21st Century Learning and Teaching
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21st Century Learning and Teaching
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Scooped by Gust MEES
February 15, 2019 2:37 PM


BIGGEST HURDLE TO INNOVATION IN THE CLASSROOM | #ModernEDU #ModernLEARNing #LEARNing2LEARN | #Adapting for #Change | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

The current economy is centered on the need for innovation, with most workplaces in a constant state of evolution. The leaders of the present and the future need the ability to envision that change or, at least, the to adapt quickly and pivot when it is thrust upon them. That is why innovation in education is more important now than ever before.

To innovate is to look beyond what we are currently doing and develop a novel idea that helps us to do our job in a new way. The purpose of any invention, therefore, is to create something different from what we have been doing, be it in quality or quantity or both. To produce a considerable, transformative effect, the innovation must be put to work, which requires prompt diffusion and large-scale implementation.

Innovation is generally understood as “the successful introduction of a new thing or method” In essence, “innovation seems to have two sub components. First, there is the idea or item which is novel to a particular individual or group and, second, there is the change which results from the adoption of the object or idea”. Thus, innovation requires three major steps: an idea, its implementation, and the outcome that results from the execution of the idea and produces a change.


In education, innovation can appear as a new pedagogic theory, methodological approach, teaching technique, instructional tool, learning process or institutional structure that, when implemented, produces a significant change in teaching and learning, which leads to better student learning. So, innovations in education are intended to raise productivity and efficiency of learning and/or improve learning quality.


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Gust MEES's insight:

The current economy is centered on the need for innovation, with most workplaces in a constant state of evolution. The leaders of the present and the future need the ability to envision that change or, at least, the to adapt quickly and pivot when it is thrust upon them. That is why innovation in education is more important now than ever before.

To innovate is to look beyond what we are currently doing and develop a novel idea that helps us to do our job in a new way. The purpose of any invention, therefore, is to create something different from what we have been doing, be it in quality or quantity or both. To produce a considerable, transformative effect, the innovation must be put to work, which requires prompt diffusion and large-scale implementation.

Innovation is generally understood as “the successful introduction of a new thing or method” In essence, “innovation seems to have two sub components. First, there is the idea or item which is novel to a particular individual or group and, second, there is the change which results from the adoption of the object or idea”. Thus, innovation requires three major steps: an idea, its implementation, and the outcome that results from the execution of the idea and produces a change.


In education, innovation can appear as a new pedagogic theory, methodological approach, teaching technique, instructional tool, learning process or institutional structure that, when implemented, produces a significant change in teaching and learning, which leads to better student learning. So, innovations in education are intended to raise productivity and efficiency of learning and/or improve learning quality.


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Silvonei Rodrigues Soares's curator insight, March 6, 2019 7:24 PM
ukdvla's curator insight, February 2, 2021 4:16 PM


ukdvla's curator insight, February 5, 2021 6:39 PM

buy uk driving licence
How to buy a registered UK driver's license with documents everywhere
Our company works in partnership with 4 driving schools in England,Northern Ireland,Scotland and Wales where hundreds of driver’s licenses are being issued in England each year. We have realized that some of these cities are too far for some of you to attain the theoretical and practical exams and some people are so busy at work and has no time to attend a driving exams. We enroll you to one of these driving schools and your files are treated like any other file due to our partnership with them.
How to apply for copy certificates
We encourage you to apply for a replacement or copy of a birth, death or marriage certificate directly from the General Register Office and not from the Royal Borough of Greenwich.

Scooped by Gust MEES
January 10, 2019 3:44 PM

First Steps with the Arduino-UNO R3 and NANO | Maker, MakerED, MakerSpaces, Coding | How-To transform an LCD1602 SPI Sketch to an LCD1602 I2C Sketch

First Steps with the Arduino-UNO R3 and NANO | Maker, MakerED, MakerSpaces, Coding | How-To transform an LCD1602 SPI Sketch to an LCD1602 I2C Sketch | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

How-To transform an LCD1602 SPI Sketch to an LCD1602 I2C Sketch We were already playing around, as seen on my tutorials below, with the Temperature/Humidity sensors DHT11, DHT22 and LCD1602, without I2C possibility. There were a lot of cables to connect, we will try out this time to use a LCD with I2C bus connection as it…


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Gust MEES's insight:

How-To transform an LCD1602 SPI Sketch to an LCD1602 I2C Sketch We were already playing around, as seen on my tutorials below, with the Temperature/Humidity sensors DHT11, DHT22 and LCD1602, without I2C possibility. There were a lot of cables to connect, we will try out this time to use a LCD with I2C bus connection as it…


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Scooped by Gust MEES
December 8, 2018 8:33 PM

Les nouvelles façons d’apprendre avec le digital | #Luxembourg #UniversityLuxembourg #ModernPedagogy #ModernLEARNing #ModernEDU 

Les nouvelles façons d’apprendre avec le digital | #Luxembourg #UniversityLuxembourg #ModernPedagogy #ModernLEARNing #ModernEDU  | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

Avec les nouveaux modèles d’enseignement, tous les équilibres, tous les codes sont remis en cause. Au sens strict du terme, il n’y a plus d’enseignant, pas de cours, pas de programme, rien que des cas concrets à résoudre en trouvant soi-même la solution ou en s’associant à d’autres élèves. Cette pédagogie met l’accent sur le comportement, les capacités à travailler à plusieurs et à apprendre très vite en autonomie.

Pour Romain Martin, vice-recteur pour les affaires académiques de l’Université du Luxembourg, «la principale erreur consiste à se focaliser sur les technologies elles-mêmes. Il ne faut pas simplement regarder l’outil, mais comment ces outils sont utilisés.» Une désacralisation des technologies pourtant au cœur des enjeux, au profit d’une démarche pédagogique nouvelle. La tendance est ainsi à l’«adaptive learning». 


[Gust MEES] pratiquant ceci déjà depuis 2002 et enfin reconnu...


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Gust MEES's insight:

Avec les nouveaux modèles d’enseignement, tous les équilibres, tous les codes sont remis en cause. Au sens strict du terme, il n’y a plus d’enseignant, pas de cours, pas de programme, rien que des cas concrets à résoudre en trouvant soi-même la solution ou en s’associant à d’autres élèves. Cette pédagogie met l’accent sur le comportement, les capacités à travailler à plusieurs et à apprendre très vite en autonomie.

Pour Romain Martin, vice-recteur pour les affaires académiques de l’Université du Luxembourg, «la principale erreur consiste à se focaliser sur les technologies elles-mêmes. Il ne faut pas simplement regarder l’outil, mais comment ces outils sont utilisés.» Une désacralisation des technologies pourtant au cœur des enjeux, au profit d’une démarche pédagogique nouvelle. La tendance est ainsi à l’«adaptive learning». 


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[Gust MEES] pratiquant ceci déjà depuis 2002 et enfin reconnu...


Gust MEES's curator insight, December 11, 2018 7:39 PM

Avec les nouveaux modèles d’enseignement, tous les équilibres, tous les codes sont remis en cause. Au sens strict du terme, il n’y a plus d’enseignant, pas de cours, pas de programme, rien que des cas concrets à résoudre en trouvant soi-même la solution ou en s’associant à d’autres élèves. Cette pédagogie met l’accent sur le comportement, les capacités à travailler à plusieurs et à apprendre très vite en autonomie.

Pour Romain Martin, vice-recteur pour les affaires académiques de l’Université du Luxembourg, «la principale erreur consiste à se focaliser sur les technologies elles-mêmes. Il ne faut pas simplement regarder l’outil, mais comment ces outils sont utilisés.» Une désacralisation des technologies pourtant au cœur des enjeux, au profit d’une démarche pédagogique nouvelle. La tendance est ainsi à l’«adaptive learning». 


[Gust MEES] pratiquant ceci déjà depuis 2002 et enfin reconnu...


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ukdvla's curator insight, January 30, 2021 3:50 PM


Renew Or Update Your Licence - Licence Driving Services
Renew or update your driving licence online, rapid support and SMS notifications. Mobile friendly and lost licence protection, fully legal to drive once approved. Explore Our Services. Check Application Pricing. Multiple Payment Options.
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Scooped by Gust MEES
October 24, 2018 7:35 PM

How Metacognition Boosts Learning

How Metacognition Boosts Learning | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

Strategies that target students’ metacognition—the ability to think about thinking—can close a gap that some students experience between how prepared they feel for a test and how prepared they actually are. In a new study, students in an introductory college statistics class who took a short online survey before each exam asking them to think about how they would prepare for it earned higher grades in the course than their peers—a third of a letter grade higher, on average.


This low-cost intervention helped students gain insight into their study strategies, boosting their metacognitive skills and giving them tools to be more independent learners.


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Gust MEES's insight:

Strategies that target students’ metacognition—the ability to think about thinking—can close a gap that some students experience between how prepared they feel for a test and how prepared they actually are. In a new study, students in an introductory college statistics class who took a short online survey before each exam asking them to think about how they would prepare for it earned higher grades in the course than their peers—a third of a letter grade higher, on average.


This low-cost intervention helped students gain insight into their study strategies, boosting their metacognitive skills and giving them tools to be more independent learners.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
August 25, 2018 6:20 AM

L'intelligence collective

L'intelligence collective | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

Intelligence collective : définition

L'intelligence collective représente la capacité intellectuelle d'une communauté d'individus qui est issue des interactions entre ses membres, permettant d'effectuer des tâches complexes grâce aux synergies réalisées. L'intelligence collective suppose, pour la communauté, le partage de l'information, le respect de règles communes, de nombreuses relations sociales, et un bénéfice à collaborer pour chacun des membres.

L'intelligence collective en entreprise 
Dans le monde du travail, l'intelligence collective est une réalité quotidienne puisque le principe même de l'entreprise est de faire travailler ensemble des membres aux profils divers (salariés et partenaires extérieurs) dans un objectif commun. Elle a un impact direct sur la réussite d'un projet et la performance globale de l'entreprise. Bien souvent, les entreprises résonnent donc en intelligence collective sans le savoir...


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Gust MEES's insight:

Intelligence collective : définition

L'intelligence collective représente la capacité intellectuelle d'une communauté d'individus qui est issue des interactions entre ses membres, permettant d'effectuer des tâches complexes grâce aux synergies réalisées. L'intelligence collective suppose, pour la communauté, le partage de l'information, le respect de règles communes, de nombreuses relations sociales, et un bénéfice à collaborer pour chacun des membres.

L'intelligence collective en entreprise 
Dans le monde du travail, l'intelligence collective est une réalité quotidienne puisque le principe même de l'entreprise est de faire travailler ensemble des membres aux profils divers (salariés et partenaires extérieurs) dans un objectif commun. Elle a un impact direct sur la réussite d'un projet et la performance globale de l'entreprise. Bien souvent, les entreprises résonnent donc en intelligence collective sans le savoir...


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Scooped by Gust MEES
August 18, 2018 12:20 PM

Make your own soda fountain out of cardboard | #Arduino #Coding #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces 

Make your own soda fountain out of cardboard | #Arduino #Coding #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces  | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

If you’re ever wanted to make something awesome, but thought that you just didn’t have the right tools to do so, this soda fountain by “The Wrench” could provide the needed inspiration. 

The project uses an Arduino Nano to control a small air pump via a relay, which turns on when a glass is the correct dispensing position. This pushes air into a sealed soda bottle, and soda is pushed out of another tube to equalize the pressure.

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Gust MEES's insight:

If you’re ever wanted to make something awesome, but thought that you just didn’t have the right tools to do so, this soda fountain by “The Wrench” could provide the needed inspiration. 

The project uses an Arduino Nano to control a small air pump via a relay, which turns on when a glass is the correct dispensing position. This pushes air into a sealed soda bottle, and soda is pushed out of another tube to equalize the pressure.

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ukdvla's curator insight, January 30, 2021 4:07 PM


Renew Or Update Your Licence - Licence Driving Services
Renew or update your driving licence online, rapid support and SMS notifications. Mobile friendly and lost licence protection, fully legal to drive once approved. Explore Our Services. Check Application Pricing. Multiple Payment Options.
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Scooped by Gust MEES
August 15, 2018 12:06 PM

First Steps with the Arduino-UNO R3 and NANO | Maker, MakerED, Coding | Scrolling text with I2C-LCD1602 

First Steps with the Arduino-UNO R3 and NANO | Maker, MakerED, Coding | Scrolling text with I2C-LCD1602  | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

Scrolling text with I2C-LCD1602. I was looking for a simple project for beginners, newbies on Coding and MakerED. A looong time ago since we did a project with ONLY four (4) wires, isn't it! Well here is one which is very easy to create, a "Scrolling text on a LCD1602 with "I2C-Bus".


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Gust MEES's insight:

Scrolling text with I2C-LCD1602. I was looking for a simple project for beginners, newbies on Coding and MakerED. A looong time ago since we did a project with ONLY four (4) wires, isn't it! Well here is one which is very easy to create, a "Scrolling text on a LCD1602 with "I2C-Bus".


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Scooped by Gust MEES
August 8, 2018 12:41 PM

Guide for WS2812B Addressable RGB LED Strip with Arduino | #Neopixel #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces #Coding

Guide for WS2812B Addressable RGB LED Strip with Arduino | #Neopixel #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces #Coding | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it



This post is about the WS2812B LED strip, which is an addressable RGB LED strip. The information in this post also works with other similar LED strips, such as strips of the WS28XX family, Neopixel strip and others.


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Gust MEES's insight:



This post is about the WS2812B LED strip, which is an addressable RGB LED strip. The information in this post also works with other similar LED strips, such as strips of the WS28XX family, Neopixel strip and others.


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ukdvla's curator insight, February 1, 2021 9:26 AM

Renew Or Update Your Licence - Licence Driving Services
Renew or update your driving licence online, rapid support and SMS notifications. Mobile friendly and lost licence protection, fully legal to drive once approved. Explore Our Services. Check Application Pricing. Multiple Payment Options.
‎Renew Licence · ‎Lost Licence · ‎Change Your Address

Scooped by Gust MEES
August 3, 2018 4:59 PM

How To Use IIC/I2C Serial Interface Module For 1602 LCD Display # #Coding #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces

How To Use IIC/I2C Serial Interface Module For 1602 LCD Display # #Coding #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

This tutorial demonstrates how to use our FC-113 IIC/I2C Serial Interface Adapter Module For 1602 LCD Display.  These serial interface modules simplifies connecting an Arduino to a 1602 Liquid Crystal display using only 4 wires.  This module uses the PCF8574T IC chip.


TIP for those WHO bought <===> https://www.amazon.de/dp/B079T1BW6T/  on #Amazon <==> from #AZDelivery: The #I2CAddress which I got delivered was "0x3F" and NOT "0x27, 0x38"!!; Check the I2C Address with this #Sketch <===> https://playground.arduino.cc/Main/I2cScanner  <===> SDA <==> PIN 4 / SCL <==> PIN 5 on Arduino


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Gust MEES's insight:

This tutorial demonstrates how to use our FC-113 IIC/I2C Serial Interface Adapter Module For 1602 LCD Display.  These serial interface modules simplifies connecting an Arduino to a 1602 Liquid Crystal display using only 4 wires.  This module uses the PCF8574T IC chip.


TIP for those WHO bought <===> https://www.amazon.de/dp/B079T1BW6T/  on #Amazon <==> from #AZDelivery: The #I2CAddress which I got delivered was "0x3F" and NOT "0x27, 0x38"!!; Check the I2C Address with this #Sketch <===> https://playground.arduino.cc/Main/I2cScanner  <===> SDA <==> PIN 4 / SCL <==> PIN 5 on Arduino


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ukdvla's curator insight, February 1, 2021 9:27 AM

Renew Or Update Your Licence - Licence Driving Services
Renew or update your driving licence online, rapid support and SMS notifications. Mobile friendly and lost licence protection, fully legal to drive once approved. Explore Our Services. Check Application Pricing. Multiple Payment Options.
‎Renew Licence · ‎Lost Licence · ‎Change Your Address

Scooped by Gust MEES
July 29, 2018 12:59 PM

Combining Sketches on Arduino | #Coding #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces

A short introduction to the Arduino code structure and combining Arduino sketches.
Narrated by A. Kleindolph


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Gust MEES's insight:

A short introduction to the Arduino code structure and combining Arduino sketches.
Narrated by A. Kleindolph


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ukdvla's curator insight, February 1, 2021 9:27 AM


ukdvla's curator insight, February 5, 2021 6:40 PM

buy uk driving licence
How to buy a registered UK driver's license with documents everywhere
Our company works in partnership with 4 driving schools in England,Northern Ireland,Scotland and Wales where hundreds of driver’s licenses are being issued in England each year. We have realized that some of these cities are too far for some of you to attain the theoretical and practical exams and some people are so busy at work and has no time to attend a driving exams. We enroll you to one of these driving schools and your files are treated like any other file due to our partnership with them.
How to apply for copy certificates
We encourage you to apply for a replacement or copy of a birth, death or marriage certificate directly from the General Register Office and not from the Royal Borough of Greenwich.

ukdvla's curator insight, February 5, 2021 6:41 PM


buy uk driving licence
How to buy a registered UK driver's license with documents everywhere
Our company works in partnership with 4 driving schools in England,Northern Ireland,Scotland and Wales where hundreds of driver’s licenses are being issued in England each year. We have realized that some of these cities are too far for some of you to attain the theoretical and practical exams and some people are so busy at work and has no time to attend a driving exams. We enroll you to one of these driving schools and your files are treated like any other file due to our partnership with them.
How to apply for copy certificates
We encourage you to apply for a replacement or copy of a birth, death or marriage certificate directly from the General Register Office and not from the Royal Borough of Greenwich.

Scooped by Gust MEES
July 27, 2018 6:34 AM

Arduino RFID tutorial | #Coding #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces 

Arduino RFID tutorial | #Coding #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces  | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

Hi guys, for today’s tutorial, we will take a look at building an RFID based project with an Arduino using the RC522 reader and writer. We will be learning about the Reader and how to use it with the Arduino.


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Gust MEES's insight:

Hi guys, for today’s tutorial, we will take a look at building an RFID based project with an Arduino using the RC522 reader and writer. We will be learning about the Reader and how to use it with the Arduino.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
July 25, 2018 9:41 AM

ESP8266 DHT11/DHT22 Web Server Arduino IDE | #NodeMCU #Coding #IoT #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces 

ESP8266 DHT11/DHT22 Web Server Arduino IDE | #NodeMCU #Coding #IoT #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces  | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

In this project you’ll create a standalone web server with an ESP8266 that displays the temperature and humidity with a DHT11 or DHT22 sensor using the Arduino IDE. The web server you’ll build can be accessed by any device that has a browser on your local network.


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Gust MEES's insight:

In this project you’ll create a standalone web server with an ESP8266 that displays the temperature and humidity with a DHT11 or DHT22 sensor using the Arduino IDE. The web server you’ll build can be accessed by any device that has a browser on your local network.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
July 22, 2018 8:39 AM

Animating Multiple LED Backpacks | Adafruit Learning System

Animating Multiple LED Backpacks | Adafruit Learning System | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

Adafruit LED backpacks make it incredibly simple to add small bitmapped displays to a project. Each requires just four wires: power, ground and two communication lines to a microcontroller.

Two common questions we receive:

How can I use more than one 8x8 matrix backpack in an Arduino sketch?

Can I have two (or more) matrices always showing the same image?

This tutorial demonstrates both.

We’ve had spooky Halloween displays on the brain lately, but the concepts here are equally applicable to more innocent schemes!


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Gust MEES's insight:

Adafruit LED backpacks make it incredibly simple to add small bitmapped displays to a project. Each requires just four wires: power, ground and two communication lines to a microcontroller.

Two common questions we receive:

How can I use more than one 8x8 matrix backpack in an Arduino sketch?

Can I have two (or more) matrices always showing the same image?

This tutorial demonstrates both.

We’ve had spooky Halloween displays on the brain lately, but the concepts here are equally applicable to more innocent schemes!


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Scooped by Gust MEES
January 28, 2019 12:53 PM

A Simple Checklist For Teaching In The 21st Century 

A Simple Checklist For Teaching In The 21st Century  | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

What are the kind of things a 21st century teacher needs to know and be able to do? What about 21st century students? What education technology works, and what is a waste of time? What would a checklist for 21st century teaching look like?

Does ‘21st-century teaching’ even make sense to use as a phrase anymore? If not, do we just say ‘teaching’? Does that fit our needs to innovate our collective profession to meet a modern circumstance?

These are among the questions today’s teachers have to face daily–in the classroom, mass media, professional development, and more. These conversations can get complex, opinionated, stuffed with rhetoric, and downright overwhelming at times. In response, Sylvia Duckworth has made consistent contributions to this conversation by creating colorful illustrations that communicate many of these ideas in easy-to-skim, easy-on-the-eyes, tempting to pin and share graphics.


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Gust MEES's insight:

What are the kind of things a 21st century teacher needs to know and be able to do? What about 21st century students? What education technology works, and what is a waste of time? What would a checklist for 21st century teaching look like?

Does ‘21st-century teaching’ even make sense to use as a phrase anymore? If not, do we just say ‘teaching’? Does that fit our needs to innovate our collective profession to meet a modern circumstance?

These are among the questions today’s teachers have to face daily–in the classroom, mass media, professional development, and more. These conversations can get complex, opinionated, stuffed with rhetoric, and downright overwhelming at times. In response, Sylvia Duckworth has made consistent contributions to this conversation by creating colorful illustrations that communicate many of these ideas in easy-to-skim, easy-on-the-eyes, tempting to pin and share graphics.


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Juan Ignacio Palacio's curator insight, February 1, 2019 10:33 AM
A nice way to kick off the new school year!
Jessica Esmeralda's curator insight, February 17, 2019 10:18 PM
I am a 21st century, how am I supposed to teach? What am I supposed to use in the classroom? I have had these kind of questions several times. In this article I've found a checklist of 10 things that todays' teachers should take into account in order to be a succesful 21st century teacher. The items i liked the most are:
1. My students have the opportunity to be creative--> SOmetimes classes become teacher-centered;however, the teacher must provide activities in which the creativity of students in challenged.
2.My students document and reflect on their learning--> nowadays teachers should include reflection in their classes since it is as important as the content. Teacher should provide students with steps and tips on how to reflect upon their own learning process.
3.My students are aware of how to be safe online and how to be good digital citizens--> Very important because it demostrates an adaptation to todays needs (which are totally differernt from society's needs ten years ago). 
ukdvla's curator insight, January 30, 2021 3:48 PM


Renew Or Update Your Licence - Licence Driving Services
Renew or update your driving licence online, rapid support and SMS notifications. Mobile friendly and lost licence protection, fully legal to drive once approved. Explore Our Services. Check Application Pricing. Multiple Payment Options.
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Scooped by Gust MEES
December 11, 2018 11:58 AM

Ultrasonic Rangefinder with Processing and Arduino | #Coding #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces

Ultrasonic Rangefinder with Processing and Arduino | #Coding #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

Ultrasonic Rangefinder with Processing
Obstacle distance is measured using ultrasonic sensor and Arduino. The data is processed using Processing and the distance is marked.


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Gust MEES's insight:

Ultrasonic Rangefinder with Processing
Obstacle distance is measured using ultrasonic sensor and Arduino. The data is processed using Processing and the distance is marked.


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ukdvla's curator insight, January 30, 2021 3:49 PM


Renew Or Update Your Licence - Licence Driving Services
Renew or update your driving licence online, rapid support and SMS notifications. Mobile friendly and lost licence protection, fully legal to drive once approved. Explore Our Services. Check Application Pricing. Multiple Payment Options.
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Scooped by Gust MEES
November 11, 2018 11:43 AM

Sir Ken Robinson: How to Create a Culture For Valuable Learning | MindShift | KQED News

Sir Ken Robinson: How to Create a Culture For Valuable Learning | MindShift | KQED News | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

The real principle on which human life is based is organic growth and development,” Robinson said. It’s based on the need to invent your own life.” But the education system is not set up to allow for that kind of organic development, although Robinson acknowledges that many educators are doing their best to protect this form of learning. “They’re doing wonderful work because they believe in kids and the work, but they’re doing it against a headwind,” he said.

Part of the problem is the multitude of opinions and lack of clarity on exactly what it is an education should do. Debates about how to improve education will continue to rage because at a fundamental level participants don’t agree about why (or if) kids should go to school. Robinson firmly believes that creativity is a central element of what sets humans apart from other forms of life on earth and so educators’ mission should be to bring out the unique creative energy within each child.

Robinson believes education is “to enable students to understand the world around them, and the talents within them, so that they can become fulfilled individuals and active, compassionate citizens.” He doesn’t deny that learning information about the world is important, but he says it’s equally important for students to understand their own talents, motivations and passions if they are going to lead lives that satisfy them. The current system of conformity and compliance leaves no space for this type of self-exploration.


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Gust MEES's insight:

The real principle on which human life is based is organic growth and development,” Robinson said. It’s based on the need to invent your own life.” But the education system is not set up to allow for that kind of organic development, although Robinson acknowledges that many educators are doing their best to protect this form of learning. “They’re doing wonderful work because they believe in kids and the work, but they’re doing it against a headwind,” he said.

Part of the problem is the multitude of opinions and lack of clarity on exactly what it is an education should do. Debates about how to improve education will continue to rage because at a fundamental level participants don’t agree about why (or if) kids should go to school. Robinson firmly believes that creativity is a central element of what sets humans apart from other forms of life on earth and so educators’ mission should be to bring out the unique creative energy within each child.

Robinson believes education is “to enable students to understand the world around them, and the talents within them, so that they can become fulfilled individuals and active, compassionate citizens.” He doesn’t deny that learning information about the world is important, but he says it’s equally important for students to understand their own talents, motivations and passions if they are going to lead lives that satisfy them. The current system of conformity and compliance leaves no space for this type of self-exploration.


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CCM Consultancy's curator insight, February 19, 2019 12:16 AM

“The real principle on which human life is based is organic growth and development,” Robinson said. It’s based on the need to invent your own life.”

ukdvla's curator insight, January 30, 2021 3:54 PM



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Scooped by Gust MEES
August 25, 2018 12:15 PM

What does good knowledge management look like? | #PKM

What does good knowledge management look like? | #PKM | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

What does good knowledge management look like?

In our article 7 steps to knowledge management success we looked at how to turn knowledge into action to make it real but what does good knowledge management look like?   

To answer this question, once again, I called on Paul Whiffen and his two decades of experience in KM to explain.  

When introducing knowledge management strategy to an organisation, there are some familiar questions and barriers to overcome.


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Gust MEES's insight:

What does good knowledge management look like?

In our article 7 steps to knowledge management success we looked at how to turn knowledge into action to make it real but what does good knowledge management look like?   

To answer this question, once again, I called on Paul Whiffen and his two decades of experience in KM to explain.  

When introducing knowledge management strategy to an organisation, there are some familiar questions and barriers to overcome.


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CCM Consultancy's curator insight, October 1, 2018 2:03 AM

We live in an increasingly knowledge-based world.  Knowledge is a key commodity and we should treat knowledge as the main asset for individuals, companies and countries.

ukdvla's curator insight, January 30, 2021 4:01 PM


Renew Or Update Your Licence - Licence Driving Services
Renew or update your driving licence online, rapid support and SMS notifications. Mobile friendly and lost licence protection, fully legal to drive once approved. Explore Our Services. Check Application Pricing. Multiple Payment Options.
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Scooped by Gust MEES
August 19, 2018 12:26 PM

Control any Electronics with a TV Remote | Arduino IR Tutorial | #Coding #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces

Control any Electronics with a TV Remote | Arduino IR Tutorial | #Coding #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

In this Arduino IR Tutorial we will learn how to control electronic devices using a TV remote and an Arduino. We will make few examples starting from controlling a simple LED, then controlling a DC Fan speed, to controlling high voltage home appliances. You can watch the following video or read the written tutorial below.


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Gust MEES's insight:

In this Arduino IR Tutorial we will learn how to control electronic devices using a TV remote and an Arduino. We will make few examples starting from controlling a simple LED, then controlling a DC Fan speed, to controlling high voltage home appliances. You can watch the following video or read the written tutorial below.


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ukdvla's curator insight, January 30, 2021 4:04 PM


Renew Or Update Your Licence - Licence Driving Services
Renew or update your driving licence online, rapid support and SMS notifications. Mobile friendly and lost licence protection, fully legal to drive once approved. Explore Our Services. Check Application Pricing. Multiple Payment Options.
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Scooped by Gust MEES
August 16, 2018 9:20 AM

I2C LCD with ESP32 on Arduino IDE - ESP8266 compatible | #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces #Coding

I2C LCD with ESP32 on Arduino IDE - ESP8266 compatible | #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces #Coding | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

This tutorial shows how to use the I2C LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) with the ESP32 using Arduino IDE. We’ll show you how to wire the display, install the library and try sample code to write text on the LCD: static text, and scroll long messages. You can also use this guide with the ESP8266.


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Gust MEES's insight:

This tutorial shows how to use the I2C LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) with the ESP32 using Arduino IDE. We’ll show you how to wire the display, install the library and try sample code to write text on the LCD: static text, and scroll long messages. You can also use this guide with the ESP8266.


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ukdvla's curator insight, January 30, 2021 4:06 PM


Renew Or Update Your Licence - Licence Driving Services
Renew or update your driving licence online, rapid support and SMS notifications. Mobile friendly and lost licence protection, fully legal to drive once approved. Explore Our Services. Check Application Pricing. Multiple Payment Options.
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Scooped by Gust MEES
August 9, 2018 2:37 PM

Why is Digital Curation so Important for Educators in 2018? | #ModernEDU #ModernLEARNing

Why is Digital Curation so Important for Educators in 2018? | #ModernEDU #ModernLEARNing | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it



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Gust MEES's insight:

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ukdvla's curator insight, January 30, 2021 4:10 PM


Renew Or Update Your Licence - Licence Driving Services
Renew or update your driving licence online, rapid support and SMS notifications. Mobile friendly and lost licence protection, fully legal to drive once approved. Explore Our Services. Check Application Pricing. Multiple Payment Options.
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Scooped by Gust MEES
August 6, 2018 5:58 PM

First Steps with the Arduino-UNO R3 and NANO | Maker, MakerED, Coding | RFID RC522 Tag-Card Reader with LCD1602-I2C 

First Steps with the Arduino-UNO R3 and NANO | Maker, MakerED, Coding | RFID RC522 Tag-Card Reader with LCD1602-I2C  | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

RFID RC522 Tag-Card Reader with LCD1602-I2C - We were already playing around with LCD's in our previous tutorial <===> First Steps with the Arduino-UNO R3 | Maker, MakerED, Coding | Super Starter Kit UNO R3 Project | LCD and Sensors Project <===> but there we used the SPI-Bus, meaning: connecting 12 wires (Potentiometer connections included...)!! With the I2C Bus we need ONLY to connect 4 wires!!


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Gust MEES's insight:

RFID RC522 Tag-Card Reader with LCD1602-I2C - We were already playing around with LCD's in our previous tutorial <===> First Steps with the Arduino-UNO R3 | Maker, MakerED, Coding | Super Starter Kit UNO R3 Project | LCD and Sensors Project <===> but there we used the SPI-Bus, meaning: connecting 12 wires (Potentiometer connections included...)!! With the I2C Bus we need ONLY to connect 4 wires!!


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Scooped by Gust MEES
July 30, 2018 1:33 PM

First Steps with the NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module and Arduino NANO | Maker, MakerED, Coding | Tips 2 | #Coding #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces 

First Steps with the NodeMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module and Arduino NANO | Maker, MakerED, Coding | Tips 2 | #Coding #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces  | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

A GOOD preparation is half the work done! When we play around with Arduino NANO, NodeMCU, ESP8266 and others it is important (and more comfortable) to make us life as less difficult as necessary. Therefore we will have a look on the How-To, using some helpful tools.


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Gust MEES's insight:

A GOOD preparation is half the work done! When we play around with Arduino NANO, NodeMCU, ESP8266 and others it is important (and more comfortable) to make us life as less difficult as necessary. Therefore we will have a look on the How-To, using some helpful tools.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
July 28, 2018 12:50 PM

Arduino Anleitung für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene2 | #Coding #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces

Arduino Anleitung für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene2 | #Coding #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

1.Vorwort zur Arduino Anleitung

Diese Anleitung soll als Grundlage zum Erlernen der Arduino-Plattform dienen. Sie soll Anfängern einen einfachen, interessanten und eng geleiteten Einstieg in die Arduino-Thematik geben. Die Anleitung orientiert sich dabei hauptsächlich an praxisorientierten Aufgaben mit einer theoretischen Einführung vorab. Diese sollte man vorher unbedingt lesen, um bei den späteren Praxisaufgaben nicht an Kleinigkeiten zu scheitern.

Diese Anleitung ist im Rahmen einer Unterrichtstätigkeit entstanden. Sie kann kostenlos zum Erlernen der Arduino-Plattform verwendet, jedoch nicht ohne Erlaubnis kopiert oder anderweitig verwendet werden. Die Anleitung wurde sorgfältig erstellt und wird kontinuierlich gepflegt, jedoch wird keine Garantie für die Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit übernommen.

Für die praktischen Aufgaben sollte man mit einigen elektronischen Bauteilen versorgt sein. Auf dieser Internetseite können sie passende Arduino-Sets bestellen, die speziell auf diese Anleitung zugeschnitten sind.


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Gust MEES's insight:

1.Vorwort zur Arduino Anleitung

Diese Anleitung soll als Grundlage zum Erlernen der Arduino-Plattform dienen. Sie soll Anfängern einen einfachen, interessanten und eng geleiteten Einstieg in die Arduino-Thematik geben. Die Anleitung orientiert sich dabei hauptsächlich an praxisorientierten Aufgaben mit einer theoretischen Einführung vorab. Diese sollte man vorher unbedingt lesen, um bei den späteren Praxisaufgaben nicht an Kleinigkeiten zu scheitern.

Diese Anleitung ist im Rahmen einer Unterrichtstätigkeit entstanden. Sie kann kostenlos zum Erlernen der Arduino-Plattform verwendet, jedoch nicht ohne Erlaubnis kopiert oder anderweitig verwendet werden. Die Anleitung wurde sorgfältig erstellt und wird kontinuierlich gepflegt, jedoch wird keine Garantie für die Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit übernommen.

Für die praktischen Aufgaben sollte man mit einigen elektronischen Bauteilen versorgt sein. Auf dieser Internetseite können sie passende Arduino-Sets bestellen, die speziell auf diese Anleitung zugeschnitten sind.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
July 26, 2018 5:11 AM

Build an ESP8266 Web Server - Code and Schematics | #Coding #IoT #NodeMCU #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces

Build an ESP8266 Web Server - Code and Schematics | #Coding #IoT #NodeMCU #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

This tutorial is a step-by-step guide that shows you how to build a standalone ESP8266 Web Server that controls two outputs (two LEDs). This ESP8266 Web Server is mobile responsive and it can be accessed with any device that as a browser in your local network.


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Gust MEES's insight:

This tutorial is a step-by-step guide that shows you how to build a standalone ESP8266 Web Server that controls two outputs (two LEDs). This ESP8266 Web Server is mobile responsive and it can be accessed with any device that as a browser in your local network.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
July 24, 2018 3:24 AM

Edtech Startup To Release Blockchain-Based ‘Lifelong Learning Ledger’

Edtech Startup To Release Blockchain-Based ‘Lifelong Learning Ledger’ | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

Brandman University is taking a new approach to adult education, focusing on students' competencies so that they can apply their work experiences to speed their path to graduation.

Brandman already is working with companies, including Walmart and Discover, to offer employee-education programs. The Irvine, California-based nonprofit university's competency-based programs make it easier for working adults to earn college degrees and advance their careers.

At most conventional colleges, students must fulfill prerequisite courses to earn admission and a set of required courses to earn a degree. Under the Brandman approach, if an applicant has, say, a 20-year career in finance but no formal coursework in finance, the university's “adaptive learning engine” can detect her prior knowledge and tailor the curriculum to ensure that she focuses on new material. Brandman's first graduate completed a bachelor's of business administration degree in 18 months.

The technology that makes the Brandman model possible includes a cloud software platform developed by edtech startup N2N Services. On the platform, the university developed a game-based learning application that offers students a series of tests to demonstrate their competency. As students pass each test, they’re automatically moved to the next level of the program.


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Gust MEES's insight:

Brandman University is taking a new approach to adult education, focusing on students' competencies so that they can apply their work experiences to speed their path to graduation.

Brandman already is working with companies, including Walmart and Discover, to offer employee-education programs. The Irvine, California-based nonprofit university's competency-based programs make it easier for working adults to earn college degrees and advance their careers.

At most conventional colleges, students must fulfill prerequisite courses to earn admission and a set of required courses to earn a degree. Under the Brandman approach, if an applicant has, say, a 20-year career in finance but no formal coursework in finance, the university's “adaptive learning engine” can detect her prior knowledge and tailor the curriculum to ensure that she focuses on new material. Brandman's first graduate completed a bachelor's of business administration degree in 18 months.

The technology that makes the Brandman model possible includes a cloud software platform developed by edtech startup N2N Services. On the platform, the university developed a game-based learning application that offers students a series of tests to demonstrate their competency. As students pass each test, they’re automatically moved to the next level of the program.


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