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Scooped by Gust MEES
July 30, 2018 1:33 PM

First Steps with the NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module and Arduino NANO | Maker, MakerED, Coding | Tips 2 | #Coding #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces 

First Steps with the NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module and Arduino NANO | Maker, MakerED, Coding | Tips 2 | #Coding #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces  | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

A GOOD preparation is half the work done! When we play around with Arduino NANO, NodeMCU, ESP8266 and others it is important (and more comfortable) to make us life as less difficult as necessary. Therefore we will have a look on the How-To, using some helpful tools.


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Gust MEES's insight:

A GOOD preparation is half the work done! When we play around with Arduino NANO, NodeMCU, ESP8266 and others it is important (and more comfortable) to make us life as less difficult as necessary. Therefore we will have a look on the How-To, using some helpful tools.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
July 25, 2018 9:41 AM

ESP8266 DHT11/DHT22 Web Server Arduino IDE | #NodeMCU #Coding #IoT #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces 

ESP8266 DHT11/DHT22 Web Server Arduino IDE | #NodeMCU #Coding #IoT #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces  | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

In this project you’ll create a standalone web server with an ESP8266 that displays the temperature and humidity with a DHT11 or DHT22 sensor using the Arduino IDE. The web server you’ll build can be accessed by any device that has a browser on your local network.


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Gust MEES's insight:

In this project you’ll create a standalone web server with an ESP8266 that displays the temperature and humidity with a DHT11 or DHT22 sensor using the Arduino IDE. The web server you’ll build can be accessed by any device that has a browser on your local network.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
July 14, 2018 9:55 AM

What is Virtual Pins | Blynk Help Center | #Apps #Coding #IoT #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces #LEARNingbyDoing 

What is Virtual Pins | Blynk Help Center | #Apps #Coding #IoT #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces #LEARNingbyDoing  | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

Exchange any data between Blynk app and your hardware.


What is Virtual Pins
Exchange any data between Blynk app and your hardware

Virtual Pin is a concept invented by Blynk Inc. to provide exchange of any data between hardware and Blynk mobile app. 

Virtual pins are different than  Digital and Analog Input/Output (I/O) pins. They are physical pins on your microcontroller board where you connect sensors and actuators.


Blynk lets you control any hardware connected to Digital and Analog pins without having to write any additional code.

For example, if you need to turn On/Off LED connected to Digital pin, you don't have to write any code: 

  1. Just use BlynkBlink code for your hardware
  2. In the Blynk app - add Button Widget and set it to pin D8
  3. That's it! No additional code is required. Simply press Play in the app.


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Gust MEES's insight:

Exchange any data between Blynk app and your hardware.


What is Virtual Pins
Exchange any data between Blynk app and your hardware

Virtual Pin is a concept invented by Blynk Inc. to provide exchange of any data between hardware and Blynk mobile app. 

Virtual pins are different than  Digital and Analog Input/Output (I/O) pins. They are physical pins on your microcontroller board where you connect sensors and actuators.


Blynk lets you control any hardware connected to Digital and Analog pins without having to write any additional code.

For example, if you need to turn On/Off LED connected to Digital pin, you don't have to write any code: 

  1. Just use BlynkBlink code for your hardware
  2. In the Blynk app - add Button Widget and set it to pin D8
  3. That's it! No additional code is required. Simply press Play in the app.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
July 14, 2018 9:32 AM

Make your own IOT apps with Blynk. NodeMCU (ESP8266) Tutorial - YouTube

Step by step tutorial on how to export projects from Blynk into your own apps that will work with any connected product you build.


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Gust MEES's insight:

Step by step tutorial on how to export projects from Blynk into your own apps that will work with any connected product you build.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
July 1, 2018 3:31 PM

How To Build Custom Android App for your Arduino Project using MIT App Inventor | #Coding #IoT #Apps #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces

How To Build Custom Android App for your Arduino Project using MIT App Inventor | #Coding #IoT #Apps #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

In this Arduino Tutorial we will learn how to build custom Android applications for controlling Arduino using the MIT App Inventor online application. You can watch the following video or read the written tutorial below.

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Gust MEES's insight:

In this Arduino Tutorial we will learn how to build custom Android applications for controlling Arduino using the MIT App Inventor online application. You can watch the following video or read the written tutorial below.

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Scooped by Gust MEES
June 14, 2018 10:35 AM

Welcome to Adafruit IO | Want to connect your project to the Internet? Start Here! | Adafruit Learning System | #Coding #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces

Welcome to Adafruit IO | Want to connect your project to the Internet? Start Here! | Adafruit Learning System | #Coding #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

Want to make your project talk to the Internet? Connect your existing project to the Internet to log, stream, and interact with the data it produces? What about all this Internet-of-Things (IoT) stuff?

Adafruit IO is a platform designed (by us!) to display, respond, and interact with your project's data. We also keep your data private (data feeds are private by default) and secure (we will never sell or give this data away to another company) for you. It's the internet of things - for everyone!

Why We Built Adafruit IO
Here at Adafruit, we sell all of these amazing components, but we couldn't find a good way to interact with them over the Internet. There are certainly a lot of great services out there for datalogging, or communicating with your microcontroller over the web, but these services are either too complicated to get started, or they aren't particularly fun to use. So, we decided to experiment with our own system, and that's Adafruit IO.


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Gust MEES's insight:

Want to make your project talk to the Internet? Connect your existing project to the Internet to log, stream, and interact with the data it produces? What about all this Internet-of-Things (IoT) stuff?

Adafruit IO is a platform designed (by us!) to display, respond, and interact with your project's data. We also keep your data private (data feeds are private by default) and secure (we will never sell or give this data away to another company) for you. It's the internet of things - for everyone!

Why We Built Adafruit IO
Here at Adafruit, we sell all of these amazing components, but we couldn't find a good way to interact with them over the Internet. There are certainly a lot of great services out there for datalogging, or communicating with your microcontroller over the web, but these services are either too complicated to get started, or they aren't particularly fun to use. So, we decided to experiment with our own system, and that's Adafruit IO.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
May 16, 2018 11:54 AM

IoT Made Simple: Home Weather Station with NodeMCU and OLED | #Coding #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces #LEARNingByDoing

Weather station displaying indoor temp/hum, as well as climate conditions and present day/3-day forecast. Find this and other hardware projects on Hackster.io.


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Gust MEES's insight:

Weather station displaying indoor temp/hum, as well as climate conditions and present day/3-day forecast. Find this and other hardware projects on Hackster.io.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
April 24, 2018 8:32 PM

ESP8266 ESP-01's projects | #Arduino #Coding #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces #LEARNingByDoing 

ESP8266 ESP-01's projects | #Arduino #Coding #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces #LEARNingByDoing  | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

234 hardware projects made with ESP8266 ESP-01 from Everything ESP.


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Gust MEES's insight:

234 hardware projects made with ESP8266 ESP-01 from Everything ESP.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
April 23, 2018 3:21 PM

First Steps with the ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module | Maker, MakerED, Coding | Scrolling Text (Time, Temp., Humidity…) with 8×8 LED MATRIX 

First Steps with the ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module | Maker, MakerED, Coding | Scrolling Text (Time, Temp., Humidity…) with 8×8 LED MATRIX  | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

In our previous blog post (Tutorial…), we were playing around with a LED MATRIX <===> First Steps with the Arduino-UNO R3 | Maker, MakerED, Coding | Scrolling Text with 8×8 LED MATRIX  <===> and we will continue to use the LED MATRIX, but this time with a Wi-Fi connection. We will use the module “ESP8266” which you can purchase worldwide around as it is very popular and it costs ONLY 7.49 €.


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Gust MEES's insight:

In our previous blog post (Tutorial…), we were playing around with a LED MATRIX <===> First Steps with the Arduino-UNO R3 | Maker, MakerED, Coding | Scrolling Text with 8×8 LED MATRIX  <===> and we will continue to use the LED MATRIX, but this time with a Wi-Fi connection. We will use the module “ESP8266” which you can purchase worldwide around as it is very popular and it costs ONLY 7.49 €.



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Scooped by Gust MEES
March 27, 2018 7:13 PM

IoT Analytics - ThingSpeak Internet of Things | #Coding #Maker #MakerSpaces #Analyzing #Visualizing

IoT Analytics - ThingSpeak Internet of Things | #Coding #Maker #MakerSpaces #Analyzing #Visualizing | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

ThingSpeak is the open IoT platform with MATLAB analytics.


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Gust MEES's insight:

ThingSpeak is the open IoT platform with MATLAB analytics.


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Kami Campbell's curator insight, March 29, 2018 1:20 AM
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Scooped by Gust MEES
February 19, 2018 9:04 AM

An IoT-driven economy requires technology-empowered firstline workers | #InternetOfThings

An IoT-driven economy requires technology-empowered firstline workers | #InternetOfThings | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

We continue to bask in the glory of the information technology revolution, now a three-decade-long event, which has reshaping the jobs of professionals and corporate staffs across the globe. However, it seems most workers have actually been left out of the equation -- the so-called firstline workforce, consisting of field technicians, healthcare providers, retail clerks, drivers, and so on.


They're called "firstline" for a reason -- they're the people with whom your customers are most likely to have first and only contact. If they can't deliver the goods or services because they are missing out on technology, then your company is seen as unable to deliver, simple as that.

With the rise of the Internet of Things and associated artificial intelligence, it's more important than ever that firstline workers receive the training, support and technology tools they need to deliver on meeting their customers' needs. Manufacturers, in particular, are seeing a dramatic shift in their business models, with more revenue coming from aftermarket service and support, especially as they develop the ability to monitor products and run analytics for predictive maintenance.

More than 80 percent of executives in a recent survey from Forbes Insights and Microsoft agree that empowering firstline workers with the tools and platforms they need has a direct impact on customer satisfaction, growth and worker job satisfaction,. In this survey, which I helped design and analyze, we found that this important component of the workforce continues to be overlooked.


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Gust MEES's insight:

We continue to bask in the glory of the information technology revolution, now a three-decade-long event, which has reshaping the jobs of professionals and corporate staffs across the globe. However, it seems most workers have actually been left out of the equation -- the so-called firstline workforce, consisting of field technicians, healthcare providers, retail clerks, drivers, and so on.


They're called "firstline" for a reason -- they're the people with whom your customers are most likely to have first and only contact. If they can't deliver the goods or services because they are missing out on technology, then your company is seen as unable to deliver, simple as that.

With the rise of the Internet of Things and associated artificial intelligence, it's more important than ever that firstline workers receive the training, support and technology tools they need to deliver on meeting their customers' needs. Manufacturers, in particular, are seeing a dramatic shift in their business models, with more revenue coming from aftermarket service and support, especially as they develop the ability to monitor products and run analytics for predictive maintenance.

More than 80 percent of executives in a recent survey from Forbes Insights and Microsoft agree that empowering firstline workers with the tools and platforms they need has a direct impact on customer satisfaction, growth and worker job satisfaction,. In this survey, which I helped design and analyze, we found that this important component of the workforce continues to be overlooked.


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Ian Berry's curator insight, February 19, 2018 7:16 PM
I think many people are leaving out or paying little attention to humans/humanity and being human. Any technological or digital advance is wasted unless in enhances the human experience
Scooped by Gust MEES
October 9, 2017 1:22 PM

IoT: Don't Forget Privacy And Security While Racing To The Price Bottom

IoT: Don't Forget Privacy And Security While Racing To The Price Bottom | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it
There is no doubt that companies of all shapes and sizes are increasing their spend in internet-of-things (IoT) technology. In fact, IDC projects this to be a $1.4 trillion market by 2021. With the increased spend and demand by consumers for low-price and high-value IoT devices, makers of these connected technologies have put a premium on affordability. The race to the bottom on price has inadvertently created major risks for organizations and consumers, according to PwC’s “Uncovering the Potential of the Internet of Things” report.

The pressure is on, and we see many makers of connected devices that produce IoT products as inexpensively as possible skipping important steps such as the design of security and privacy protections. This is generating significant new risks that are not widely understood during a time when consumers are more concerned about price than privacy and security. Risks include physical, software, encryption and network attacks, all of which could have wide-ranging effects on our daily lives, from taking over a connected car to obtaining sensitive data from a connected home to accessing a private network via a wearable device.


Also, there are societal concerns, including getting access to valuable intellectual property, sabotage to companies or governments and espionage. Consumer-focused companies need to ensure they are meeting their customers’ concerns. Simply put, the proper cybersecurity and privacy measures can aid businesses in seeing the full potential of IoT.


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Gust MEES's insight:
There is no doubt that companies of all shapes and sizes are increasing their spend in internet-of-things (IoT) technology. In fact, IDC projects this to be a $1.4 trillion market by 2021. With the increased spend and demand by consumers for low-price and high-value IoT devices, makers of these connected technologies have put a premium on affordability. The race to the bottom on price has inadvertently created major risks for organizations and consumers, according to PwC’s “Uncovering the Potential of the Internet of Things” report.

The pressure is on, and we see many makers of connected devices that produce IoT products as inexpensively as possible skipping important steps such as the design of security and privacy protections. This is generating significant new risks that are not widely understood during a time when consumers are more concerned about price than privacy and security. Risks include physical, software, encryption and network attacks, all of which could have wide-ranging effects on our daily lives, from taking over a connected car to obtaining sensitive data from a connected home to accessing a private network via a wearable device.


Also, there are societal concerns, including getting access to valuable intellectual property, sabotage to companies or governments and espionage. Consumer-focused companies need to ensure they are meeting their customers’ concerns. Simply put, the proper cybersecurity and privacy measures can aid businesses in seeing the full potential of IoT.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
September 15, 2017 4:27 PM

Smart Cities Infographic | #Privacy #IoT #IoE #InternetOfThings #ICT 

Smart Cities Infographic | #Privacy #IoT #IoE #InternetOfThings #ICT  | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it
Learn about the emerging smart city, the data privacy concerns that come with it, and the tools for data protection.


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Gust MEES's insight:
Learn about the emerging smart city, the data privacy concerns that come with it, and the tools for data protection.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
July 26, 2018 5:11 AM

Build an ESP8266 Web Server - Code and Schematics | #Coding #IoT #NodeMCU #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces

Build an ESP8266 Web Server - Code and Schematics | #Coding #IoT #NodeMCU #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

This tutorial is a step-by-step guide that shows you how to build a standalone ESP8266 Web Server that controls two outputs (two LEDs). This ESP8266 Web Server is mobile responsive and it can be accessed with any device that as a browser in your local network.


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Gust MEES's insight:

This tutorial is a step-by-step guide that shows you how to build a standalone ESP8266 Web Server that controls two outputs (two LEDs). This ESP8266 Web Server is mobile responsive and it can be accessed with any device that as a browser in your local network.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
July 17, 2018 12:48 PM

Simple Led Control With Blynk and NodeMCU Esp8266 12E | #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpace

Simple Led Control With Blynk and NodeMCU Esp8266 12E | #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpace | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

With this awesome board and app in your hand the projects will become more compact and efficient!!

So fasten your seat belt and get ready , we are going to build a simple project were you can control an LED connected with Node MCU board by BLYNK app and whooop!! there you go:)


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Gust MEES's insight:

With this awesome board and app in your hand the projects will become more compact and efficient!!

So fasten your seat belt and get ready , we are going to build a simple project were you can control an LED connected with Node MCU board by BLYNK app and whooop!! there you go:)


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Scooped by Gust MEES
July 14, 2018 9:45 AM

Read any sensor data over Virtual Pins in Blynk app. DHT11, DHT22. - YouTube

What is virtual pins:

DHT11 wiring diagram

Example code (choose your hardware)


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Gust MEES's insight:

What is virtual pins:

DHT11 wiring diagram

Example code (choose your hardware)


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Scooped by Gust MEES
July 4, 2018 5:41 PM

First Steps with the NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module | Maker, MakerED, Coding | Tips 

First Steps with the NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module | Maker, MakerED, Coding | Tips  | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

First Steps with the NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module. In our previous tutorials we were using already the NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module and we discussed about "Security", "Cyber-Security" issues while using "IoT", "Internet of Things" and the importance that the router MUST be protected by a NEW password and NOT ALLOW to let connect any…


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Gust MEES's insight:

First Steps with the NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module. In our previous tutorials we were using already the NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module and we discussed about "Security", "Cyber-Security" issues while using "IoT", "Internet of Things" and the importance that the router MUST be protected by a NEW password and NOT ALLOW to let connect any…


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Scooped by Gust MEES
June 29, 2018 4:11 PM

Cayenne IoT + ESP8266: driving a mini kit Pan-Tilt FPV SG90 in WiFi with a smartphone or tablet | #Coding #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces 

Cayenne IoT + ESP8266: driving a mini kit Pan-Tilt FPV SG90 in WiFi with a smartphone or tablet | #Coding #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces  | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

In this new tutorial on Cayenne IoT, we will learn how to control an articulated Pan-Tilt PTZ SG90 system in WiFi. In the previous tutorial, we saw how to do with the Blynk library and application. Cayenne IoT is fairly similar. It is necessary to pass through the servers of myDevices.com which can cause a small delay of latency (quality of Internet connection, server load …).


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Gust MEES's insight:

In this new tutorial on Cayenne IoT, we will learn how to control an articulated Pan-Tilt PTZ SG90 system in WiFi. In the previous tutorial, we saw how to do with the Blynk library and application. Cayenne IoT is fairly similar. It is necessary to pass through the servers of myDevices.com which can cause a small delay of latency (quality of Internet connection, server load …).


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Scooped by Gust MEES
June 10, 2018 12:28 PM

IoT Made Simple: Servo Control With NodeMCU and Blynk | #Coding #ESP8266 #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces #Apps

IoT Made Simple: Servo Control With NodeMCU and Blynk | #Coding #ESP8266 #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces #Apps | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

In this simple tutorial, we will explore how to control a servo over the internet. For that, we will use a great couple of devices, the NodeMCU ESP12-E and...


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Gust MEES's insight:

In this simple tutorial, we will explore how to control a servo over the internet. For that, we will use a great couple of devices, the NodeMCU ESP12-E and...


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Scooped by Gust MEES
April 25, 2018 3:28 PM

NodeMCU ESP8266 PINs – PINOUT | #Coding #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces #IoT

NodeMCU ESP8266 PINs – PINOUT | #Coding #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces #IoT | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

Der NodeMCU ESP8266 ist wohl derzeit das Lieblings-Controller-Board vieler Bastler. Denn es vereint viele Vorteile unter einem Dach. Hier ein kleiner Auszug, was zum Erfolg des NodeMCU ESP8266 geführt hat:


  • kompakt und klein
  • WLAN on Board
  • viel Speicherplatz
  • USB-Schnittstelle (Bootloader) 
  • lässt sich über Arduino IDE programmieren
  • große Anzahl an Schnittstellen


Tja, und um genau diese Schnittstellen geht es hier in diesem Beitrag.

Hier zeigen wir Euch z.B. wo welche GPIO Ports liegen, wo ihr den Ground findet, an welcher Stelle das Board 3,3 Volt liefert. Welche PIN Stecker für RX und TX verwendet werden können – einfach alles, was man so über die PINs des NodeMCU ESP8266 wissen muss.


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Gust MEES's insight:

Der NodeMCU ESP8266 ist wohl derzeit das Lieblings-Controller-Board vieler Bastler. Denn es vereint viele Vorteile unter einem Dach. Hier ein kleiner Auszug, was zum Erfolg des NodeMCU ESP8266 geführt hat:


  • kompakt und klein
  • WLAN on Board
  • viel Speicherplatz
  • USB-Schnittstelle (Bootloader) 
  • lässt sich über Arduino IDE programmieren
  • große Anzahl an Schnittstellen


Tja, und um genau diese Schnittstellen geht es hier in diesem Beitrag.

Hier zeigen wir Euch z.B. wo welche GPIO Ports liegen, wo ihr den Ground findet, an welcher Stelle das Board 3,3 Volt liefert. Welche PIN Stecker für RX und TX verwendet werden können – einfach alles, was man so über die PINs des NodeMCU ESP8266 wissen muss.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
April 23, 2018 7:47 PM

784 Projects tagged with "ESP8266" | Hackaday.io | #Coding #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces #IoT #InternetOfThings

784 Projects tagged with "ESP8266" | Hackaday.io | #Coding #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces #IoT #InternetOfThings | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

784 Projects tagged with ESP8266


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Gust MEES's insight:

784 Projects tagged with ESP8266


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Scooped by Gust MEES
April 13, 2018 8:26 AM

How to Control MAX7219 LED Matrix with ESP8266 WiFi Module | #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces #Coding

How to Control MAX7219 LED Matrix with ESP8266 WiFi Module | #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces #Coding | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

About this Project:

In this project we will learn how to interfacing ESP8266 module with MAX7219 matrix display to scrolling text message from web user interface. We will use Arduino IDE to program ESP module in this project. I am using MajicDesigns MD_MAX72xx library for running this project, also the code is very similar to included example in the library with some improvements in web user interface html code.


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Gust MEES's insight:

About this Project:

In this project we will learn how to interfacing ESP8266 module with MAX7219 matrix display to scrolling text message from web user interface. We will use Arduino IDE to program ESP module in this project. I am using MajicDesigns MD_MAX72xx library for running this project, also the code is very similar to included example in the library with some improvements in web user interface html code.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
March 21, 2018 10:28 AM

Big Data Driven Smart Transportation: the Underlying Story of IoT Transformed Mobility 

Big Data Driven Smart Transportation: the Underlying Story of IoT Transformed Mobility  | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

Growing of smart IoT has generated many major impacts on transportation development, of which one underlying big story is the thriving of big data driven smart transportation nowadays. We are moving from IT to data technology (DT) time, and we are entering a “results driven” era in transportation. As the front and center of the smart IoT transformed mobility, transportation data sets grow rapidly while they are increasingly gathered from more connected sensors, devices, actuators in real-world applications. In 2016, over 823.0 million air trip passengers were reported by U.S. airlines and over 25 million public transit trips was generated daily.  


The data traffic associated with mobility and transportation is estimated to be roughly 0.6 exabytes every month by 2020 (about 9 percent of total US wireless data traffic), and will grow to 9.4 exabytes every month by 2030. Although the quantity of the data available is indeed large, that is not the most striking characteristic of “big data” in the smart IoT era concerning transportation. The challenge in big data driven transportation rarely refers to the large volume or size of data; rather, it often refers to extracting value from data with certain innovative methods, i.e. how to analyze the data and to gather meaningful insights that can be used to inform decisions makers.

Many concurrent novel technologies and employments have emerged within the big data driven smart mobility ecosystem, emanating from the transportation needs of different stakeholders for better safety, reliability, sustainability, and automation.

For public transportation, big data analytics have transformed both the plan and operations phases on planning and demand modeling, predictive maintenance, and event response. New big data tech-savvy has brought more personalized services to public transportation users, such as offering ancillary services to providing recommendations about additional destinations to visit as part of an upgrade to the passenger’s journey, etc.


The big data driven smart public transportation influences both automated and human decision-making, which has clearly played a big part in re-energizing public transport network, and has offered plenty of opportunities to improve the public transportation experience with improved reliability and safety.


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Gust MEES's insight:

Growing of smart IoT has generated many major impacts on transportation development, of which one underlying big story is the thriving of big data driven smart transportation nowadays. We are moving from IT to data technology (DT) time, and we are entering a “results driven” era in transportation. As the front and center of the smart IoT transformed mobility, transportation data sets grow rapidly while they are increasingly gathered from more connected sensors, devices, actuators in real-world applications. In 2016, over 823.0 million air trip passengers were reported by U.S. airlines and over 25 million public transit trips was generated daily.  


The data traffic associated with mobility and transportation is estimated to be roughly 0.6 exabytes every month by 2020 (about 9 percent of total US wireless data traffic), and will grow to 9.4 exabytes every month by 2030. Although the quantity of the data available is indeed large, that is not the most striking characteristic of “big data” in the smart IoT era concerning transportation. The challenge in big data driven transportation rarely refers to the large volume or size of data; rather, it often refers to extracting value from data with certain innovative methods, i.e. how to analyze the data and to gather meaningful insights that can be used to inform decisions makers.

Many concurrent novel technologies and employments have emerged within the big data driven smart mobility ecosystem, emanating from the transportation needs of different stakeholders for better safety, reliability, sustainability, and automation.

For public transportation, big data analytics have transformed both the plan and operations phases on planning and demand modeling, predictive maintenance, and event response. New big data tech-savvy has brought more personalized services to public transportation users, such as offering ancillary services to providing recommendations about additional destinations to visit as part of an upgrade to the passenger’s journey, etc.


The big data driven smart public transportation influences both automated and human decision-making, which has clearly played a big part in re-energizing public transport network, and has offered plenty of opportunities to improve the public transportation experience with improved reliability and safety.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
February 17, 2018 7:39 PM

Internet of Things (IoT) Network Architecture, Connectivity and Technology Solutions | Do you know what’s connecting? | #ModernSociety #Benefits | #CyberSecurity #Dangers | #Blockchain

Internet of Things (IoT) Network Architecture, Connectivity and Technology Solutions | Do you know what’s connecting? | #ModernSociety #Benefits | #CyberSecurity #Dangers | #Blockchain | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

Do you know what’s connecting?


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Gust MEES's insight:

Do you know what’s connecting?


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Scooped by Gust MEES
October 2, 2017 3:07 PM

The future is coming. Here's what it might look like | #ICT #AI #IoT #SmartCities etc.

The future is coming. Here's what it might look like | #ICT #AI #IoT #SmartCities etc. | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

Emergent technologies are poised to radically change how we work and live. They will transform our cities and workplaces, shifting jobs and entrepreneurship in new directions, and spur new ways to manage our lives. All of society will be affected, up to and including how we interact with machines themselves.

Sophisticated machines and applications that communicate online will accelerate demand for broadband internet and challenge existing information and telecommunication norms.

All of this will require ongoing discussions about security, infrastructure and open-data policy and planning. We now need action. We must move past: “We know it’s coming and have to do something” to “Here is how we can implement and collaborate to make it happen.”


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Gust MEES's insight:

Emergent technologies are poised to radically change how we work and live. They will transform our cities and workplaces, shifting jobs and entrepreneurship in new directions, and spur new ways to manage our lives. All of society will be affected, up to and including how we interact with machines themselves.

Sophisticated machines and applications that communicate online will accelerate demand for broadband internet and challenge existing information and telecommunication norms.

All of this will require ongoing discussions about security, infrastructure and open-data policy and planning. We now need action. We must move past: “We know it’s coming and have to do something” to “Here is how we can implement and collaborate to make it happen.”


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