(Art)ScienceBLR - Public Laboratory at the Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology // India | Digital #MediaArt(s) Numérique(s) | Scoop.it

(Art)ScienceBLR is a public laboratory at the Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology for artists and designers to engage with scientific practices. Residencies, exhibitions, workshops, talks...


We look at the artistic, social and political implications of technologies from computing to biotechnologies. Our work exists at the intersection of art-science and pedagogy, creating spaces of dialogue and interaction between artists, designers and scientists.


Since our inception in 2009 we have focused on using DIY techniques to build low-cost laboratory equipment, so as to offer more accessible forms of engagement with the life-sciences.


We also run a community electronics and BioLab which encourages students and the community to make/hack and prototype.