A Year in 12 Posts
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Politics, Science, Art, Web, Business: a curation of 2013 events (and 2012, and 2011)
Curated by Marc Rougier
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Jun 2013: You're Being Watched

Jun 2013: You're Being Watched | A Year in 12 Posts | Scoop.it
Marc Rougier's insight:

Microsoft, Apple, Yahoo, Youtube, AOL, Facebook, Skype, Verizon, ...: the NSA is spying on US (and perhaps not only US) citizen with a data mining program called PRISM, revealed in June.

Edward Snowden gave this interview. Getting closer and closer to 1984, the dystopian novel by George Orwell. Blurred boundaries between democracy, freedom and security... How afraid are you? I'm impressed by the power of the program... I'm also very impressed by Snowden's position. Must watch.

Meanwhile, China reclaimed top spot in the TOP500 list (most powerful supercomputers). [geek alert] Tianhe-2: 33.86 petaflop/s, more than 3 million cores. 30 times more powerful than the most powerul supercompters from 5 years ago. That's lots of power for data mining... 

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Jun 2011: Most Expensive Musical Instrument

"The nonprofit Nippon Foundation has sold a renowned Stradivarius violin for $16 million at a London auction to raise money for tsunami disaster".

Marc Rougier's insight:

Amazing record and beautiful cause.

The Lady Blunt was crafted in 1721 by Antonio Stradivarius and is surprisingly well preserved. Stradivarius' art is still a mystery. Read, watch and listen more about violins of all kinds.

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Jun 2012: Solar Impulse

Jun 2012: Solar Impulse | A Year in 12 Posts | Scoop.it
Marc Rougier's insight:

Solar Impulse, the Swiss project, completed the world first solar-powered intercontinental flight from Spain to Morocco. An important technical achievement when energy is one of the world next big challenges.

The plane was piloted by Bertrand Piccard, who was also the first to complete a non stop balloon flight around the world.

Less mediatic than a Richard Branson or Felix Baumgartner, but interesting family: his father Jacques was the first (with Don Walsh) to explore the deepest point of the oceans (Mariana Trench, - 36.000 ft) and his grand father Auguste set altitude records in balloon and invented the bathyscaphe

gbeuvelot's comment, January 13, 2013 5:48 PM
Up to come this year 2013, researcher, skipper and adventurer Raphale Dinelli will undertake some solar flight records. Unfortunately he counld not joind the 2012 Vendée Globe Race :-( have a look on his foundation http://www.fondationoceanvital.com/