How, Google Plus & Twitter can turn chaos into order | Education & Numérique |

If you do anything professionally related to online technology, you understand the immense amount of data you need to sort through each day. There are the daily content roundups, blogs to read, Facebook posts and to check, tweets to scroll through and news sites. That doesn’t include whatever else arrives in your in-box. I literally cannot keep up with all that I want to know about social media technology and its use for engagement, fundraising and advocacy.

It’s really too much to know. That’s when I began trusting the curators.


Trusting the curators was a strategy I employed to begin to figure out what to read, what I needed to read, and what others whom I trusted thought was important to read. We cannot read it all. We cannot begin to imagine trying to read it all. We must trust to the curators.

Trusting others to curate content has become my primary means for gathering relevant information about social media and particularly nonprofit technology.