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Scooped by Gust MEES
February 18, 2018 11:53 AM

RegTech 2.0 | Report in PDF format

RegTech 2.0

During the first phase of RegTech, startups focussed more on the technology to drive compliance use cases and were less conversant with the nuances of the regulations in a holistic manner. This lack of understanding of regulatory complexities by
RegTech startups proved a significant challenge for banks wishing to work with them. RegTech firms in RegTech 2.0 are expected to collaborate more, with banks, regulators and domain experts, to
demonstrate their offerings’ success far more quickly. 


Also, as offerings in the next phase evolve from niche propositions to broader compliance propositions, they are in far more need of active support from regulators and industry consultants.
The market of regulators and central banks around the world are also struggling with the data deluge and supervision of new entrants in the banking industry.

The entire lifecycle of policy making, enforcement and supervision is ripe for disruption with the use of advanced technology. Startups would need to be patient in handling the bureaucracy of state-run organizations and even longer sales cycles. Startups
would also need to improve their knowledge of regulators’ underlying objectives and demonstrate unambiguously how their solutions can help the regulators do a better job than the status quo.

Equipped with past learnings and strong support from regulators and governments across the world, RegTech 2.0 is at an inflexion point for a new era of efficient and effective compliance powered by technology.


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Gust MEES's insight:

RegTech 2.0

During the first phase of RegTech, startups focussed more on the technology to drive compliance use cases and were less conversant with the nuances of the regulations in a holistic manner. This lack of understanding of regulatory complexities by
RegTech startups proved a significant challenge for banks wishing to work with them. RegTech firms in RegTech 2.0 are expected to collaborate more, with banks, regulators and domain experts, to
demonstrate their offerings’ success far more quickly. 


Also, as offerings in the next phase evolve from niche propositions to broader compliance propositions, they are in far more need of active support from regulators and industry consultants.
The market of regulators and central banks around the world are also struggling with the data deluge and supervision of new entrants in the banking industry.

The entire lifecycle of policy making, enforcement and supervision is ripe for disruption with the use of advanced technology. Startups would need to be patient in handling the bureaucracy of state-run organizations and even longer sales cycles. Startups
would also need to improve their knowledge of regulators’ underlying objectives and demonstrate unambiguously how their solutions can help the regulators do a better job than the status quo.

Equipped with past learnings and strong support from regulators and governments across the world, RegTech 2.0 is at an inflexion point for a new era of efficient and effective compliance powered by technology.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
February 17, 2018 7:04 AM

The FinTech Big 5: RegTech, Blockchain, InsurTech, AI and Financial Inclusion

The FinTech Big 5: RegTech, Blockchain, InsurTech, AI and Financial Inclusion

Going in to 2018, we have chosen five areas of interest to focus on. Each represents a vital area of innovation in the financial industry, and has a particular relevance to Luxembourg’s thriving financial technology ecosystem.

Each week we will be choosing one of the topics to focus on, both in the content we share on social media, but also in a dedicated newsletter looking at the top five stories from that week. First, let’s introduce the topics:


1. Regulatory Technology (RegTech)

2. Blockchain

3. Insurance Technology (InsurTech)

4. Artificial Intelligence

5. Financial Inclusion

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Gust MEES's insight:

The FinTech Big 5: RegTech, Blockchain, InsurTech, AI and Financial Inclusion

Going in to 2018, we have chosen five areas of interest to focus on. Each represents a vital area of innovation in the financial industry, and has a particular relevance to Luxembourg’s thriving financial technology ecosystem.

Each week we will be choosing one of the topics to focus on, both in the content we share on social media, but also in a dedicated newsletter looking at the top five stories from that week. First, let’s introduce the topics:


1. Regulatory Technology (RegTech)

2. Blockchain

3. Insurance Technology (InsurTech)

4. Artificial Intelligence

5. Financial Inclusion

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Scooped by Gust MEES
May 4, 2017 7:18 AM

What is the Blockchain and Why is it So Important? | #Infographic #Fintech #BigData #CryptoCurrency

What is the Blockchain and Why is it So Important? | #Infographic #Fintech #BigData #CryptoCurrency | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it
The Blockchain is a distributed database technology that stores a single version of the truth of anything digital. How will it impact your business?


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Gust MEES's insight:
The Blockchain is a distributed database technology that stores a single version of the truth of anything digital. How will it impact your business?


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Scooped by Gust MEES
July 14, 2016 10:02 AM

La blockchain va impacter l’éducation

La blockchain va impacter l’éducation | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it
Un nouvelle étude de KnowledgeWorks explore le potentiel de la technologie blockchain au niveau des écoles, des enseignants, des parents et des élèves en ce qui concerne l'avenir de l'apprentissage.


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Gust MEES's insight:
Un nouvelle étude de KnowledgeWorks explore le potentiel de la technologie blockchain au niveau des écoles, des enseignants, des parents et des élèves en ce qui concerne l'avenir de l'apprentissage.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
July 5, 2016 8:23 AM

Wie Blockchain die Wirtschaft verändern könnte

Wie Blockchain die Wirtschaft verändern könnte | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it
Die heutige Wirtschaft könnte mithilfe von Blockchain-Technologie effizienter arbeiten. Diese Meinung vertreten Experten des IBM Institutes of Business Value in einer neuen Studie namens "Fast forward: Rethinking Enterprises, Ecosystems and Economies with Blockchains". Die Spezialisten haben drei Hemmnisse für Unternehmen identifiziert, die sich durch den Einsatz eines gemeinsamen Kassenbuchs (ledger) verringern oder sogar eliminieren lassen. Die Hemmnisse sind: Information, Interaktion und Innovation.


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Gust MEES's insight:
Die heutige Wirtschaft könnte mithilfe von Blockchain-Technologie effizienter arbeiten. Diese Meinung vertreten Experten des IBM Institutes of Business Value in einer neuen Studie namens "Fast forward: Rethinking Enterprises, Ecosystems and Economies with Blockchains". Die Spezialisten haben drei Hemmnisse für Unternehmen identifiziert, die sich durch den Einsatz eines gemeinsamen Kassenbuchs (ledger) verringern oder sogar eliminieren lassen. Die Hemmnisse sind: Information, Interaktion und Innovation.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
June 24, 2016 3:59 PM

Fintech macht Finanzgewerbe Konkurrenz | #ICT #Blockchain #Bitcoin #Finance 

Fintech macht Finanzgewerbe Konkurrenz | #ICT #Blockchain #Bitcoin #Finance  | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it
Tausende neue Start-ups dringen als sogenannte Fintechs in die etablierte Finanzwelt vor. Sie wollen moderne Technologie und eine veränderte Nutzung mobiler Internet-Geräte für neue Geschäftsmodelle nutzen - und treten damit in Konkurrenz zu traditionellen Banken.

Digitales Banking: Laut Bitkom führt fast ein Drittel der Verbraucher die Bankgeschäfte inzwischen ausschließlich über das Web.
(Quelle: Arne Dedert/Symbolbild)
Die Musik- und Medien-Branche wurde bereits radikal vom Internet umgekrempelt. Der Wandel in der streng regulierten Finanzindustrie geht dagegen etwas schwerfälliger vonstatten. Doch auch hier wächst der Druck auf die Banken-Bastionen. Manche Beobachter sagen schon voraus, dass die traditionellen Unternehmen von den neuen Fintech-Start-ups überrollt werden könnten. Dass die Industrie bei dem bereits eingesetzten Wandel noch einiges mitbestimmen wird, schätzt dagegen der Vizepräsident des Bitkom, Ulrich Dietz. Hier eine Übersicht zu aktuellen Fintech-Diensten im Netz:


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Gust MEES's insight:
Tausende neue Start-ups dringen als sogenannte Fintechs in die etablierte Finanzwelt vor. Sie wollen moderne Technologie und eine veränderte Nutzung mobiler Internet-Geräte für neue Geschäftsmodelle nutzen - und treten damit in Konkurrenz zu traditionellen Banken.

Digitales Banking: Laut Bitkom führt fast ein Drittel der Verbraucher die Bankgeschäfte inzwischen ausschließlich über das Web.
(Quelle: Arne Dedert/Symbolbild)
Die Musik- und Medien-Branche wurde bereits radikal vom Internet umgekrempelt. Der Wandel in der streng regulierten Finanzindustrie geht dagegen etwas schwerfälliger vonstatten. Doch auch hier wächst der Druck auf die Banken-Bastionen. Manche Beobachter sagen schon voraus, dass die traditionellen Unternehmen von den neuen Fintech-Start-ups überrollt werden könnten. Dass die Industrie bei dem bereits eingesetzten Wandel noch einiges mitbestimmen wird, schätzt dagegen der Vizepräsident des Bitkom, Ulrich Dietz. Hier eine Übersicht zu aktuellen Fintech-Diensten im Netz:


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Scooped by Gust MEES
February 18, 2018 7:44 AM

Regtech will reduce wealth management compliance budgets | #Fintech

Regtech will reduce wealth management compliance budgets | #Fintech | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

Wealth managers will again find themselves dedicating much of 2018 to adopting new compliance requirements. With this comes associated increases in operating costs. However, regtech will make the process more cost-efficient, according to GlobalData Financial Services

In 2018 the wealth management sector will face another wave of regulatory changes that aim to make the industry more transparent and restore consumer confidence. #

In Europe, MiFID II entered into force in January 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation will be effective from May.


On the other side of the ocean, the US financial services industry is getting ready for the Fiduciary Rule, which is due to enter into force in 2019.

Across the board, as of January 2018 all countries that signed the OECD’s agreement on automatic exchange of information must now be fully compliant with the Common Reporting Standard and report on accounts held by their residents.

Regulation has weighed heavily on wealth managers’ operating costs in the past few years.


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Gust MEES's insight:

Wealth managers will again find themselves dedicating much of 2018 to adopting new compliance requirements. With this comes associated increases in operating costs. However, regtech will make the process more cost-efficient, according to GlobalData Financial Services

In 2018 the wealth management sector will face another wave of regulatory changes that aim to make the industry more transparent and restore consumer confidence. #

In Europe, MiFID II entered into force in January 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation will be effective from May.


On the other side of the ocean, the US financial services industry is getting ready for the Fiduciary Rule, which is due to enter into force in 2019.

Across the board, as of January 2018 all countries that signed the OECD’s agreement on automatic exchange of information must now be fully compliant with the Common Reporting Standard and report on accounts held by their residents.

Regulation has weighed heavily on wealth managers’ operating costs in the past few years.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
September 8, 2017 1:25 AM

Blockchain – the road to mass adoption - BeyondBorders

Blockchain – the road to mass adoption - BeyondBorders | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it
It’s long been argued that blockchain  – the underlying DNA of cryptocurrency Bitcoin – could transform the way financial services companies do business, but how close is it to being used day-to-day?

When it comes to some aspects of the financial services industry, adoption is still a little way off.

There’s no doubt that blockchain’s real-time characteristic and ability to act as a public ledger of all transactions could revolutionise many parts of financial services, reducing risks and bringing cost savings among other benefits.


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Gust MEES's insight:
It’s long been argued that blockchain  – the underlying DNA of cryptocurrency Bitcoin – could transform the way financial services companies do business, but how close is it to being used day-to-day?

When it comes to some aspects of the financial services industry, adoption is still a little way off.

There’s no doubt that blockchain’s real-time characteristic and ability to act as a public ledger of all transactions could revolutionise many parts of financial services, reducing risks and bringing cost savings among other benefits.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
September 7, 2016 8:21 AM

Lehren aus dem DAO-Hack: Wieso Smart Contracts die Erwartungen enttäuschen müssen | #Blockchain #ICT #Laws 

Lehren aus dem DAO-Hack: Wieso Smart Contracts die Erwartungen enttäuschen müssen | #Blockchain #ICT #Laws  | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it
Wieso Smart Contracts die Erwartungen enttäuschen müssen
Was Juristen seit Jahrhunderten nicht geschafft haben, wollten Blockchain-Enthusiasten per Code regeln. Doch so leicht ist das nicht, wie der DAO-Hack zeigt. Dabei hätte man aus der Rechtsgeschichte lernen können. An einer Schnittstelle zur formalisierten Streitschlichtung geht kein Weg mehr vorbei.
Schon lange träumen Juristen davon, ein Gesetz zu formulieren, dem es gelingt, alle Problemfälle dieser Welt zu erfassen. Egal, was auch passieren mag: Das Recht gibt eindeutig vor, wie die passende Lösung auszusehen hat. Diesen Traum teilt die Smart-Contract-Community.


Ein automatisierter Vertrag soll her, der keiner menschlichen Interpretation bedarf. Alle möglichen Abzweigungen sind der Blockchain schon einprogrammiert. Ein hehres Ziel - doch in der Geschichte des Vertragsrechts stets gescheitert. Auch Smart Contracts sind vor diesem Schicksal nicht gefeit.


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Gust MEES's insight:
Wieso Smart Contracts die Erwartungen enttäuschen müssen
Was Juristen seit Jahrhunderten nicht geschafft haben, wollten Blockchain-Enthusiasten per Code regeln. Doch so leicht ist das nicht, wie der DAO-Hack zeigt. Dabei hätte man aus der Rechtsgeschichte lernen können. An einer Schnittstelle zur formalisierten Streitschlichtung geht kein Weg mehr vorbei.
Schon lange träumen Juristen davon, ein Gesetz zu formulieren, dem es gelingt, alle Problemfälle dieser Welt zu erfassen. Egal, was auch passieren mag: Das Recht gibt eindeutig vor, wie die passende Lösung auszusehen hat. Diesen Traum teilt die Smart-Contract-Community.


Ein automatisierter Vertrag soll her, der keiner menschlichen Interpretation bedarf. Alle möglichen Abzweigungen sind der Blockchain schon einprogrammiert. Ein hehres Ziel - doch in der Geschichte des Vertragsrechts stets gescheitert. Auch Smart Contracts sind vor diesem Schicksal nicht gefeit.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
July 5, 2016 9:19 AM

The fintech world beyond Silicon Valley and Europe: Emerging market contenders

The fintech world beyond Silicon Valley and Europe: Emerging market contenders | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it
According to a recent study by Accenture, investments in fintech hit $5.3 billion in the first quarter of this year (having grown 75 percent in 2015, exceeding $22 billion). These are staggering figures for a still nascent industry, which can have a monumental impact on all sectors, from lending and investments to savings and payments.

Hitherto, most of the investments have occurred in the U.S. and Europe, with a marked exception this year when China’s Ant Financial completed a staggering $4.5 billion raise at a $60 billion valuation, making it one of the highest-valued private companies in the world.

This recent raise may draw to emerging markets attention from the world beyond London, New York and Silicon Valley, which importantly house more than 90 percent of the world’s under-30 population. Countries other than the U.S. and U.K. have collectively spawned a range of visibly successful companies in search (Yandex, Baidu), e-commerce (Alibaba, Rocket Internet’s portfolio) and media (Naspers) by mostly applying tried and tested Western strategies to the local know-how.


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Gust MEES's insight:
According to a recent study by Accenture, investments in fintech hit $5.3 billion in the first quarter of this year (having grown 75 percent in 2015, exceeding $22 billion). These are staggering figures for a still nascent industry, which can have a monumental impact on all sectors, from lending and investments to savings and payments.

Hitherto, most of the investments have occurred in the U.S. and Europe, with a marked exception this year when China’s Ant Financial completed a staggering $4.5 billion raise at a $60 billion valuation, making it one of the highest-valued private companies in the world.

This recent raise may draw to emerging markets attention from the world beyond London, New York and Silicon Valley, which importantly house more than 90 percent of the world’s under-30 population. Countries other than the U.S. and U.K. have collectively spawned a range of visibly successful companies in search (Yandex, Baidu), e-commerce (Alibaba, Rocket Internet’s portfolio) and media (Naspers) by mostly applying tried and tested Western strategies to the local know-how.


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Sinefancom's comment, July 5, 2016 12:58 PM
Scooped by Gust MEES
June 24, 2016 6:08 PM

Bitcoin surges past $650 as Brexit result sends UK Pound tumbling to 30-year low | #Blockchain

Bitcoin surges past $650 as Brexit result sends UK Pound tumbling to 30-year low | #Blockchain | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it
The global finance markets are slipping on Friday after the UK public voted to leave the EU, but there is one currency that is reveling in the uncertainty of the Brexit result: bitcoin.

The cryptocurrency is notoriously difficult to predict. Its price against the U.S. Dollar rose as high as $1,000 in 2013 and, while it has stabilized somewhat since that landmark valuation, it hit a two-and-a-half year high of nearly $775 on June 17 before cratering nearly 25 percent over the next week.

That drop was thought by some be related to the British referendum on continued EU membership, but once the result was clear — with multiple media calling it a win for the Leave campaign — bitcoin grew legs and jumped past $650 just one day after it was at $550, according to data from Coindesk.


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Gust MEES's insight:
The global finance markets are slipping on Friday after the UK public voted to leave the EU, but there is one currency that is reveling in the uncertainty of the Brexit result: bitcoin.

The cryptocurrency is notoriously difficult to predict. Its price against the U.S. Dollar rose as high as $1,000 in 2013 and, while it has stabilized somewhat since that landmark valuation, it hit a two-and-a-half year high of nearly $775 on June 17 before cratering nearly 25 percent over the next week.

That drop was thought by some be related to the British referendum on continued EU membership, but once the result was clear — with multiple media calling it a win for the Leave campaign — bitcoin grew legs and jumped past $650 just one day after it was at $550, according to data from Coindesk.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
May 21, 2016 7:15 AM

What Blockchain Means for Higher Education | #FinTech #Bitcoin #EdTech

What Blockchain Means for Higher Education | #FinTech #Bitcoin #EdTech | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it
When you hear the word blockchain does it make your head spin? Wall Street analysts and fintech experts claim it could make traditional banking obsolete; Airbnb just acquired a team of blockchain experts; and the country of Estonia will use it to secure a million patient health records.

But what exactly is blockchain, and what are its implications for higher education?

Originally created as the underlying database for bitcoin (the peer-to-peer digital asset and payment system), blockchain’s technology is now being seen as valuable and purposeful beyond the financial sector. The advantages blockchain provides to store information on a secure, permanent, historical ledger that can be both public and private will change how edtech applications approach student data.


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Gust MEES's insight:
When you hear the word blockchain does it make your head spin? Wall Street analysts and fintech experts claim it could make traditional banking obsolete; Airbnb just acquired a team of blockchain experts; and the country of Estonia will use it to secure a million patient health records.

But what exactly is blockchain, and what are its implications for higher education?

Originally created as the underlying database for bitcoin (the peer-to-peer digital asset and payment system), blockchain’s technology is now being seen as valuable and purposeful beyond the financial sector. The advantages blockchain provides to store information on a secure, permanent, historical ledger that can be both public and private will change how edtech applications approach student data.


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