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Rescooped by ETF Research & Solutions from Social Media Curation par Mon Habitat Web
August 29, 2013 4:48 PM!

Collaboration marques et blogueurs: forcément chronophage?

Collaboration marques et blogueurs: forcément chronophage? | Blogs |

L’agence Outils du Web a publié les résultats d’une enquête en Juin dernier, révélant que plus d’un tiers d’un échantillon de 150 blogueurs ne sont pas satisfaits de la façon dont ils sont sollicités par les marques. Pourtant, la blogosphère représente un terrain potentiellement très intéressant pour la collaboration avec les marques et professionnels de manière générale; qu’il s’agisse d’agences de rp digitales, e-commerçants, SEOs… même les professions libérales s’y mettent car le guest blogging leur permet de gagner en visibilité auprès d’un lectorat qui représente des prospects éventuels.


Via Mon-Habitat Web
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Rescooped by ETF Research & Solutions from Content curation trends
December 6, 2011 2:39 AM!

10 Thought Leaders Share Thoughts on Content Marketing & Curation

10 Thought Leaders Share Thoughts on Content Marketing & Curation | Blogs |

Lee Odden CEO at Toprankblog interviewed 10 thought leaders on content marketing and curation. The article was published one year ago but is still really relevant, probably even more. I love the approach of Brian Solis who asks the good questions :

"Obviously you (as a company) have something to contribute, something to say, something of value to offer which is mostly likely why you’re in business. I need to hear about that."


Curation offers the opportunity to settle this dialogue between a brand and its users, becoming always more engaging. It's not enough to be here, you have to be here to say. As says Ann Handley, Chief Content Officer at @marketingprofs, "All organizations are now publishers — meaning, the company with the most engaging and interesting content is the one who wins."



Via janlgordon, axelletess
janlgordon's comment, December 4, 2011 1:00 PM
@Internet Billboards
Getting ready to launch in the next couple of weeks - it's way more than a blog:-) I will be writing original articles as well as curating. Thank you for your kind words, I appreciate it.
Robin Good's comment, December 4, 2011 1:53 PM
Hi Jan, thank you for sharing this. :-)

I wanted to let you know that your last link, the one isn't good. It has an extra square bracket at the end making it unusable.

Also: I think it would be very appropriate when curating something that is over a year old to say so explicitly as it is an extra element of immediate evaluation for the reader.

Keep it up!
janlgordon's comment, December 4, 2011 2:32 PM
@Robin Good
Hi Robin,

Thanks for letting me know about the link, I just fixed it.

I will add your revision to the post, you're absolutely right, an oversight here:-)