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Scooped by Gust MEES
December 26, 2017 3:55 PM

WHAT Is a Thread On Social Media Twitter and How To Use It For Story Telling

WHAT Is a Thread On Social Media Twitter and How To Use It For Story Telling | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

WHAT Is a Thread On Social Media Twitter and How To Use It For Story Telling WHAT Is a Thread On Social Media Twitter and How To Use It For Story Telling? That's a question one sees very often NOW on Twitter as it is NEW. Let me explain by a practical authentic…


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Gust MEES's insight:

WHAT Is a Thread On Social Media Twitter and How To Use It For Story Telling WHAT Is a Thread On Social Media Twitter and How To Use It For Story Telling? That's a question one sees very often NOW on Twitter as it is NEW. Let me explain by a practical authentic…


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Scooped by Gust MEES
July 12, 2017 9:16 AM

Exploring Curation as a core competency in digital and media literacy education  | #ModernEDU #LEARNing2LEARN

Exploring Curation as a core competency in digital and media literacy education  | #ModernEDU #LEARNing2LEARN | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

Article: Exploring Curation as a core competency in digital and media literacy education.


In today’s hypermedia landscape, youth and young adults are increasingly using social media platforms, online aggregators and mobile applications for daily information use. Communication educators, armed with a host of free, easy-to-use online tools, have the ability to create dynamic approaches to teaching and learning about information and communication flow online.


In this paper we explore the concept of curation as a student- and creation-driven pedagogical tool to enhance digital and media literacy education. We present a theoretical justification for curation and present six key ways that curation can be used to teach about critical thinking, analysis and expression online.


We utilize a case study of the digital curation platform Storify to explore how curation works in the classroom, and present a framework that integrates curation pedagogy into core media literacy education learning outcomes.


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Gust MEES's insight:

Article: Exploring Curation as a core competency in digital and media literacy education.


In today’s hypermedia landscape, youth and young adults are increasingly using social media platforms, online aggregators and mobile applications for daily information use. Communication educators, armed with a host of free, easy-to-use online tools, have the ability to create dynamic approaches to teaching and learning about information and communication flow online.


In this paper we explore the concept of curation as a student- and creation-driven pedagogical tool to enhance digital and media literacy education. We present a theoretical justification for curation and present six key ways that curation can be used to teach about critical thinking, analysis and expression online.


We utilize a case study of the digital curation platform Storify to explore how curation works in the classroom, and present a framework that integrates curation pedagogy into core media literacy education learning outcomes.


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Oskar Almazan's curator insight, July 12, 2017 9:39 AM
In today’s hypermedia landscape, youth and young adults are increasingly using social media platforms, online aggregators and mobile applications for daily information use. Communication educators, armed with a host of free, easy-to-use online tools, have the ability to create dynamic approaches to teaching and learning about information and communication flow online. In this paper we explore the concept of curation as a student- and creation-driven pedagogical tool to enhance digital and media literacy education. We present a theoretical justification for curation and present six key ways that curation can be used to teach about critical thinking, analysis and expression online. We utilize a case study of the digital curation platform Storify to explore how curation works in the classroom, and present a framework that integrates curation pedagogy into core media literacy education learning outcomes.
Rosemarri Klamn's curator insight, July 31, 2017 8:01 AM

This concept is new to me, although I have practiced this in different forms. It seems logical to utilize this pedagogical approach to curation for students, parents, and teachers alike. We are all learners in today's rapid pace in technological changes.

Scooped by Gust MEES
October 10, 2017 2:56 AM

Episch | Bedeutung, Merkmale und Verwendung | #Storytelling

Episch | Bedeutung, Merkmale und Verwendung | #Storytelling | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it
Ist ein Text episch, dann erzählt und berichtet er dem Leser ausführlich über eine Handlung, die zumeist in der Vergangenheit liegt. Er zeichnet sich dabei nicht durch rhythmische oder metrische Merkmale aus, wobei er außerdem nicht an Reime oder Verse gebunden ist und somit als ungebundene Rede erscheint (vgl. Prosa). Darüber hinaus gibt es in epischen Texten einen Erzähler (vgl. Erzählperspektiven).


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Gust MEES's insight:
Ist ein Text episch, dann erzählt und berichtet er dem Leser ausführlich über eine Handlung, die zumeist in der Vergangenheit liegt. Er zeichnet sich dabei nicht durch rhythmische oder metrische Merkmale aus, wobei er außerdem nicht an Reime oder Verse gebunden ist und somit als ungebundene Rede erscheint (vgl. Prosa). Darüber hinaus gibt es in epischen Texten einen Erzähler (vgl. Erzählperspektiven).


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Scooped by Gust MEES
April 15, 2017 7:35 AM


Educade | Lesson Plans | CREATE A NARRATIVE-DRIVEN SCAVENGER HUNT WITH AURASMA | #AugmentedReality #AR #RA | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

Aurasma provides an image-recognition software for creating and sharing augmented reality experiences. Users pan with their mobile device cameras to scan images in their physical environment to trigger a separate image or video to play on their screens.


Aurasma can encourage learners to go beyond the classroom to connect and enhance what they learn by pulling resources from the physical and the digital and then sharing those augmented reality scenes with others.


Learning Objectives:

  • Write a multi-part fictional narrative that logically ties in with actual locations on the school campus.
  • Create an engaging narrative experience for the reader through expressive and provocative narration, animation, and/or images.
  • Evaluate and deconstruct the narratives of others through class-wide discussion and reflection of own narrative.


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Gust MEES's insight:

Aurasma provides an image-recognition software for creating and sharing augmented reality experiences. Users pan with their mobile device cameras to scan images in their physical environment to trigger a separate image or video to play on their screens.


Aurasma can encourage learners to go beyond the classroom to connect and enhance what they learn by pulling resources from the physical and the digital and then sharing those augmented reality scenes with others.


Learning Objectives:

  • Write a multi-part fictional narrative that logically ties in with actual locations on the school campus.
  • Create an engaging narrative experience for the reader through expressive and provocative narration, animation, and/or images.
  • Evaluate and deconstruct the narratives of others through class-wide discussion and reflection of own narrative.


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Viljenka Savli (http://www2.arnes.si/~sopvsavl/)'s curator insight, April 14, 2017 4:47 AM
great way to use AR for learning
Maria Del Mar Londoño's curator insight, April 15, 2017 3:46 PM
This is a great Idea of lesson plan. You can integrate productive skill with a little of exploration and the use of technology. it is new and fun way for the students to write. 
Coconut Curator's curator insight, April 30, 2017 10:44 AM
Augmented reality without all the fancy hardware. Locations can be tagged as well as historical events and other data. There are many uses for Aurasma in primary and secondary schools and it would be a wonderful tool to help make museum exhibitions come to life.