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July 22, 7:08 AM!

OMC : le système chinois et l’économie libérale sont-ils compatibles ? 

OMC : le système chinois et l’économie libérale sont-ils compatibles ?  | COMMERCE & LOGISTIQUE |

AUDIO • 3/10 : OMC : le système chinois et l’économie libérale sont-ils compatibles ?. Les accords qui ont changé le monde est une série inédite proposée par France Culture. Écoutez gratuitement en ligne ce podcast et parcourez tout notre catalogue.

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July 15, 4:39 AM!

CLIMAT: les pays les plus pauvres ne peuvent plus attendre les fonds "pertes et dommages"

CLIMAT: les pays les plus pauvres ne peuvent plus attendre les fonds "pertes et dommages" | COMMERCE & LOGISTIQUE |

Pas une année de plus : les pays les plus pauvres de la planète, en première ligne du changement climatique, préviennent qu'ils ne peuvent plus attendre pour obtenir les premières aides du fonds "pertes et dommages", créé à la COP28 en novembre mais encore loin d'être opérationnel.

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 15, 4:37 AM!

ECONOMIE NUMERIQUE : les pays en développement supportent le fardeau mais ne récoltent pas les bénéfices

ECONOMIE NUMERIQUE : les pays en développement supportent le fardeau mais ne récoltent pas les bénéfices | COMMERCE & LOGISTIQUE |

Economie numérique : les pays en développement supportent le fardeau mais ne récoltent pas les bénéfices 10 juillet 2024 Les pays en développement supportent l’impact environnemental de l’économie numérique mais tirent des bénéfices assez faibles de la numérisation, selon un rapport d'ONU commerce...

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July 8, 4:11 AM!

TRADE: Is China-Africa $20 Billion agricultural trade realistic by 2030? 

TRADE: Is China-Africa $20 Billion agricultural trade realistic by 2030?  | COMMERCE & LOGISTIQUE |

Achieving the target requires more than doubling the current $9 billion in agricultural exports from Africa to China. This is ambitious, but attainable with strategic efforts. 

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 1, 6:16 AM!

ECONOMY: Why global GDP might be $7trn bigger than everyone thought

ECONOMY: Why global GDP might be $7trn bigger than everyone thought | COMMERCE & LOGISTIQUE |

Many people have experienced the joy of finding some spare change down the back of the sofa. On May 30th the World Bank experienced something similar, if on a grander scale. After rooting around in 176 countries, it discovered almost $7trn in extra global gdp—equivalent to an extra France and a Mexico.

In fact, there may be a better analogy. What the World Bank discovered was not additional money to spend, but the equivalent of a discount voucher, which cuts 4% off the price of every good and service the world buys in a year. That means global spending can stretch further than previously thought.

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Scooped by Système de veille
June 24, 4:14 AM!

COMMERCE : Les États-Unis suspendent l’importation des avocats 

COMMERCE : Les États-Unis suspendent l’importation des avocats  | COMMERCE & LOGISTIQUE |

Le Mexique va-t-il pouvoir continuer à exporter ses avocats et ses mangues vers les États-Unis ? La question se pose après la décision de Washington de suspendre les inspections de sécurité sur ses fruits dans l'État du Michoacan trop dangereux. Cette suspension, c'est la conséquence d'un incident de sécurité, selon le ministère américain de l'Agriculture. Et même si, pour l'instant, les produits déjà chargés, en transit, ne sont pas menacés, les exportations pourraient souffrir à terme de cette décision. Car l'avocat représente un business fructueux au Mexique. À tel point que l'appât du gain a attiré les groupes criminels d'où l'insécurité ambiante. Ces groupes ont appliqué petit à petit leurs méthodes au détriment des lois et de l'environnement. Reportage de notre correspondante Gwendolina Duval qui s'est rendue au Michoacan.

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Scooped by Système de veille
June 20, 9:35 AM!

TRADE: The hard sell for British food in Asia

TRADE: The hard sell for British food in Asia | COMMERCE & LOGISTIQUE |

The UK still lags far behind its main European counterparts, both in terms of sales and reputation.

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Scooped by Système de veille
June 20, 9:22 AM!

TRADE: China launches anti-dumping probe into EU pork imports

TRADE: China launches anti-dumping probe into EU pork imports | COMMERCE & LOGISTIQUE |

Beijing has opened an anti-dumping investigation into EU pork imports, escalating trade tensions less than a week after Brussels said it would impose tariffs on electric vehicle shipments from China.

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Scooped by Système de veille
June 17, 5:02 AM!

REPORT : Global Trends report 2023 

REPORT : Global Trends report 2023  | COMMERCE & LOGISTIQUE |

UNHCR's Global Trends report presents key statistical trends and the latest official statistics on refugees, asylum-seekers, internally displaced and stateless people worldwide. At the end of 2023, 117.3 million people worldwide were forcibly displaced as a result of persecution, conflict, violence, human rights violations and events seriously disturbing public order.

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Scooped by Système de veille
June 17, 4:58 AM!

COMMERCE : Hausse des droits de douane sur des produits chinois aux États-Unis : une décision plus politique qu’économique ?

COMMERCE : Hausse des droits de douane sur des produits chinois aux États-Unis : une décision plus politique qu’économique ? | COMMERCE & LOGISTIQUE |

Les arguments pour relever les droits de douane aux États-Unis sur des produits importés de Chine semblent maigres d’un point de vue économique. La décision semble plutôt électoraliste.

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Scooped by Système de veille
June 17, 4:27 AM!

TRADE: European farmers fear trade war with China over EV tariffs

TRADE: European farmers fear trade war with China over EV tariffs | COMMERCE & LOGISTIQUE |

Major food companies and wine-growers in Europe are on high alert for a potential trade war, fearing they may face retaliatory tariffs from Beijing after the EU’s move to slap higher tariffs on electric vehicles made in China.

Dairy producers and pork exporters are concerned about the potential for retaliatory tariffs from China after Wednesday’s decision on anti-subsidy duties on Chinese EVs.

China’s state media have reported that domestic companies are preparing to request investigations into some EU dairy and pork imports over anti-subsidy or anti-dumping concerns – moves that could result in lengthy trade suspensions.

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Scooped by Système de veille
June 10, 5:15 AM!

TRADE: Russia declares crop emergency but says it will meet export commitments

TRADE: Russia declares crop emergency but says it will meet export commitments | COMMERCE & LOGISTIQUE |

Russia said on Friday it was declaring a federal emergency in 10 regions because of damage to crops from May frosts, a measure that will help farmers with extra funds but which officials said should not derail export obligations.

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Scooped by Système de veille
June 10, 4:32 AM!

AGRICULTURE : Premier envoi vers l’Europe de soja argentin certifié « sans déforestation »

AGRICULTURE : Premier envoi vers l’Europe de soja argentin certifié « sans déforestation » | COMMERCE & LOGISTIQUE |

La totalité des exportations argentines de fèves, huiles et farines de soja envoyées vers l’UE devrait être certifiée « sans déforestation », par le privé, dès 2025, pour répondre à une nouvelle exigence européenne.

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 22, 7:08 AM!

TRADE: Sea ice choke points reduce the length of the shipping season in the Northwest Passage 

TRADE: Sea ice choke points reduce the length of the shipping season in the Northwest Passage  | COMMERCE & LOGISTIQUE |

Arctic sea ice has shifted from a perennial (older, thicker ice) to a seasonal (younger, thinner) ice regime, leading to the increasingly common belief that shipping through Canada’s Northwest Passage is becoming more viable. Here, we use the Risk Index Outcome values derived from the Polar Operational Limit Assessment Risk Indexing System and analyze recent changes to shipping season lengths along individual sections of the Northwest Passage routes from 2007 to 2021. Results show that multi-year ice flushed southward from high-latitude regions maintains the so-called choke points along certain route sections, reducing overall shipping season length. There is considerable spatiotemporal variability in shipping season lengths along the southern and northern routes. Specifically, parts of the northern route exhibit a decrease of up to 14 weeks over the 15 years. The variability of shipping season and, in particular, the shortening of the season will impact not only international shipping but also resupply and the cost of food in many Arctic communities, which require a prompt policy response. Shipping seasons along the Northwest Passage vary in space and time, with southward transport of multi-year ice creating choke points that reduce overall season length, according to an analysis of sea ice charts derived from risk index systems from 2007 to 2021.

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 15, 4:38 AM!

TRADE: Rising shipping costs hit global trade hard

TRADE: Rising shipping costs hit global trade hard | COMMERCE & LOGISTIQUE |

The effects of restrictions on shipping in the Red Sea and Panama Canal are being felt around the world. Global trade is under immense strain amid rising freight costs.

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 8, 4:59 AM!

COMMERCE : Tensions commerciales Chine / UE sur les importations de véhicules électriques

COMMERCE : Tensions commerciales Chine / UE sur les importations de véhicules électriques | COMMERCE & LOGISTIQUE |

En juin 2024, la Commission européenne a livré les premières conclusions de son enquête sur les pratiques de subvention du gouvernement central chinois et des acteurs locaux aux producteurs de véhicules électriques (VE). Elle estimait que la nature et le niveau de ce soutien constituaient une entrave à la concurrence…

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Scooped by Système de veille
July 8, 4:06 AM!

AGRICULTURE: Drought-hit Tunisia turns to Russian companies to secure much-needed grain shipments

AGRICULTURE: Drought-hit Tunisia turns to Russian companies to secure much-needed grain shipments | COMMERCE & LOGISTIQUE |

Russia pledged more wheat shipments to Tunisia in a foreign ministers’ meeting last year

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Scooped by Système de veille
June 24, 4:32 AM!

COMMERCE : l'UE lance une procédure contre l'Algérie

COMMERCE : l'UE lance une procédure contre l'Algérie | COMMERCE & LOGISTIQUE |

La Commission européenne dénonce des restrictions aux exportations et aux investissements européens prises par les autorités algériennes depuis 2021. La plupart de ces mesures visaient à doper la production locale, mais elles brouillent les pistes alors que le pays cherche à s'ouvrir aux investisseurs étrangers.

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Scooped by Système de veille
June 21, 4:19 AM!

TRADE: Rumours of the trade deal’s death are greatly exaggerated

TRADE: Rumours of the trade deal’s death are greatly exaggerated | COMMERCE & LOGISTIQUE |

In some parts of the world, not least America’s capital, “trade” is a dirty word. Both Donald Trump and Joe Biden now champion protectionism, and neither president signed a single new trade deal. The World Trade Organisation (wto) is a shell of its former self. So you might think that trade deals are history—but in fact, from South Asia to Latin America, dealmaking continues apace.

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Scooped by Système de veille
June 20, 9:23 AM!

TRADE: China launches anti-dumping probe into EU pork as trade tensions grow

TRADE: China launches anti-dumping probe into EU pork as trade tensions grow | COMMERCE & LOGISTIQUE |

Beijing has launched an anti-dumping investigation aimed at certain pork products from the EU, days after the block increased tariffs on Chinese vehicles.

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Scooped by Système de veille
June 20, 5:28 AM!

RAPPORT : Accord de libre-échange entre l'Union européenne et l'Inde

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June 17, 5:00 AM!

COMMERCE : Russie-Chine, bientôt un nouvel axe du commerce de viande? 

COMMERCE : Russie-Chine, bientôt un nouvel axe du commerce de viande?  | COMMERCE & LOGISTIQUE |

D'importatrice nette, la Russie est devenue exportatrice de viande ces dernières années. L'élevage est en plein essor dans le pays et intéresse de plus en plus le grand voisin chinois.

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Scooped by Système de veille
June 17, 4:50 AM!

TRADE: China's megaport in Peru could trigger resource conflict with US

TRADE: China's megaport in Peru could trigger resource conflict with US | COMMERCE & LOGISTIQUE |

Report China's Cosco Shipping is building a $3.5 billion port in Peru that may bolster trade between Asia and South America.

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Scooped by Système de veille
June 17, 4:20 AM!

TRADE: Study shows WTO collapse could slash exports of developing countries by 33%

TRADE: Study shows WTO collapse could slash exports of developing countries by 33% | COMMERCE & LOGISTIQUE |

New economic modelling shows developing economies would see significant long-term trade reductions without the safety-net of the World Trade Organization (WTO).

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Scooped by Système de veille
June 10, 5:00 AM!

TRADE: Tackling deforestation in the Brazil-China agricultural trade

TRADE: Tackling deforestation in the Brazil-China agricultural trade | COMMERCE & LOGISTIQUE |

Decades of growth in agricultural trade have left their mark on the Amazon. Chinese companies are key buyers, but could also shape a greener future

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