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Scooped by David Connolly
September 30, 2012 3:00 PM!

Coin hoards and pottery bring new insights to an ancient Illyrian stronghold : Past Horizons Archaeology

Coin hoards and pottery bring new insights to an ancient Illyrian stronghold : Past Horizons Archaeology | Archaeology News |

The ancient city of Rhizon (modern Risan in Montenegro), was a strongly fortified Illyrian town which functioned as a successful trading centre, occupying a sheltered position in the Bay of Kotor on the Adriatic.


Lying in the innermost portion of the bay, Rhizan was protected from the interior by inaccessible limestone cliffs of the Orjen mountain, the highest range of eastern Adriatic, and through several narrow straits in the Bay of Kotor from the open sea.Image: Wikimedia commons


A stronghold of an Illyrian Queen


Ancient Rhizon was also a political centre for the Illyrians and it was here that Teuta, Queen of the Ardiaei tribe, established her capital.

After negotiations broke down between Teuta and the Romans (who requested her to put and end to piracy in the Adriatic), the First Illyrian War broke out in 229 BC. However, the Illyrians could not withstand the might of Rome and the war was a short lived affair.

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Scooped by David Connolly
September 3, 2012 2:36 PM!

Archaeology: Oldest necropolis of ancient Apollonia found in Bulgaria’s Sozopol

Archaeology: Oldest necropolis of ancient Apollonia found in Bulgaria’s Sozopol | Archaeology News |
Archaeologists have found the long sought-after oldest necropolis of ancient Apollonia, the Black Sea town that was the predecessor to today’s Sozopol in Bulgaria.
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Scooped by David Connolly
August 31, 2012 3:17 AM!

Anglo-Saxon treasures uncovered at Polesworth Abbey dig

Anglo-Saxon treasures uncovered at Polesworth Abbey dig | Archaeology News |
Anglo-Saxon treasures which date back as far as 700AD have been unearthed during a major archaelogical dig at a historic Midland site.
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Scooped by David Connolly
August 25, 2012 2:33 AM!

Eneolithic age objects discovered in Azerbaijan

Eneolithic age objects discovered in Azerbaijan | Archaeology News |
Azerbaijan, Baku, Aug. 24 / Trend I.Isabalayeva / The Archaeology and Ethnography Institute has discovered in the ancient village of Shahtakhti artifacts dating back to the Eneolithic age, research officer Ghahraman Aghayev told Trend on Friday.
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Scooped by David Connolly
August 18, 2012 3:52 AM!

Severed Hands Discovered in Ancient Egypt Palace

Severed Hands Discovered in Ancient Egypt Palace | Archaeology News |

This is first physical evidence of a grisly practice during ancient war.

The archaeologists have unearthed the skeletal remains of 16 human hands buried in four pits in Egypt.

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Scooped by David Connolly
September 4, 2012 3:20 AM!

ARCHAEOLOGY - Historic stadium found in Aydın

ARCHAEOLOGY - Historic stadium found in Aydın | Archaeology News |
The best-preserved stadium in the Anatolian region has been found at the ancient city of Magnesia in the Aegean
province of Aydın’s Germencik.


During excavation in the ancient city of Magnesia, located in the Ortaklar district of Germencik in the Aegean province of Aydın, the best preserved stadium in Anatolia has been unearthed. Excavations and restoration works have continued for 28 years under the leadership of the head of the Ankara University Archaeology Department Professor Orhan Bingöl.

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Scooped by David Connolly
September 3, 2012 3:15 AM!

ARCHAEOLOGY - Headless statues unearthed in Aphrodisias excavations

ARCHAEOLOGY - Headless statues unearthed in Aphrodisias excavations | Archaeology News |
The ongoing excavation works at one of Turkey’s most important archaeological...
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Scooped by David Connolly
August 29, 2012 2:38 AM!

Remains of 8000-year old ship discovered in South Korea - Sowetan LIVE

Remains of 8000-year old ship discovered in South Korea - Sowetan LIVE | Archaeology News |
Archaeologists in Uljin, South Korea, have found the remains of a fishing boat that they believe may be 8,000 years...
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Scooped by David Connolly
August 20, 2012 4:02 AM!

ARCHAEOLOGY - Excavation reveals ancient hair fashion

ARCHAEOLOGY - Excavation reveals ancient hair fashion | Archaeology News |
Archaeologists conducting excavations in the northwestern province of Çanakkale’s Ayvacık district have discovered hairpins thought to be over two millennia old, proving that ancient societies also had a pronounced desire to “look good,” according to researchers.


“The hairpins show us that there was a high demand for them in ancient times. Maybe their existence shows us that there was a small atelier for hair pin production here,” said Professor Nurettin Arslan of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, the head of the excavations, adding that women of the age placed great importance in being well-groomed and stylish.

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