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Scooped by /Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS
October 30, 2013 10:04 AM!

Hertz Car-Sharing Would Be Perfect, if Not for Those Meddling Customers

Hertz Car-Sharing Would Be Perfect, if Not for Those Meddling Customers | Bilpool |
The company faces a slew of complaints about its Hertz 24/7 operation, which depends on reliable customer behavior
/Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS's insight:

Fritt översatt:
Hertz Car-Sharing vore perfekt,
om bara inte dom besvärliga Kunderna fanns... 

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Scooped by /Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS
October 25, 2013 6:18 AM!

Transport minister vows to drive car sharing schemes

Transport minister vows to drive car sharing schemes | Bilpool |
Baroness Kramer says car clubs can tackle congestion, reduce pollution, and spread awareness of low carbon vehicles
/Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS's insight:

Nu börjar Great Britain förstå att bilpool är bra....

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Scooped by /Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS
October 22, 2013 3:55 PM!

Should Public Quick-Charging Be A Marketing Cost For Businesses?

Should Public Quick-Charging Be A Marketing Cost For Businesses? | Bilpool |
Every so often, stories appear about new networks of charging stations for electric cars that have just opened.
/Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS's insight:

Att få fler publika snabbladdare ...

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Scooped by /Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS
October 4, 2013 9:29 AM!

Car sharing takes off in Germany

Car sharing takes off in Germany | Bilpool |
In the land of the automobile, the industry is adapting by jumping into the market.
/Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS's insight:

Färska bilpoolsfakta från vårt grannland söderut...

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Scooped by /Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS
September 30, 2013 9:08 AM!

Nissan Does EV Car Sharing In Japan | EarthTechling

Nissan Does EV Car Sharing In Japan | EarthTechling | Bilpool |
Nissan unveils in Japan it is taking part in a micro-electric vehicle car sharing service.
/Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS's insight:

När får vi se dessa i svenska städer...

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Scooped by /Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS
September 28, 2013 4:30 AM!

Now, Tiny & Fuel-Efficient Cars Get Full Custom Treatment Too

Now, Tiny & Fuel-Efficient Cars Get Full Custom Treatment Too | Bilpool |
Who said fuel-efficient cars had to be boring? For many Americans, customizing cars is almost as important as driving them, and that includes owners of tiny, fuel-efficient vehicles.
/Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS's insight:

Vem sa att bränslesnåla bilar måste vara tråkiga...

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Scooped by /Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS
September 28, 2013 4:22 AM!

Why Young Drivers Need Telematics Insurance -

Why Young Drivers Need Telematics Insurance - | Bilpool |
This infographic shows how the introduction of telematics car insurance can help reduce the number of deaths and injuries which plague our roads each year.
/Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS's insight:

Telematics Insurance - ett nytt begrepp som snart kommer till Sverige...
Det är viktigt att vi förstår vad det innebär... 

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Scooped by /Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS
September 26, 2013 1:04 AM!

Your Mileage May Vary; Dashboard MPG Readings Vary Too

Your Mileage May Vary; Dashboard MPG Readings Vary Too | Bilpool |
It's one of the most common questions asked of any new car: "So what kind of gas mileage does it get?" The answer most often comes from the car's gas-mileage readout on the dashboard, generally specified to the tenths of a mile per gallon.
/Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS's insight:

Hur mycket "drar" den per mil ?  -  Bränsleekonomi är svårt...
Det finns en hel del "glädje-mätare" både i bilar och i faktablad...

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Scooped by /Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS
September 24, 2013 4:54 AM!

Weekly Brief: Can cars and homes finally talk? | Telematics Update

Weekly Brief: Can cars and homes finally talk? | Telematics Update | Bilpool |
In this week’s Brief: Denso, Sharp Corporation, Octo Telematics, MCL Insurance Services, Nokia HERE, Mercedes-Benz, Continental, Magneti Marelli, deCarta, Symphony Teleca, Guardtime, Shanghai OnStar, IHS Automotive and TomTom.
/Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS's insight:

Den uppkopplade bilen är snart här...

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Scooped by /Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS
September 17, 2013 7:55 AM!

Why Businesses Are Turning to Car-Sharing for Company Cars | Business on GOOD

Why Businesses Are Turning to Car-Sharing for Company Cars | Business on GOOD | Bilpool |
You know the collaborative consumption trend is taking off when it starts infiltrating business practices. The good news is, it is.
/Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS's insight:

Nu vaknar vanliga småföretag i Europa...

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Scooped by /Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS
September 14, 2013 5:33 AM!

Car-Sharing Daily

Car-Sharing Daily | Bilpool |
Car-Sharing Daily, by Angelo Meuleman: updated automatically with a curated selection of articles, blog posts, videos and photos.
/Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS's insight: som samlar info om bilpool ute i stora världen...

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Scooped by /Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS
September 14, 2013 5:11 AM! | Europe's largest carpooling network: 5 Million Users | Europe's largest carpooling network: 5 Million Users | Bilpool | | World's largest ridesharing network
/Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS's insight:

OBS ! Detta inlägg handlar inte om "bilpool" = bildelning utan om det vi kallar samåkning = "ridesharing" vilket i engelskt talspråk normalt kallas "carpool"...

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Scooped by /Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS
October 27, 2013 7:47 AM!

E-mobility technology for Automobiles

E-mobility technology for Automobiles | Bilpool |
/Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS's insight:

Bra förklaring på olika typer av Hybrid-lösningar...
Micro Hybrid - Mild Hybrid - Full Hybrid - Plug In Vehicles... 

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Scooped by /Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS
October 23, 2013 8:27 AM!

Politikerna vill främja bilpooler

Politikerna vill främja bilpooler | Bilpool |
Få stockholmare använder bilpool. Miljöpartiet vill ändra på detta bland annat genom momssänkning och reserverade p-platser. Samtidigt lovar den borgerliga alliansen i Stockholm åtgärder för att få fart på bilpoolsanvändandet.
/Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS's insight:

Nu börjar det lossna även i Svedala...

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Scooped by /Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS
October 22, 2013 1:12 PM!

Små lägenheter – mer möjligt med bilpool - MyNewsdesk (pressmeddelande)

Små lägenheter – mer möjligt med bilpool - MyNewsdesk (pressmeddelande) | Bilpool |
Små lägenheter – mer möjligt med bilpool
MyNewsdesk (pressmeddelande)
Preliminärt kommer HSB att upplåta tre bilplatser för Sunfleet Carsharing AB.
/Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS's insight:

Här finns plats för fler bilpooler...

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Scooped by /Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS
October 1, 2013 6:08 AM!

Gör det lättare att bli bilpoolare

Gör det lättare att bli bilpoolare | Bilpool |
Att argumentera för bilpooler är ofta att slå in öppna dörrar – alla är positiva. Trots det är bilpoolernas expansion kraftigt försvårad av politiska beslut – eller avsaknaden av desamma.
/Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS's insight:

Dax för bättre bilpoolsbestämmelser...

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Scooped by /Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS
September 28, 2013 6:53 AM!

the good word groundswell: Connected Vehicle Technology Gaining Momentum

the good word groundswell: Connected Vehicle Technology Gaining Momentum | Bilpool |
/Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS's insight:

Morgondagens bil är ständigt uppkopplad...

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Scooped by /Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS
September 28, 2013 4:27 AM!

Palo Alto To Require Electric-Car Charger Wiring In New Homes

Palo Alto To Require Electric-Car Charger Wiring In New Homes | Bilpool |
With most electric-car charging today taking place in the garages of private homes, installing a home charging station can pose a hurdle to potential buyers.
/Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS's insight:

Egen bensinstation hemma i garaget...
Usa, Palo Alto, kräver ny standard... 

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Scooped by /Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS
September 27, 2013 5:25 AM!

Tesla Model S Electric Car Available From Hertz As Rental Car

Tesla Model S Electric Car Available From Hertz As Rental Car | Bilpool |
Always wanted to drive a Tesla Model S? Well, now you can now rent one. The wonder car from Tesla Motors [NSDQ:TSLA] will be offered for rental from Hertz in (very) select U.S. markets, as part of the company's "Dream Cars" program.
/Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS's insight:

Vem blir först inom Bil.Coop i Sverige med ren elbil...

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Scooped by /Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS
September 24, 2013 7:40 AM!

Don’t Be Afraid to Share: Ridesharing Companies Lyft, Sidecar, UberX Get Official OK in California |

Don’t Be Afraid to Share: Ridesharing Companies Lyft, Sidecar, UberX Get Official OK in California | | Bilpool |
It's often been difficult for "sharing economy" participants to confirm what they're doing is legal. But now we have a little clarity—at least in terms of the sharing of car rides, at least in California.
/Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS's insight:

När får vi TNF = TransportNätverksFöretag i Sverige ?
... eller TDF = TransportDelningsFöretag ?? 

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Scooped by /Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS
September 19, 2013 3:09 AM!

12M carsharing users predicted by 2020, today it's 2.3M

12M carsharing users predicted by 2020, today it's 2.3M | Bilpool |
A study indicates that carsharing programs will continue to grow in popularity by the end of the decade topping 12 million members globally and raking in around $6.3 billion in revenues.
/Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS's insight:

Internationellt ser man CarSharing som en expansiv, etablerad bransch...
I Svedala ... ?

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Scooped by /Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS
September 15, 2013 10:30 PM!

The Electric Scion iQ Lives! Part of Electric Car-sharing Program!

The Electric Scion iQ Lives! Part of Electric Car-sharing Program! | Bilpool |
The Scion iQ was my favorite part of the 2011 Auto Show season, and I was holding out for an electric version. I can't buy one yet, but I can rent one now!
/Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS's insight:

Så gör CityCarShare i Pleasanton, California...

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Scooped by /Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS
September 14, 2013 5:22 AM!

Does Car Sharing Really Reduce Vehicle Ownership?

Does Car Sharing Really Reduce Vehicle Ownership? | Bilpool |
With rapid growth and significant user communities, the car sharing industry in North America has been hailed as a solution to traffic, parking, and pollution problems in urban areas.
/Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS's insight:

Lite fakta om bildelning...

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Scooped by /Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS
September 14, 2013 5:02 AM!

att ha eller inte ha egen bil (EN) | frankfurtmalin

att ha eller inte ha egen bil (EN) | frankfurtmalin | Bilpool |
Vi är med i en av stans många bil-delnings-föreningar / Carsharing. Vår heter Stadtmobil men det finns flera olika exv Book'n'drive eller DB Flinkster. Man bokar på deras webbsida vilken slags bil man behöver, vilken dag, hur ...
/Sn - Bilpoolernas Riksförbund - Bil.Coop - BPS's insight:

Så gör dom i Frankfurt...

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