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Rescooped by AlGonzalezinfo from Communication & Leadership
onto #BetterLeadership
March 10, 2014 8:37 PM

On Leadership & Forgiveness

On Leadership & Forgiveness | #BetterLeadership | Scoop.it

Via Amy Ragsdale
AlGonzalezinfo's insight:

It was truly an honor to have been joined by Professor Kim Cameron, on Leading Beyond the Status Quo this week.   He is a true advocate for the power of forgiveness and its relevance to good leadership.

Professor Cameron explained that to be a strong and mature leader, we need to have the courage to face those who may have done us wrong and present an objective description of the issue. Strong leaders overcome the desire to get even and are able to list the negative consequences because of the action taken against them. 

Unbeknown to me, Professor Cameron researched the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Hearings in South Africa and has actually visited the prison cell where Nelson Mandela was held.  

Check out the post at: http://bit.ly/1fQVSMJ

Amy Ragsdale's curator insight, March 10, 2014 10:49 AM

"Strong leaders lead towards a positive outcome by partnering with the other party in preventing the issue from happening again. This way, both parties create a collaborative partnership and a positive future for them AND the organization."

AlGonzalezinfo's curator insight, July 18, 2014 12:40 PM

A tribute to a man who lead global change through forgiveness!  #Leadership

Tools and resources to improve the quality of our leadership
Curated by AlGonzalezinfo
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Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
July 13, 2013 5:17 PM

~ A Strategic Planning Model

~ A Strategic Planning Model | #BetterLeadership | Scoop.it
AlGonzalezinfo's insight:

- Strategy: a plan of action prepared to achieve the major goals of an organization. In order to take strategy into consideration for your planning efforts, you must define your goals as they relate and support the Vision and Mission of the organization.


A Strategic Plan should answer the following:

~Where are we going as an organization?

~What is the environment? (external/internal, this is critical to the vision)

~How do we get there? 



For strategic planning, I use the following definitions:



Vision - What do we want to become? (Aspirational)

Mission - Why do we exist? What function does the organization perform?  For whom does the org perform this function? How does the organization go about fulfilling this function? (Specific)

Goals - are the translation of the vision and answer “what do we want to do?”  


*Key Result Areas* - It is helpful to organize the goals under broader labels, e.g.  Product Design & Development, Financial, Branding, Marketing, Funding/Development, International Presence, etc.

Objectives - are quantifiable metrics that show progress toward our stated goals.

Strategies - these are the action plans that when implemented will achieve the objectives.

Tactics - day to day and week to week actions we take to implement our strategies, meet our objectives, and accomplish our goals. 

*** Strategic Management means approving only projects and programs that fit the scope of the organization's mission *** 

Jean-Guy Frenette's curator insight, January 29, 2016 11:33 AM


leavesnewly's comment, May 19, 2021 6:42 AM
leavesnewly's comment, May 19, 2021 6:42 AM
Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
March 6, 2015 5:43 AM

Are You The Smartest Person In The Room?

Are You The Smartest Person In The Room? | #BetterLeadership | Scoop.it
AlGonzalezinfo's insight:

Have you ever worked w/the Smartest Person In The Room (SPITR)?

Love this post via @DanVForbes founder of the LeadWithGiants community.   Here is one of my favorite sections:

How do you know if you are the SPITR?

Les McKeown writes,

“Simple. If you think you're the smartest person in the room, you're almost certainly The Smartest Person in the Room. And remember, if you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room.”

The older I get, the more I realize the less I know.

leavesnewly's comment, May 19, 2021 6:43 AM
Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
January 11, 2015 8:13 AM

Leading Through Fear with Dan Forbes

Leading Through Fear with Dan Forbes | #BetterLeadership | Scoop.it
AlGonzalezinfo's insight:

Executive coach and founder of the Lead With Giants movement, Dan Forbes, joined me on #HealthyLeadership to talk about how he leverages his values and strengths as he takes a GIANT LEAP in life to pursue his vision.  

During the interview Dan explained how he created and has grown #LeadWithGiants, a highly successful and engaging leadership community, by staying out of his "comfort zone". 

Checkout the interview on #HealthyLeadership

Jillian Schaibly's curator insight, July 17, 2017 9:27 PM
Executive coach and founder of the Lead With Giants movement, Dan Forbes, joined me on #HealthyLeadership to talk about how he leverages his values and strengths as he takes a GIANT LEAP in life to pursue his vision.

During the interview Dan explained how he created and has grown #LeadWithGiants, a highly successful and engaging leadership community, by staying out of his "comfort zone".

Checkout the interview on #HealthyLeadership.

This article talks about the growth and success of a leader. It shows the different zones of progress and how to be successful being in the
learning zone will be the best bet. As an
administrator making sure you and your staff are not in the comfort zone but in the learning zone will create an atmosphere fostered by learning.
Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
January 2, 2015 4:58 AM

Napoleon Hill talks about "The Secret" to Think & Grow Rich - YouTube

AlGonzalezinfo's insight:

A good reminder for many of us who are on our journey and need a little motivation to stay the course. 

"Your only limitations are those you setup in your own mind."  

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Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
November 16, 2014 10:37 PM

Leading Past Negativity with Cynthia Bazin

Leading Past Negativity with Cynthia Bazin | #BetterLeadership | Scoop.it

Are there issues in your life preventing you from taking care of yourself?  

Today’s show is all about getting out of a rut by taking care of ourselves, and doing it AT the gym! 

AlGonzalezinfo's insight:

#Negativity will MESS U UP! Lead past it w/ @TheSmartChic  Cynthia Bazin on the #HealthyLeadership blogcast!

The gym is a perfect place to work on the quality of our leadership and negativity is a factor that can definitely affect us in the gym and prevent us from achieving our fitness goals.  

We have a great opportunity to lead ourselves past our negative tendencies by being intentional about believing in ourselves, leveraging our strengths and always reaching beyond our comfort zones. 

Time and time again, I see successful people at the gym being intentional about their belief in themselves, always playing to their strengths and going outside their comfort zones to improve on their weaknesses.  

This is great leadership advice for ANY situation, either at home, work or at the gym! 

Check it out at:


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Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
September 26, 2014 5:31 AM

Why black teenager Keshia Thomas saved a white supremacist

Why black teenager Keshia Thomas saved a white supremacist | #BetterLeadership | Scoop.it
HE WAS a white man with Nazi tattoos. She was an 18-year-old black girl, protesting a Ku Klux Klan rally in her home town.
AlGonzalezinfo's insight:

Just saw this on a FB post and could not share it here fast enough.  

If this isn't one of the most profound examples of self-less leadership, I don't know what is...

Many of us talk about leadership in the context of doing the right think when NOONE is looking.  There are times when it is most difficult to do the right thing when EVERYONE is looking and doing the wrong thing!  

Here is my favorite quote:

"Someone had to step out of the pack and say, 'This isn't right'."

Access the full post at: http://www.news.com.au/world/why-black-teenager-keshia-thomas-saved-a-white-supremacist/story-fndir2ev-1226749697993

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Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
September 20, 2014 10:25 AM

Resolving Conflict-It’s Not about Winning | LinkedIn

Resolving Conflict-It’s Not about Winning | LinkedIn | #BetterLeadership | Scoop.it

When we allow conflict to bring the worse in us, we don't want to look in the mirror...

AlGonzalezinfo's insight:

Another impactful post by Elizabeth Stincelli.  

Like many leadership principles, leading positive change through conflict is easy to talk about, yet extremely hard to accomplish.  

This section of the post deals with a specially difficult leadership challenge.  

The most successful approach to resolving conflict is open, two-way communication. In order to communicate effectively you must learn to listen without passing judgment.

Each party to the communication will apply their own definitions and meanings; therefore, you can’t just listen to the facts. You have to ask probing questions and come to a consensus on the definition and meaning of the facts.

Also, don’t just listen to others to figure out how you can get them to agree with your point of view. Listen to really understand and appreciate their reality so you can understand where they are coming from.

Check out the rest of the post at: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/article/20140917225342-49605822-resolving-conflict-it-s-not-about-winning

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Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
September 11, 2014 7:20 AM

The Education Economy: America's Next Big Thing? Do We Care?

The Education Economy: America's Next Big Thing?  Do We Care? | #BetterLeadership | Scoop.it
Integrating the country's educational system, employers, and job creators can reshape -- and reignite -- the American economy. An expert on education explains.
AlGonzalezinfo's insight:

While I am happy to be working with teachers and students to help develop #FutureLeaders, the findings of this Gallup report are alarming.

Here are a few facts that tell the tale of our poor student engagement in schools and its relationship to  our declining economy:

  • Student engagement in school drops precipitously from fifth grade through 12th grade. About three quarters of elementary school kids (76%) are engaged in school, while only 44% of high school kids are engaged. The longer students stay in school, the less engaged they become. If we were doing this right, the trend would be going in the opposite direction.
  • About four in 10 students in grades five through 12 (43%) say they plan to start their own business, yet only 7% currently have an internship or job in a real organization where they can apply that energy. News flash: Schools and colleges don't have jobs and internships -- employers do. If we don't get schools and businesses working together to give students these opportunities, everyone will lose.
  • Only 14% of Americans say they are confident that college graduates are well-prepared for success in the workplace. And business leaders are even more skeptical, with only 11% saying that college graduates are well-prepared for success at work. Yet despite this, 96% of chief academic officers of colleges and universities are either somewhat or very confident that they are preparing college students for success in the workplace. It's hard to imagine a gap -- or moat -- bigger than that. 
  • And if you think our schools and colleges will be able to test our way out of this mess, that's a big mistake too. Perhaps the most important education-related news story of the entire year was Google -- the world's most admired brand -- announcing that it found almost no correlation between the grades and test scores of its employees and their success on the job. So the company no longer asks all its applicants to provide these things. This is a canary in the coal mine. As goes Google, so goes the rest of the business world.

Dennis Swender's curator insight, July 30, 2015 1:47 PM

While I am happy to be working with teachers and students to help develop #FutureLeaders, the findings of this Gallup report are alarming.


Here are a few facts that tell the tale of our poor student engagement in schools and its relationship to  our declining economy:


Student engagement in school drops precipitously from fifth grade through 12th grade. About three quarters of elementary school kids (76%) are engaged in school, while only 44% of high school kids are engaged. The longer students stay in school, the less engaged they become. If we were doing this right, the trend would be going in the opposite direction.
 About four in 10 students in grades five through 12 (43%) say they plan to start their own business, yet only 7% currently have an internship or job in a real organization where they can apply that energy. News flash: Schools and colleges don't have jobs and internships -- employers do. If we don't get schools and businesses working together to give students these opportunities, everyone will lose.
 Only 14% of Americans say they are confident that college graduates are well-prepared for success in the workplace. And business leaders are even more skeptical, with only 11% saying that college graduates are well-prepared for success at work. Yet despite this, 96% of chief academic officers of colleges and universities are either somewhat or very confident that they are preparing college students for success in the workplace. It's hard to imagine a gap -- or moat -- bigger than that. 
 And if you think our schools and colleges will be able to test our way out of this mess, that's a big mistake too. Perhaps the most important education-related news story of the entire year was Google -- the world's most admired brand -- announcing that it found almost no correlation between the grades and test scores of its employees and their success on the job. So the company no longer asks all its applicants to provide these things. This is a canary in the coal mine. As goes Google, so goes the rest of the business world.



Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
August 26, 2014 1:10 PM

Man Who Saved Over 600 Kids From Nazis Gets a Touching Surprise - YouTube

AlGonzalezinfo's insight:

Great leadership is about putting other's needs above your own.  I wonder how much risk this man took when he saved all these children. 

It is so nice that he was recognized in such a significant manner!


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Rescooped by AlGonzalezinfo from Cat George Wildcard – Let's leave a positive dent in history
August 17, 2014 11:22 PM

The girl effect - YouTube

The girl effect is about leveraging the unique potential of adolescent girls to end poverty for themselves, their families, their communities, their countrie...

Via Cat George
AlGonzalezinfo's insight:

This is one of my favorite vides.  Thanks for posting this Cat George! 

Dennis Swender's curator insight, July 30, 2015 1:50 PM

This is one of my favorite vides.  Thanks for posting this Cat George! 

Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
August 16, 2014 7:25 AM

Jim Carrey ~ You can fail at "safe", so go for what you love!

If the video does not show here, go to :https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10203187040615768&fref=nf

AlGonzalezinfo's insight:

ONE minute that is absolutely worth watching:

"You can fail at what you don't want, so you might as well take a chance at doing what you LOVE!"


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Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
August 11, 2014 9:40 PM

Teachers as Leaders, Coaches & Lifelong Mentors

Teachers as Leaders, Coaches & Lifelong Mentors | #BetterLeadership | Scoop.it

Do you remember your 5th grade teachers?  Would you say that any of your 5th grade teachers made a lifelong impression on your life?
Today’s guest is doing just that! 

AlGonzalezinfo's insight:

This week, #HealthyLeadership is all about how teachers can become leadership coaches for our younger set.  

Teacher and consultant, Lydia Dolch joined me to discuss a #Futureleaders session we conducted with her 5th grade class.  

During the interview we discussed how the students were able to apply leadership principles like conflict management, courage and forgiveness as they explored how to interact with others who see the world from a different perspective.  

Checkout the blogcast at: http://bit.ly/1r5nRhZ

Jerry Busone's curator insight, August 24, 2014 9:02 AM

Find yourself a mentor, teacher or coach ...

Mirta Liliana Filgueira's curator insight, August 25, 2014 12:01 AM

Los Profesores de Como Líderes, mentores y Entrenadores.

Sacra Jáimez's curator insight, August 27, 2014 4:03 AM

Magnífica reflexión para iniciar el nuevo curso.

Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
July 29, 2014 9:57 AM

Making Aggression Unacceptable RECAP: #Peopleskills Chat (with images, tweets) · KateNasser

Making Aggression Unacceptable RECAP: #Peopleskills Chat (with images, tweets) · KateNasser | #BetterLeadership | Scoop.it
Our global people skills Twitter chat (#Peopleskills) today explored the topic of aggression. Voices from around the world contributed diverse views. Host: Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™ and co-host Dave Moore @Mooreconsortium on Twitter.
AlGonzalezinfo's insight:

Great #Tweetchat recap here via @KateNasser.   My favorite one is 

"Anything War Can Do, Peace Can Do Better"!!!

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Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
April 2, 2015 6:07 AM

The Hierarchy of Needs for Employee Engagement

The Hierarchy of Needs for Employee Engagement | #BetterLeadership | Scoop.it
AlGonzalezinfo's insight:

I've always been a fan of Maslow's hierarchy of needs and I really appreciate this "tweaked" model because it maps it very close to the principles of employee engagement. 

On the survival level, I would add "I can't retire" as a common sign of disengagement.  As a supervisor, I do all I can to engage many of these staff as they often provide great context and insight as to what has been done in the past and how efforts can be optimized in order to succeed the next time we try them.  

Janita Keating's curator insight, March 23, 2016 4:15 AM

I've always been a fan of Maslow's hierarchy of needs and I really appreciate this "tweaked" model because it maps it very close to the principles of employee engagement. 




On the survival level, I would add "I can't retire" as a common sign of disengagement.  As a supervisor, I do all I can to engage many of these staff as they often provide great context and insight as to what has been done in the past and how efforts can be optimized in order to succeed the next time we try them.  





Jillian Schaibly's curator insight, July 17, 2017 9:26 PM
I've always been a fan of Maslow's hierarchy of needs and I really appreciate this "tweaked" model because it maps it very close to the principles of employee engagement.

On the survival level, I would add "I can't retire" as a common sign of disengagement. As a supervisor, I do all I can to engage many of these staff as they often provide great context and insight as to what has been done in the past and how efforts can be optimized in order to succeed the next time we try them.
SupExCleaning's comment, September 21, 2023 4:03 AM
Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
January 19, 2015 9:49 PM

Removing the Unknowns in Entrepreneurship and Fitness with Jacqui Agostinelli

Removing the Unknowns in Entrepreneurship and Fitness with Jacqui Agostinelli | #BetterLeadership | Scoop.it
AlGonzalezinfo's insight:

The business world is highly competitive and it appears that being prepared and skilled may not be enough.  Following a fitness routine is not only good for your health, but now we know that others may be more willing to follow your lead or give you leadership opportunities if they feel you are taking care of your health.

Great interview on physical AND Financial transformation!  

Check it out on #HealthyLeadership!  http://bit.ly/1CIk6As

AlGonzalezinfo's curator insight, January 19, 2015 9:51 PM

Very cool interview on the relationship between entrepreneurship and fitness!  

Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
January 5, 2015 4:15 AM

For Leaders, Looking Healthy Matters More than Looking Smart - HBR

For Leaders, Looking Healthy Matters More than Looking Smart - HBR | #BetterLeadership | Scoop.it
AlGonzalezinfo's insight:

Great article based on research from VU University in Amsterdam.  The following quote is a good summary of the research findings:

“a relatively healthy-looking leader may have a better chance of gaining sufficient levels of followership investment to initiate change.

On the other hand, a potential leader who looks relatively less healthy may be over-looked even if they are better suited for the job.”

Checkout the full article:  https://hbr.org/2015/01/for-leaders-looking-healthy-matters-more-than-looking-smart

AlGonzalezinfo's curator insight, January 5, 2015 4:43 AM

Great article here for all leaders who believe in fitness as a lifestyle!  

Being healthy is not only good for us, it can help us in our leadership!!!

Christian Salafia's curator insight, January 18, 2015 1:41 PM

Training your body as well as your mind is important if you want to be a powerful leader

Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
December 18, 2014 6:45 AM

How To Create A Vision Board

How To Create A Vision Board | #BetterLeadership | Scoop.it
AlGonzalezinfo's insight:

Great post here via @DanVForbes.  

Highly recommend a vision board and joining the #LeadWithGiants movement!

From his post:

A Vision Board is simply a visual representation of your most important goals, aspirations, or intentions. If you do an internet search for “vision board images” you’ll see hundreds of examples.

Checkout the whole post here:


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Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
November 5, 2014 9:55 PM

The Tyranny of Indirect Feedback with Lisa Manyoky

The Tyranny of Indirect Feedback with Lisa Manyoky | #BetterLeadership | Scoop.it
Is Indirect Feedback used in your organization?
Do you prefer this model when dealing with sensitive issues?

The model of indirect feedback is one of the feedback models that I have been asked to use throughout my career.  Some executives actually prefer...
AlGonzalezinfo's insight:

Leadership and branding expert, Lisa Manyoky joined me on ‪#‎HealthyLeadership‬ to explore the Tyranny of Indirect Feedback and how to make the GIANT LEAP from diversity to inclusion by minimizing the use of this exclusionary model.

Of course, leadership starts with us, so we also talked about how we can all be open to feedback in order to welcome others to talk to us directly.

Check it out at: ‪#‎HealthyLeadership‬

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Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
September 21, 2014 9:28 AM

▶ Tim Minchin UWA Address - Don't need to have a dream, it's all luck, but, exercise!

Comedian-musician Tim Minchin addresses graduates at the University of Western Australia where he was presented with an Honorary Doctor of Letters Degree. Mi...
AlGonzalezinfo's insight:

Very interesting speech here from someone who has achieved success and has been blessed with the honor of influencing future leaders. 

While I completely agree with his remarks about exercise, arts and sciences, and opinions, I have given careful thought to his comments about having  pursuing my own dreams and the role luck plays.  

This one has me thinking a lot...

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Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
September 19, 2014 6:29 PM

The Way We Work is Evolving: Are You Ready?

The Way We Work is Evolving: Are You Ready? | #BetterLeadership | Scoop.it
Elizabeth Stincelli
AlGonzalezinfo's insight:

Timely and relevant post here from from Elizabeth Stincelli,  @infinitestin.  I completely agree with her, especially on the following statement: 

The evolution of work utilizes these social avenues to promote organizations, monitor public opinion, and stay connected to customers and colleagues. You must learn to be conscious of the impact your posts, status changes, pictures, likes, and shares have both personally and professionally. If you are going to be responsible for steering your own career path, you have to care about your digital footprint and your personal brand.

Check out the rest of the post at:  


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Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
August 31, 2014 9:44 AM

Forgiveness and Fitness. What?

Forgiveness and Fitness.  What? | #BetterLeadership | Scoop.it

Image courtesy of http://www.wallpaperup.com

AlGonzalezinfo's insight:

During this week's The Fitness Minute, I share the story of how I wasted hours of valuable gym time using the gym to further my negative feelings, anger and grudges towards some co-workers.  

Check out the recording below to find out how I was hurting myself and wasting valuable energy at the gym by allowing my anger and resentment to drive my actions and focus.  

The time we spend at the gym is precious and we should not waste a moment of it on anything other than our goals!   Why let others rob us of the little time we have to work on what WE are can achieve?

While I am in favor of leveraging the gym to let out some steam, I could have helped my health and lead positive change by forgiving others!

Check out the #HealthyLeadership blogcast at:  http://bit.ly/1qXWKU1
AlGonzalezinfo's curator insight, August 31, 2014 10:14 AM

Focus on your goals, not on what others may or may not be doing to you!

Check out the #HealthyLeadership blogcast at:  http://bit.ly/1qXWKU1

Rescooped by AlGonzalezinfo from Knowledge Broker
August 22, 2014 6:45 AM

Do you dare to dream?

Do you dare to dream? - Excellent animated video about the power of imagination. Highly recommended!

Via Kenneth Mikkelsen
AlGonzalezinfo's insight:

Wonderful share here via  @Kenneth Mikkelsen.  

I dared to dream a few years back and lately I am feeling like the character hanging from the tree limb who is about to fall and hanging on for dear life.  

I will continue with my strategy and hope I can hang on.

Jerry Busone's curator insight, June 4, 2017 10:34 AM

#followme #offthebench #dreamsliveinside

Suggested by Cat George
August 17, 2014 11:18 PM

The True Secret To Great Leadership and How To Do It

The True Secret To Great Leadership and How To Do It | #BetterLeadership | Scoop.it
Are you a skilled enough leader to design yourself out of a job? Read this post to learn how to steer the ship while everyone else keeps the ship moving in the direction you point them.
AlGonzalezinfo's insight:

Great suggestion here via @kittengeorge.  

I think Jeff Hoffman deserves a lot of respect.  He has manage to do what many of us dream about doing.   Here is my favorite section of this very good post: 

That day I realized something important.

Your goal as a leader is to design yourself out of a job. To build a team that’s so good they don’t need you. And that doesn’t mean you have to go home or retire. It means you’re free again. To dream. To envision.

To plan the future of the company and steer the ship, while everyone else is keeping the ship moving in whatever direction you point them.

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Rescooped by AlGonzalezinfo from Mediocre Me
August 14, 2014 9:54 AM

10 Choices You Won’t Regret in 10 Years

10 Choices You Won’t Regret in 10 Years | #BetterLeadership | Scoop.it
Practical Tips for Productive Living

Via John Michel
AlGonzalezinfo's insight:

Great share here via The General, @John Michel.  I totally agree with the first one:

Explore what YOU love, and own it. – If you spend your life trying to define yourself by what someone else loves, you’re going to be miserable. 

Try things – try everything.  Explore.  See what makes you hear music inside and what makes your heart swell, and then go do it.  Find out everything you can about it. 

Find other people who love it too.  If you waste time pretending to like something just because other people you think are “cool” like it, you’re going to end up with the wrong people and circumstances in your life.  Love what you love and be yourself, and you will end up with a lifestyle and relationships that make you truly happy

David Jardin's curator insight, August 15, 2014 4:14 PM

Use these to see if YOU are living YOUR life.....

Jerry Busone's curator insight, June 4, 2017 10:33 AM

#BB #Dreamlives #Noregrets  We are not alone , working hard to feel better, think more clearly, and live a life free of regrets. Valuetips

Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
August 5, 2014 1:44 PM

Leadership and Management, can we do both?

Leadership and Management, can we do both? | #BetterLeadership | Scoop.it
AlGonzalezinfo's insight:

Great share here via @DanForbes from a pdf on Leadership in Social Enterprises.  While the pdf focuses on Social Enterprises, a lot of the material is useful to all leadership positions.  


The pdf can be viewed here:  http://www.schwabfound.org/sites/default/files/file_uploads/leadership_in_social_enterprise_2014.pdf?utm_content=buffer4aed5&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer%EF%BB%BF

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Scooped by AlGonzalezinfo
July 29, 2014 8:20 AM

5 Leadership Questions From a 14 Year Old Boy

5 Leadership Questions From a 14 Year Old Boy | #BetterLeadership | Scoop.it
There is nothing more pure than insight from a kid. They are not too jaded, do not have concrete established habits, and tend to bust through the garble that most adults get stuck in trying to make
AlGonzalezinfo's insight:

Great post here via Debbie Dickerson @trifecta_coach.  

I do leadership development sessions in schools/colleges from the 5th grade through college and the lessons never stop.  

One that I would like to focus on this comment goes to Debbie's son question #2:

Can leaders be followers?  

When I work with students of all ages it is clear how the ones that follow the teacher's requests are Modeling the Way for others.  Those who don't model the way interrupt and prevent the rest from moving forward.

 This is one of the main connections I make to the work place.  Which question (s) resonate (s) with you?


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