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Scooped by Système de veille
July 22, 7:02 AM!

IVORY COAST: Heat wave worsening inflation, precarity 

IVORY COAST: Heat wave worsening inflation, precarity  | AFRIQUES |

The economy in Ivory Coast has long been under pressure from regional security threats and predatory markets. Now, an acute heat wave is driving the prices for basic goods up even further.

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 22, 7:01 AM!

TCHAD: un programme d’électrification où 11% à peine de la population a accès à l’énergie 

TCHAD: un programme d’électrification où 11% à peine de la population a accès à l’énergie  | AFRIQUES |

Au Tchad, l'accès à l’électricité reste un véritable problème pour les populations. Pour pallier à cette difficulté, les autorités ont lancé, samedi 16 juillet, à Ndjamena, un programme d’accélération de l’électrification du pays d’un montant de 460 millions de dollars, financé par la Banque mondiale.

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 19, 5:52 AM!

EU-North Africa: migration first?

EU-North Africa: migration first? | AFRIQUES |

Instant reactions, delivered to your inbox.EU-NORTH AFRICA: MIGRATION FIRST? The MED This Week newsletter provides informed insights on the most significant developments in the MENA region, bringing together unique opinions and reliable foresight on future scenarios.

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 15, 4:35 AM!

COTE D'IVOIRE: les champs de café délaissés, vers une pénurie du robusta? 

COTE D'IVOIRE: les champs de café délaissés, vers une pénurie du robusta?  | AFRIQUES |

En Côte d’Ivoire, la production de café a chuté de 61,6% entre les neuf premiers mois de 2022 et les neuf premiers mois de 2023, selon la Direction des prévisions, des politiques et des statistiques économiques (DPPSE). En raison des prix bas ces dernières années, mais aussi de la hausse du coût de la main d’œuvre, la culture du café est délaissée par de nombreux agriculteurs.

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 15, 4:33 AM!

AFRICA: Can Zimbabwe stem its tide of shoddy solar imports?

AFRICA: Can Zimbabwe stem its tide of shoddy solar imports? | AFRIQUES |

Stricter regulations and better consumer awareness could be the answer, but slow legislation remains a stumbling block

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 12, 5:42 AM!

AFRICA: Digital adoption in West African agriculture: the reality behind the promise 

AFRICA: Digital adoption in West African agriculture: the reality behind the promise  | AFRIQUES |

How are farmers in West Africa adopting digital tools? For two years, the Fracture Numérique (Digital Divide) project studied three sectors in three different countries. The findings show that the reality on the ground is sometimes far removed from the promises and trends observed in development projects. The research team believes that fostering a frugal use of simple digital tools is the best way to support small farmers.

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 8, 5:17 AM!

REPORT : Migration dynamics in the Atlantic-basin : Case studies from Morocco and Nigeria

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 8, 4:48 AM!

KENYA: Could maggots fed on food waste replace wild-caught fish feed?

KENYA: Could maggots fed on food waste replace wild-caught fish feed? | AFRIQUES |

Enterprising Kenyans are rearing black soldier fly larvae to feed not just livestock, but also their growing aquaculture industry

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 8, 4:45 AM!

AFRICA: Ethiopian farmers see value in worm compost 

AFRICA: Ethiopian farmers see value in worm compost  | AFRIQUES |

Farmers in one part of southern Ethiopia are making their own organic compost with the help of earthworms. It's good for the farmers and the wider region. After initial resistance, the practice is catching on fast, bringing positive change.

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Rescooped by Système de veille from COMMERCE & LOGISTIQUE
July 8, 4:12 AM!

TRADE: Is China-Africa $20 Billion agricultural trade realistic by 2030? 

TRADE: Is China-Africa $20 Billion agricultural trade realistic by 2030?  | AFRIQUES |

Achieving the target requires more than doubling the current $9 billion in agricultural exports from Africa to China. This is ambitious, but attainable with strategic efforts. 

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 1, 6:12 AM!

AFRICA: Sudan’s warring factions using starvation as weapon

AFRICA: Sudan’s warring factions using starvation as weapon | AFRIQUES |

Special rapporteurs working for UN warn famine is imminent and over 25 million people need urgent help

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 1, 6:11 AM!

AFRICA : Remobiliser la filière africaine du coton face aux chutes de production 

AFRICA : Remobiliser la filière africaine du coton face aux chutes de production  | AFRIQUES |

La filière africaine du coton génère entre 5 et 50% du PIB des pays producteurs. Mais depuis deux ans, elle est confrontée à d’énormes problèmes de production. 

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Scooped by Système de veille
June 24, 7:06 AM!

COTE D’IVOIRE : l'agriculture c'est encore 25 % du PIB et 60% des emplois ! 

COTE D’IVOIRE : l'agriculture c'est encore 25 % du PIB et 60% des emplois !  | AFRIQUES |

Moteur essentiel du développement de la Côte d’Ivoire, le secteur agricole ivoirien continue de démontrer sa résilience, favorisant l’industrialisation, l’essor des exportations, la création  d’emplois et l’augmentation des revenus. Mardi 18 juin 2024, dans son discours sur l’état de la nation devant le Parlement réuni en Congrès, le président Alassane Ouattara a indiqué que la Côte d’Ivoire s’est positionnée comme une puissance agricole mondiale.

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 22, 7:02 AM!

AFRICA: building homes from mushroom waste and weeds 

AFRICA: building homes from mushroom waste and weeds  | AFRIQUES |

A sustainable project aims to repurpose encroacher bush to create building blocks to solve Namibia’s housing crisis

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 22, 7:00 AM!

AFRIQUE : La Namibie et ses gisements, un nouvel Eldorado pour les compagnies pétrolières ?

AFRIQUE : La Namibie et ses gisements, un nouvel Eldorado pour les compagnies pétrolières ? | AFRIQUES |

La Namibie semble être au centre de toutes les attentions des compagnies pétrolières. Sa production de pétrole pourrait grimper "jusqu’à 1,5 million de barils par jour d’ici 2029", selon les informations de Bloomberg.

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 15, 5:25 AM!

AFRICA: Promoting Development in Rural Africa through Water Management and Security

AFRICA: Promoting Development in Rural Africa through Water Management and Security | AFRIQUES |

The agricultural sector is responsible for 72% of global water withdrawals, and is the biggest employer of the world’s most vulnerable and poor populations. Still, close to 84% of smallholder farms in low- and middle-income economies are located in water-scarce regions, with less than one third of them having access to irrigation (UN, 2024). These small-scale farmers also bear the heavy weight of land degradation and climate crisis.

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 15, 4:33 AM!

AFRICA: Soaring food-price inflation is hurting Nigeria’s poor

AFRICA: Soaring food-price inflation is hurting Nigeria’s poor | AFRIQUES |

In a video on social media, Amarachi makes a stew that replaces pricey tomatoes with more affordable watermelon chunks. “Today we say bye-bye to tomatoes,” she says. As Nigerians adjust to soaring food prices, the video has gone viral.

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 15, 4:32 AM!

AFRICA: Its urbanization drive relies on smart cities 

AFRICA: Its urbanization drive relies on smart cities  | AFRIQUES |

Africa is leading global population growth. High fertility and decreasing child mortality rates are fueling its trajectory. Some countries have introduced smart cities for rapid urbanization.

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 12, 5:33 AM!

MOROCCO: Acciona starts work on Africa’s biggest desalination plant

MOROCCO: Acciona starts work on Africa’s biggest desalination plant | AFRIQUES |

A consortium led by Spanish contractor Acciona has broken ground in Morocco on what will be Africa’s largest desalination plant at Lamharza Essahel, about 40km south of Casablanca.

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 8, 4:50 AM!

SOUTH AFRICA: foreign relations under a new government

SOUTH AFRICA: foreign relations under a new government | AFRIQUES |

New foreign minister Ronald Lamola is a rising political force. He will likely focus more on foreign relations serving domestic economic issues, taking a lower profile than his predecessor.

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 8, 4:47 AM!

COTE D'IVOIRE: une économie en bonne santé, mais vulnérable face au changement climatique 

COTE D'IVOIRE: une économie en bonne santé, mais vulnérable face au changement climatique  | AFRIQUES |

L’économie ivoirienne se porte bien en 2023, selon un rapport de la Banque Mondiale. Toutefois, l’institution de Bretton-Woods prévient que les autorités ivoiriennes que le changement climatique pourrait avoir un impact important sur l'économie si rien n'est mis en place.

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 8, 4:18 AM!

AFRICA : Promoting development in rural Africa through water management and security

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Rescooped by Système de veille from EUROPES
July 8, 4:09 AM!

AGRICULTURE: Algeria and Italy sign $455 million agriculture deal

AGRICULTURE: Algeria and Italy sign $455 million agriculture deal | AFRIQUES |

Algeria and Italy on Saturday signed a 420-million-euro deal ($455 million) for an agricultural project in the North African country, the Algerian agriculture ministry said in a statement. The scheme, which Italian officials called their country’s largest agricultural investment in the southern Mediterranean, covers 36,000 hectares (89,000 acres) in Algeria’s Timimoune province. It will produce wheat, lentils and beans, among other foods, in the hopes of increasing Algerian non-hydrocarbon exports, officials said during the agreement ceremony.

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 1, 6:12 AM!

ALGERIE : l’oléiculture prospère malgré le réchauffement climatique

ALGERIE : l’oléiculture prospère malgré le réchauffement climatique | AFRIQUES |

Alors que de plus en plus de producteurs tentent de propulser l’huile d’olive algérienne sur le devant de la scène internationale, cette dynamique est menacée par la sécheresse et les incendies

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 1, 6:10 AM!

AFRICA: The “Venice of Africa” is sinking into the sea

AFRICA: The “Venice of Africa” is sinking into the sea | AFRIQUES |

Megacities on the continent’s western coast are being swamped by rising oceans.

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