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The company faces a slew of complaints about its Hertz 24/7 operation, which depends on reliable customer behavior
Baroness Kramer says car clubs can tackle congestion, reduce pollution, and spread awareness of low carbon vehicles
Every so often, stories appear about new networks of charging stations for electric cars that have just opened.
In the land of the automobile, the industry is adapting by jumping into the market.
Nissan unveils in Japan it is taking part in a micro-electric vehicle car sharing service.
Who said fuel-efficient cars had to be boring? For many Americans, customizing cars is almost as important as driving them, and that includes owners of tiny, fuel-efficient vehicles.
This infographic shows how the introduction of telematics car insurance can help reduce the number of deaths and injuries which plague our roads each year.
It's one of the most common questions asked of any new car: "So what kind of gas mileage does it get?" The answer most often comes from the car's gas-mileage readout on the dashboard, generally specified to the tenths of a mile per gallon.
In this week’s Brief: Denso, Sharp Corporation, Octo Telematics, MCL Insurance Services, Nokia HERE, Mercedes-Benz, Continental, Magneti Marelli, deCarta, Symphony Teleca, Guardtime, Shanghai OnStar, IHS Automotive and TomTom.
You know the collaborative consumption trend is taking off when it starts infiltrating business practices. The good news is, it is.
Car-Sharing Daily, by Angelo Meuleman: updated automatically with a curated selection of articles, blog posts, videos and photos.
carpooling.com | World's largest ridesharing network
Få stockholmare använder bilpool. Miljöpartiet vill ändra på detta bland annat genom momssänkning och reserverade p-platser. Samtidigt lovar den borgerliga alliansen i Stockholm åtgärder för att få fart på bilpoolsanvändandet.
Små lägenheter – mer möjligt med bilpool MyNewsdesk (pressmeddelande) Preliminärt kommer HSB att upplåta tre bilplatser för Sunfleet Carsharing AB.
Att argumentera för bilpooler är ofta att slå in öppna dörrar – alla är positiva. Trots det är bilpoolernas expansion kraftigt försvårad av politiska beslut – eller avsaknaden av desamma.
With most electric-car charging today taking place in the garages of private homes, installing a home charging station can pose a hurdle to potential buyers.
Always wanted to drive a Tesla Model S? Well, now you can now rent one. The wonder car from Tesla Motors [NSDQ:TSLA] will be offered for rental from Hertz in (very) select U.S. markets, as part of the company's "Dream Cars" program.
It's often been difficult for "sharing economy" participants to confirm what they're doing is legal. But now we have a little clarity—at least in terms of the sharing of car rides, at least in California.
A study indicates that carsharing programs will continue to grow in popularity by the end of the decade topping 12 million members globally and raking in around $6.3 billion in revenues.
The Scion iQ was my favorite part of the 2011 Auto Show season, and I was holding out for an electric version. I can't buy one yet, but I can rent one now!
With rapid growth and significant user communities, the car sharing industry in North America has been hailed as a solution to traffic, parking, and pollution problems in urban areas.
Vi är med i en av stans många bil-delnings-föreningar / Carsharing. Vår heter Stadtmobil men det finns flera olika exv Book'n'drive eller DB Flinkster. Man bokar på deras webbsida vilken slags bil man behöver, vilken dag, hur ...
Fritt översatt:
Hertz Car-Sharing vore perfekt,
om bara inte dom besvärliga Kunderna fanns...