from the earth one particular peak arose and was toppled over in this cataclysmic transition. […] From an energetic perspective Pic De Bugarach is one of the special power centers of the world holding a dynamic presence for the planet. This relatively small mountain, standing less than 4,000 feet above sea level and a two and a half-hour walk to the top from its base, is a Stargate. A conduit for energies (and possibly life-forms) from other dimensions and realities to pass into the earth, as well as move out from a deep source within the planet. Those with extrasensory abilities, perceive an invisible cloud-like formation directly above the small dome shape peak, it is the entry point into something beyond the human/earth experience, something at such a higher vibration few humans can comprehend all of what it is. […] It appears Pic De Bugarach was designed through the thousands of years for this very function as it has an energetic presence (most likely due to the Stargate) with lay lines streaming out in a variety of directions. The early places of worship were built on the lay lines and later Catholic Churches and Chateaus constructed their temples on the same spots.
Bart Sharp
The writer then meanders into musing about earth chakras, but I will spare you any more of this “sciencey New Age” (or “Sewage”) prattle. This source hits upon most of the claims about the mountain that circulate in fiction (which some think are fact), in paranormal circles, and in modern media. The town of Bugarach itself even capitalized on the weirdness for their own means.
You don’t need extra-sensory ability to notice that the mountain above the sleepy commune-village of Bugarach has a certain presence. Its height at 1230m, while not towering, is enough to generate clouds that shroud the peak. Sources mentioned it is also called ”the crossroads of the four winds” and link it to Atlantis (of course). A few online sources give a magical origin to the peak saying (without reference) that the name is derived from the tale of two brave dwarfs (or children of Jupiter) called Bug and Arag who were granted a wish by the Gods. They wished for a mountain that would shelter the three regions of Roussillon, Corbieres, and Aude. More legitimate sources ignore that tale and opt for a more mundane naming of the village from a Roman settler.
The mountain has caves that are said to be “magical” or full of beautiful crystals. There are rumors of a river and lake under the mountain. There are also stories of old mines and burial crypts. The caves are linked to the colorful conspiratorial tales about Mary Magdalene, and even Jesus, escaping to France. The Cathars, a religious sect in opposition to the Catholics, supposedly hid sacred items in the area, including perhaps in these caves, and kept the location secret and protected. Pic de Bugarach is only about 20 miles from Rennes-le-Chateau, one of the rumored resting places of the lost treasure of the Knights Templars. Daniel Bettex was consumed by his search for the Ark of the Covenant in the mountain. In 1988, his correspondence to others relates that he was looking for the entrance to this hidden world of treasure. When he seemed days away from a revelatory discovery, he was found dead. The circumstances of his death were never made clear and feed additional conspiracies about clandestine groups still guarding the mountain and various secrets or treasures.
The most durable claim is that the mountain is a place of special energy. This is often associated with its unusual geology but also that it is located on the Paris meridian ley line and is part of a system of sacred geometry of earth features. The mountain is said to be “magnetic” and cause compasses to malfunction, so much so that planes will not fly over it because their equipment fails. The nebulous “energy” seems to affect some people positively and others negatively. Strange sounds and lights are said to come from inside. These arcane stories morphed in recent times to encompass the belief that the mountain was a UFO base. The caves, which were also thought to be a passage to the hollow earth or another dimension, were now a hiding place for alien craft.
It is not altogether clear why the mountain of Bugarach was considered sacred and why it motivated many in the weaving of such fantastic yarns. Jules Verne was influenced by it and ultimately strengthened its mysterious nature. Bugarach is said to be where he found the inspiration (and the entrance) for his Journey to the Center of the Earth.
Famous sci-fi story weaver Stephen Spielberg also poked around here and may have formed ideas for Close Encounters of the Third Kind, prior to choosing Devils Tower in Wyoming as the alien rendezvous location. We can see several similarities between the two locations! But in several ways, Bugarach has the upper hand in weirdness.
The swirling mysteries of Pic de Bugarach coalesced in 2012 around the imaginative rumblings about the Mayan apocalypse. In the approach to the so-called doomsday, the mayor of Bugarach appealed to authorities to help him safeguard his village from the hoards of “esoterics” that were coming to the mountain because of its sacred energy. A narrative emerged that the alien craft holed up inside the mountain caves would emerge on the day of destruction and whisk away the lucky pilgrims. The mayor clearly embellished the stories as a way to push out unwanted visitors, depicting them as a possible suicide cult. The media took the bait, repeating many of the spooky and outrageous claims about the village’s magic mountain.
“These blasted prophets from all over the world have turned our mountain into some sort of UFO garage,”
The hot topics of aliens and Mayans intersecting at one sacred mystical mountain were headline gold. The apocalypse at the end of 2012 in all aspects was a giant bust. The mountain was quiet; no crowds came.
What’s next is to unpack the actual geology of the Pic de Bugarach. Crazy stories are fun and popular and blatant errors will regularly be passed on and assumed to be factual. Several popular sources repeat the misleading information that the mountain was an ancient volcano. In one absurd book, author Richard Leviton (Walking in Albion, 2010) compares it to Tolkien’s land of Mordor. Although there are extinct volcanoes in the area, Pic de Bugarach isn’t one. Tales of smoke from the mountain are more likely from the clouds that readily condense around it.
Esoteric writer Phillip Coppens repeats that claim that Bugarach is an “upside down mountain” because the layers are millions of years older than the strata below. “It is as if someone shot the mountain in the air, flipped it around, and then it landed again.” Well… No. It’s not like that at all and no reasonable geologist would think this. But the analogy was gratuitously included in several media reports during the 2012 frenzy:
“Scientists say that is because when the 1,230-meter (4,040-foot) mountain erupted, its peak flipped upside down before crashing back down upon the mountain’s base.”
The peak of Bugarach has long been called “the sacred mountain”; geologists say that soon after the mountain was formed, it exploded and the top landed upside-down.
Maybe the media should ask an actual scientist/geologist instead of esotericists because, as we look back to the early days, geologists had a pretty good idea of what really happened here.
Back in the late 1800s, geology was congealing as a science, particularly in Europe. There was not just one but many “paradoxical” locations in the Pyrenees where the law of superposition appeared to be violated. The idea of nappes — large-scale overthrusts on a low angle fault plane caused by compression — had formed based on observations in the European Alps. Nappe (pronounced “nap”) belts were confirmed in similar locations: the Dinarides, Carpathians, and Balkans. Calling the circumstances nappe de charriage (thrust sheets), Marcel Alexandre Bertrand had examined earlier studies from the Glarus Alps and unraveled the tectonic story of rock layers that had been pushed, folded, and stacked upon each other like a rumpled cloth pushed across a table. The scientists of the time recognized the idea of compression of the crust but thought it was a result of the shrinking and cooling of the earth. The timing was just not right for anyone to recognize plate tectonics in action.
Rock masses are compressed so that the older rock (gray) over-rides the younger rock (white). Later, erosion leaves windows and klippen as outliers.
No scientist ever had seriously held that Pic de Bugarach was a volcano or a mountain top blown over. Perhaps the idea of “overthrown” strata in the description of the formation of a nappe was misinterpreted by someone who wasn’t versed in geological concepts, and the sciencey-sounding idea was interesting enough to repeat. There may be small caves in the limestone but this is not a developed karst system. It’s wishful thinking alone to expect that there are reasonable hiding places for treasure here, not to mention the existence of such treasures to begin with. The exaggerated tales of energy and magnetism are also unfounded. Such claims can easily be tested but people would rather keep repeating the magical stories instead.
Even today, Bugarach is still plagued by misleading publicity and opportunists. The New Age Sewage continues to be propagated, unabated by facts and reality. People collect and sell ‘authentic’ Pic de Bugarach pieces to sell to the esoterics worldwide, much like magical crystals.
Across the world, misunderstanding of geology and natural features can lead people to think certain places are sacred, abodes of the gods or spirits, or doorways to evil realms. Like molten blobs, the stories accrete onto the place. This isn’t always a bad thing, but it can be. And the nonsense can mask a more elegant truth underneath.
From black wine to royal fish, here's what we learned about France while putting together your November issue of FRANCE Magazine
1) Herrings are the catch of the day at a host of Normandy festivals this autumn
If you're a fan of the so-called poisson roi, or king of fish, then you can't miss the Foire aux Harengs in Dieppe this November. Pick up the tasty treat from one of the sizzling stands along the seafront.
Find out which other fishy festivals you should take a trip to on page 25.
The Foire aux Harengs at Dieppe.Pic: CRT Normandie - Jean Decaux
2) There's a huge Game of Thrones tapestry on display in Bayeux, rather fittingly
Created by a talented team of seamstresses for the Ulster Museum, this fantastic work of art has upped sticks to France's tapestry capital for a temporary exhibition.
GoT fans, you'll need to head to page 26 to get the lowdown.
3) You can sup 'black wine' in this idyllic part of France
Cahors is famous for its 'black wine' - rugged, powerful and often tannic tipples - that are reputed to be the darkest in the world.
Find out more about the gastronomic gems of the Lot on page 68.
Fancy a glass of 'black' wine? Pic:Micha Chodyra/iStock/Getty
4) The Eiffel Tower's lifts travel a whopping 103,000km a year
That's almost a third of the way to the moon!
Our Paris focus on page 50 is your must-bring guide to the city for any upcoming breaks.
5) There's a sleepy French village that was meant to be saved during the 'end of the world' in 2012.
According to a Mayan prophecy, the world was to end in 2012 - but the tiny village of Bugarach in Aude would be saved!
Enjoy a road trip through Cathar Country on P54.
Bugarach, the mystical village. Pic: Arnolagrange CC BY SA 3.0
6) There's a cycle track that stretches all the way from Paris to Mont Saint-Michel - and it's perfect for exploring en famille
The Veloscenic is a well-signposted, 450km-long route that stretches all the way from the French capital to the Norman icon.
Follow Rudolf Abraham and his daughter Tamara on a family voyage across France by bike on page 44.
7) There are more than 60,000km of Grande Randonnée (GR) footpaths in France
From Corsica's GR20 to Stevenson's Way (GR70) inspired by the author, there are plenty of walks to choose from!
Take a stroll en français with Sophie Gardner-Roberts on page 91.
Jacques Le Bris's insight:
So what are you waiting for? The November 2019 issue of FRANCE Magazine is out now - order your copy here.
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This fascinating peak attracts the sight from allover the Corbières. It looks completely different form sides to sides. I have been immensely enjoying trekking around it, partly on the Cathare Trail. Over the years, I have climbed it five times, once alone, four times with friends. To go to the top, there are three ways:
1. The easiest is from the "Linas", on the North. If you are by car, you can park on the right side of the road going from Bugarach village to Linas village. You can also walk the one hour trail going out of Bugarach village from the "Faubourg". The Linas path is climbing slowly in the forest, getting steeper at the end, before arriving on the plateau beside the summit. Everybody can walk it, including children. Allow about one and a half hour average. I confirm as another revewer mentions: it is most of the time very windy up there and a windproof jacket is welcome.
2. The shortest is from the "fenêtre", on the South, so called window because of a hole in a rock on the side of the path. It is a steep climb from foot to top, mainly in the rocks, dont forget your sunhat. Allow about one and a half hour average as well, plus one hour walking from the village, along the lake and further.
3. The third one is not well known, I discovered it following yellow marks departing from the top, eight year ago. The path follows the crests all along the mountain towards "Pechines" to the East. It goes up and down and one part is climbing (in my case going down) a small cliff, rather scary to me who is used to footpaths. I came back to the campside along the foot of the peak, it is a nice walk and I recommand it if you are sporty. I do not remember how long it took.
About campside, I take this opportunity to recommand the "Maison de la Nature et de la Randonnée" wich is situated at the foot of the peak, just before the lake. The price is very cheap: 6 euros per person per night, 4 euros from the third person on. The toilet and shower are very clean and a kitchen hut is available, including all cooking facilities and a frige, close to a terrace along the river. If you do not like to camp, you can also sleep in rooms (prices starting at 18 euros pppn) at the gite or even rent a mobilhome. A stable is provided for your horse or donkey, and a parking for your car. HItch hiking is popular and easy on the road from Couiza to Bugarach, especially during the touristic season. To get to the "Maison de la Nature et de la Randonnée", follow the road leaving the main one on the right handside before the end of the village, same road that leads to the excellent restaurant "Ferme de Janou", just follow it until the end instead of turning right to the restaurant.
Would you like a different way to explore France? France contains spots of unimaginable natural beauty. Pick your destination and let TwoNav guide the way.
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Forêt d’en Malo, Pyrenées
Without a doubt, one of the most beautiful walks in the French Pyrenees. Over the course of its 13 km, you’ll see typical Mediterranean landscapes alongside cliffs with views of Axat and the peaks of Bugarach and Corbières. If you want, you can also visit the Castle of Puilaurens and the Pierre Lys gorges.
Sport: Hiking Difficulty: Medium Distance: 13 km Duration: 3 h 30 min Maximum altitude: 1.444 m Elevation gain: 752 m Provider: IGN Rando
In the second episode of Season 1 South of France, Benita and Marie climb the Pic de Bugarach and find magical places at dizzying heights. The mountain is interesting for the girls for several reasons. Firstly, it is basically upside down, UFOs are often spotted here and there are stories about an alleged UFO base in this area near the well-known town of Rennes-le-Chateau.
check out more on: 🔍✨ Dive into the enigmatic world of Bugarach, the mountain shrouded in mystery and legend. From ancient Mayan prophecies to modern-day conspiracy theories, Bugarach has fascinated and puzzled people from around the globe. Why did thousands flock to this remote village, believing it to hold the key to surviving the end of the world? What truths lie hidden beneath its peaks? Join us as we explore the captivating stories of Bugarach, debunk myths, and uncover the real allure behind this legendary monolith. Discover why, despite a disastrously incorrect doomsday prediction, Bugarach's mystique remains unscathed and more compelling than ever.
👽💫 We'll investigate:
The Mayan calendar and the 2012 phenomenon: What really happened? The magnetic draw of Bugarach: Ancient relics, extraterrestrial rumors, and the search for the Ark of the Covenant. Personal stories from the heart of Bugarach: Meet the guardians of the mountain and hear their unshakeable beliefs. The scientific and spiritual exploration of Bugarach's power: What makes this place so unique? And much more!
🌍 Whether you're a history buff, a lover of mysteries, or simply intrigued by the strange and unusual, this journey to the heart of Bugarach's legends is for you. Don't miss out on uncovering the secrets of one of the world's most mysterious mountains. Like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell to stay updated with our adventures into the unknown. Let's delve into the mystery together!
No one took much notice of Bugarach until the world was coming to an end.
In early 2012, the citizens of this tiny village in the south of France are going to church, swimming in lakes and voting in their country’s upcoming presidential election. But amidst the growing paranoia of the approaching Mayan doomsday prophecy, a news story appears that alleges when the apocalypse hits, Bugarach will be the only place on the planet to survive.
Bugarach is a commune in the Aude department in southern France, around 35 km south of Carcassonne. The economy is based on agriculture and tourism, attracting many New Age adherents. Bugarach is at the foot of Pic de Bugarach, a 1,230 metres (4,040 ft) mountain peak and the highest summit in the Corbières mountains.
The peak is also called the "upside down mountain" as the top layers of rock are older than the lower layers due to uplift of the Pyrenees. It is also located on the Green Meridian.
The location is mentioned for the first time as Villa Burgaragio in 889 AD ; it derives from the German name Burghar and name "Bugari" of the Bulgarian Bogomilis in medieval France.
In the 18th century the village became known for manufacturing wooden tools and hats.
In modern times many esoteric and UFO legends have been connected to this place. The major economic activity of the village and surrounding region is agriculture and tourism. Demand for holiday cottages and popularity with New Age followers led to a rise in real estate prices.
In the 1960s and 70s Pic de Bugarach became popular with the hippie movement. Later in the 20th century it became popular with New Age followers who believed the "upside down mountain" had mystical powers, spreading to the belief that the village would be spared in the 2012 apocalypse.
Cult followers believe aliens reside inside the mountain and will spare any humans that decide to leave the planet with them in the coming apocalypse.
In 2011, the number of visitors doubled to over 20,000 and France's cult watchdog, Miviludes, placed the village under scrutiny due to concern over possible mass suicides.
The mayor even considered calling the army over concerns caused by this issue.
At 1,320m, the peak of Mount Bugarach looms over the nearby village. It sits alone, not part of a range. Known as the "upside down mountain", it is a geological oddity whereby the lower layers of rock are mysteriously younger than those at the top. It is also host to a number of incredible caves where people report hearing strange sounds. Mysterious lights have also been seen sparking locals to believe the location is a hotbed for UFO activity. All content on this channel is licensed, and or produced by Zohar Entertainment Group/Awakening Expo/Phenomena Magazine
On a quiet evening Arthur Emmans jammed some songs in Bugarach village, the dancing beyond being by Susie and little George. These songs are Park Ranger and Father Shiva.
Starting/finishing point: Start near Toulouse, finish near Port-la-Nouvelle
Recommended time needed: 2 weeks
Difficulty: Moderate
This well-marked but never too busy trail begins in Foix, south of Toulouse, and traverses the ancient and mystical land of Occitanie to bring the walker to the sea at Port-la-Nouvelle. What better way to revive weary feet than a dip in the Med? Landscapes vary considerably as the lush forests and mountain meadows of the first half of the walk give way to more arid and rocky terrain, and finally to the briny breezy plains of the littoral. It is a route steeped in both history and legend.
The Cathars were brutally persecuted for their beliefs in Medieval times and fled to hilltop castles. Of these, three stand out: Montsegur, Peyrepetuse and Queribus, impossibly perched on dizzying precipices, and commanding stunning views over the local area and towards the high tops of the Pyrenees. As if that’s not enough, there are also rumours that the Holy Grail may have ended up in this part of the world, and anyone who has read the Da Vinci Code will spot some familiar places en route.
More recently in 2012, the prominent and spectacular Pic de Bugarach became central to an ‘end of the world’ event as thousands of people headed for the mountains’ slopes believing that an alien spaceship was going to save them!
Make sure to check out some of the local markets along the way too. Esperaza on a Sunday morning in particular is a special experience, full of life, music and characters. It is also full of vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free delights to feed a hungry hiker. And of course, as you approach the Mediterranean you enter the Corbieres, famous for its rich, herb scented wines.
Overall the walk is of moderate difficulty and is suitable for all times of year, though bear in mind that it can get very hot in summer, and also surprisingly cold in the winter (especially at night).
Both ends of the trail are accessible by main-line train, and there are a number of international airports nearby including Carcassonne and Beziers.
Ce documentaire montre comment un village des Pyrénées françaises est devenu un refuge pour adeptes de la théorie de la fin des temps. Bugarach était un village tranquille dans le sud de la France, du moins jusqu'à ce que les médias rapportent que c'était le seul endroit au monde où l'on pourrait survivre à la fin du monde, annoncée par le calendrier maya et prévue pour le 21 décembre 2012. Dès lors, les premiers visiteurs étranges apparaissent et les villageois craignent d'être envahis. Jean-Pierre Delord, le maire, tente de garder la situation sous contrôle, mais la tempête médiatique qu'il a lui-même déclenchée le dépasse. Le film suit des personnes très différentes dans leurs préparatifs pour le Jour du Jugement Dernier. Les villageois, ceux qui viennent par curiosité ou encore ceux qui cherchent leur salut au pic de Bugarach forment un monde étrange et tragi-comique qui se déploie sous nos yeux.
Titre original : Bugarach - Chroniques de la Fin du Monde Abonne-toi à wocomo
So far, no theories or predictions about how the world will end have proven true.
Thankfully, no conspiracy theories or predictions about how and when the world would end have proven true so far, though many have caught our attention worldwide. But many people still find doomsday predictions intriguing, even if they don't really believe that a hidden alien planet is going to crash into Earth and herald the apocaplyse.
Here are seven times that theories about the world ending became the subject of public fascination and pop culture.
People thought the world would end when the Mayan calendar "ended" on December 21, 2012.
People believed the village of Bugarach in France would survive the 2012 apocalypse. Patrick Aventurier/Stringer/Getty Images
A 2012 Reuters poll found that 10% of people worldwide thought that the Mayan calendar could predict the end of the world, and 10% of people reported feeling anxious that the world might actually end on December 21, 2012.
The popular theory stemmed from the fact that the Mayan calendar supposedly ended on that date after 5,125 years. According to legend, the village of Bugarach in France would be the only place on Earth that would be spared. A disaster movie called " 2012" was released in 2009 starring John Cusack and Chiwetel Ejiofor, further advancing the theory.
Scientists were quick to debunk the doomsday prediction.
" The whole thing was a misconception from the very beginning," Dr. John Carlson, director of NASA's Center for Archaeoastronomy, said according to an article posted on NASA Science. "The Maya calendar did not end on December 21, 2012, and there were no Maya prophecies foretelling the end of the world on that date."
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Je décerne le titre de Buzzmeister à Monsieur le Maire qui a fait connaître son village au Monde entier suite à cet article
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Il a aussi mis en évidence comment la presse internationale réussit à créer un buzz à propos de tout et surtout de rien.
L'état de l'art du journalisme est donc devenu : Faire monter la mayonnaise sans biscuit.
Le verbe "bougaracher" est un néologisme qui veut dire : faire un buzz à propos d'un non évènement.