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Operation Deimos
Psalm 10:13 (BSB)
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July 7, 2022 1:32 PM

Graham confirms Republicans would go after Social Security, Medicare if they get a Senate majority - DailyKos.com

Graham confirms Republicans would go after Social Security, Medicare if they get a Senate majority - DailyKos.com | Operation Deimos | Scoop.it

Sens. Bernie Sanders and Lindsey Graham held a debate about the economy Monday at the the Edward M. Kennedy Institute in Massachusetts, aired on Fox Nation.

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March 12, 2021 5:30 PM

CNN’s Brianna Keilar Busts Lindsey Graham’s Big ‘Magic’ Myth About Donald Trump - HuffPost.com

CNN’s Brianna Keilar Busts Lindsey Graham’s Big ‘Magic’ Myth About Donald Trump - HuffPost.com | Operation Deimos | Scoop.it
“The only magic there is watching the Lindsey Graham we once knew disappear."...
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February 28, 2021 10:35 PM

Trump and his CPAC fans lead GOP down a losing path (Opinion) - CNN.com

Trump and his CPAC fans lead GOP down a losing path (Opinion) - CNN.com | Operation Deimos | Scoop.it
Scott Jennings writes that former President Donald Trump stuck to his most successful talking points at his first post-presidency address at the Conservative Political Action Convention -- but given his loss in the 2020 election, this is bad news for the Republican Party.
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April 18, 2021 11:59 PM

Josh Hawley Loves To Accuse Others Of Doing What He Actually Did - HuffPost.com

Josh Hawley Loves To Accuse Others Of Doing What He Actually Did - HuffPost.com | Operation Deimos | Scoop.it

The Missouri Republican says it's Democrats who use mobs and tell big lies and try to overturn elections. Weird!

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March 2, 2021 10:53 PM

Stunning new allegations further connect Trump to Russian mobsters and oligarchs - RawStory.com

Stunning new allegations further connect Trump to Russian mobsters and oligarchs - RawStory.com | Operation Deimos | Scoop.it

However we decide to account for Donald Trump's astonishing rise and fall, we now know that he was certainly no stranger to a sprawling netherworld of Russian gangsters and oligarchs. 

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February 12, 2021 11:07 PM

Opinion: What will Mitch McConnell do? - CNN.com

Opinion: What will Mitch McConnell do? - CNN.com | Operation Deimos | Scoop.it
Perhaps the ultimate party man will decide that he must steer his party away from a destructive path, writes David Axelrod. And maybe -- just maybe -- in the final stanzas of his career, he will feel the tug of history and conscience and surprise us all.
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