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Algorithmes et programmation, surtout en Python
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Scooped by Goulu
November 9, 2015 4:06 AM!

La culture de la cybersécurité

La culture de la cybersécurité | Algos |
Dans le cadre des « Entretiens autour de l’informatique », Serge Abiteboul et Claire Mathieu ont rencontré Stanislas de Maupeou, Directeur du secteur Conseil en sécurité chez Thalès.
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Scooped by Goulu
October 12, 2015 8:07 AM!

Number of digits in n!

Number of digits in n! | Algos |
The other day I ran across the fact that 23! has 23 digits. That made me wonder how often n! has n digits.
There can only be a finite number of cases, because n!
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Scooped by Goulu
August 23, 2015 4:32 AM!

Rendering: Hardware

Rendering: Hardware | Algos |
From laptop to desktop, render node to render farm, Greg Corke gives a back to basics guide to buying hardware for rendering The Basics Rendering absolutely hammers the processor so the CPU is arguably the most important component when choosing...
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Scooped by Goulu
August 16, 2015 3:47 AM!

Scientific computing in Python

Scientific computing in Python | Algos |
Scientific computing in Python is expanding and maturing rapidly. Last week at the SciPy 2015 conference there were about twice as many people as when I’d last gone to the conference in 2013.
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Scooped by Goulu
August 10, 2015 6:13 AM!

La reconstruction des flux par leurs traces

AdSense ne me donne que des informations générales sur le type de publicités qu’il affiche et sur les catégories de publicité qui ont généré des clics. Mais on peut résoudre un problème d’optimisation pour tenter de reconstruire les clics les plus probables.

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Scooped by Goulu
June 10, 2015 11:42 AM!

Outils web pour le développement collaboratif

  1. Git : LE gestionnaire de révision

  2. : LE site de dev. collaboratif

  3.  : test automatisé

  4. : couverture de code

  5. : génération de documentation

  6. : distribution / installation Python

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Scooped by Goulu
May 24, 2015 2:00 PM!

L'intelligence artificielle joue aux jeux d'arcade

L'intelligence artificielle joue aux jeux d'arcade | Algos |
La société Deepmind, rachetée par Google, a développé un système d'intelligence artificielle capable d'apprendre par lui-même, de déterminer l'action la plus judicieuse et de battre l'homme dans une vingtaine de jeux.
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Scooped by Goulu
May 24, 2015 1:47 PM!

PHP 7 des performances impressionnantes !

PHP 7 des performances impressionnantes ! | Algos |
PHP 7 dont la version alpha devrait arriver au milieu de cette année, nous promet des performances impressionnantes, d'après un billet de Zend qui est à la tête du projet PHP, billet repéré par
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Scooped by Goulu
April 30, 2015 5:45 AM!

You Can Embed Playable MS-DOS Games Into Tweets

You Can Embed Playable MS-DOS Games Into Tweets | Algos |
Embedding playable DOS games into tweets? Why not?
The post You Can Embed Playable MS-DOS Games Into Tweets appeared first on WIRED.
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Scooped by Goulu
April 8, 2015 1:20 PM!

How Google Pulled Off Its Ingenious Pac-Man Maps

Here's how Google's amazing April Fools' Day easter egg came to be, and why it's not sticking around.
The post How Google Pulled Off Its Ingenious Pac-Man Maps appeared first on WIRED.
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Scooped by Goulu
March 13, 2015 5:07 AM!

How GitHub Conquered Google, Microsoft, and Everyone Else

How GitHub Conquered Google, Microsoft, and Everyone Else | Algos |
Google Code was supposed to spread the open source religion. But then GitHub came along. And GitHub, it turns out, was a much better preacher.
The post How GitHub Conquered Google, Microsoft, and Everyone Else appeared first on WIRED.
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Rescooped by Goulu from Dr. Goulu
March 2, 2015 4:03 AM!

How to Sabotage Encryption Software (And Not Get Caught) | WIRED

How to Sabotage Encryption Software (And Not Get Caught) | WIRED | Algos |
When crypto researchers set out to discover the best way to undermine encryption software, they did so believing it would help them eradicate backdoors in the future. Here's what they found.
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Scooped by Goulu
October 28, 2015 9:48 AM!

Le format %a des flottants, et autres crottes de ragondins

Le format %a des flottants, et autres crottes de ragondins Comme le maître zen De-Monyo l'a dit avant moi : le chemin de l'enfer est pavé de petites crottes de ragondin. C'est certainement vrai, au moins, en informatique.
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Rescooped by Goulu from Dr. Goulu
October 16, 2015 1:52 AM!

Le premier compilateur C++ a 30 ans !

Le premier compilateur C++ a 30 ans ! | Algos |
A lire, si vous appréciez C++, et peut-être aussi si vous ne l'appréciez pas, une très intéressante interview de son créateur danois Bjarne Stroustrup.
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Scooped by Goulu
October 2, 2015 10:18 AM!

Words nobody wants for websites

Words nobody wants for websites | Algos |
There are over 130 million .com and .net domain names. Is every single English word being used?
Not at all. Checking the domains against a list of over 375,000 words, names and places, it turns out that only around 64% are actually in use.
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Scooped by Goulu
August 16, 2015 5:13 AM!

The most important skill in software development

The most important skill in software development | Algos |

When it comes to writing code, the number one most important skill is how to keep a tangle of features from collapsing under the weight of its own complexity. I’ve worked on large telecommunications systems, console games, blogging software, a bunch of personal tools, and very rarely is there some tricky data structure or algorithm that casts a looming shadow over everything else. But there’s always lots of state to keep track of, rearranging of values, handling special cases, and carefully working out how all the pieces of a system interact. To a great extent the act of coding is one of organization. Refactoring. Simplifying. Figuring out how to remove extraneous manipulations here and there.

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Scooped by Goulu
August 15, 2015 8:42 AM!

How to get useful work done by a supercomputer

Robert Roe explores the efforts made by top HPC centres to scale software codes to the extreme levels necessary for exascale computing
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Scooped by Goulu
June 11, 2015 3:10 PM!

Le matériel et les logiciels d'un informaticien expert judiciaire

Le matériel et les logiciels d'un informaticien expert judiciaire | Algos |
S'il est bien un sujet délicat à aborder,c'est celui des choix que j'ai pu faire en matière de matériels et de logiciels, à titre personnel.
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Scooped by Goulu
June 2, 2015 8:11 AM!

How the Tech Behind Bitcoin Could Stop the Next Snowden

How the Tech Behind Bitcoin Could Stop the Next Snowden | Algos |
Using the same ideas that underpin Bitcoin, an Estonian company says it can ensure no one can alter digital files, not even an organization's most senior executives.
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Scooped by Goulu
May 24, 2015 1:50 PM!

Un projet de la NSA pour un piratage à grande ampleur des applications et smartphones Android

Il y avait longtemps qu'Ewdard Snowden n'y était pas allé de sa petite révélation sur les grandes turpitudes de la NSA.
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Rescooped by Goulu from Dr. Goulu
May 16, 2015 5:13 AM!

Feds Say That Banned Researcher Commandeered a Plane

Feds Say That Banned Researcher Commandeered a Plane | Algos |
A security researcher who was kicked off a United Airlines flight last month after tweeting a reference to its security vulnerabilities had previously taken control of an airplane mid-flight.
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Scooped by Goulu
April 28, 2015 7:17 AM!

QR Codes and Percolation

QR Codes and Percolation | Algos |
Percolation theory looks at problems such as the probability of being able to traverse some region with random obstacles. It is motivated by problems such as modeling the flow of a fluid in a porous medium.
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Scooped by Goulu
March 28, 2015 3:09 PM!

How a Technology-Push Process Led to the Reboot of Google Glass

How a Technology-Push Process Led to the Reboot of Google Glass | Algos |
Google Glass exploded into the tech scene in 2012 with the pomp and circumstance of an Apple product unveiling.  It put “wearable technology” into the lexicon of the masses.  Accolades poured in from both the technology world and the fashion...
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Scooped by Goulu
March 11, 2015 6:17 AM!

Googlers’ Epic Hack Exploits How Memory Leaks Electricity

Googlers’ Epic Hack Exploits How Memory Leaks Electricity | Algos |
Google's hack shows a fundamental flaw in basic computer hardware that could be impossible to fully patch in existing vulnerable computers.
The post Googlers’ Epic Hack Exploits How Memory Leaks Electricity appeared first on WIRED.
Goulu's insight:

Fantastique !

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