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Scooped by Gust MEES
July 1, 2017 5:27 PM

Agile Manifesto for Software Development | Agile Alliance | Mit agilen Methoden zu MEHR Erfolg

Agile Manifesto for Software Development | Agile Alliance | Mit agilen Methoden zu MEHR Erfolg | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it
We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan.

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.


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Gust MEES's insight:
We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan.

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
January 9, 2016 6:49 AM

Project Management: Why it pays to be agile

Project Management: Why it pays to be agile | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it
Imagine that you have to build a railway bridge. You draw up blueprints for the bridge, start welding and, just as you near the other side of the river, you realise that the bridge is not strong enough. Oh, and it should be carrying cars instead. And the bridge has gone way over budget already. Not so much a bridge, more of a pier.

Agile is a project management methodology originally developed for computer programs but increasingly being used in aviation, construction, pharmaceuticals and the financial sector. The US Department of Defence is using Agile for procurement.

Rather than building a bridge, an Agile approach would be to say, let’s get people to the other side of the river. So you start with a rowing boat, and then a ferry and finally a toll bridge for cars. Crucially, it takes the highest-value part of the problem – in this case transporting people – and starts making money from it – getting people to buy tickets – right away


This methodology has become the de facto way of developing IT software. Its supporters say that it can be applied to all sorts of problems, involving stakeholders, getting feedback early on as opposed to presenting a fait accompli.

Agile divides the project into vertical slices, repeatedly going into the process again and again in various iterations. Rather than delivering a behemoth of a project by deadline, it delivers a project in tranches that work.

Gust MEES's insight:
Imagine that you have to build a railway bridge. You draw up blueprints for the bridge, start welding and, just as you near the other side of the river, you realise that the bridge is not strong enough. Oh, and it should be carrying cars instead. And the bridge has gone way over budget already. Not so much a bridge, more of a pier.

Agile is a project management methodology originally developed for computer programs but increasingly being used in aviation, construction, pharmaceuticals and the financial sector. The US Department of Defence is using Agile for procurement.

Rather than building a bridge, an Agile approach would be to say, let’s get people to the other side of the river. So you start with a rowing boat, and then a ferry and finally a toll bridge for cars. Crucially, it takes the highest-value part of the problem – in this case transporting people – and starts making money from it – getting people to buy tickets – right away


This methodology has become the de facto way of developing IT software. Its supporters say that it can be applied to all sorts of problems, involving stakeholders, getting feedback early on as opposed to presenting a fait accompli.

Agile divides the project into vertical slices, repeatedly going into the process again and again in various iterations. Rather than delivering a behemoth of a project by deadline, it delivers a project in tranches that work.

Scooped by Gust MEES
March 6, 2016 7:53 AM

7 characteristics of a digital mindset

7 characteristics of a digital mindset | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it
An individual with a digital mindset understands the power of technology to democratize scale and speed up every form of interaction and action


Growth Mindset

Carol Dweck, in her research, differentiated between Fixed Mindset and Growth Mindset, and how these linked to people’s perception of their own abilities. Those with a fixed mindset believe that intelligence is static, and this can become an obstacle to change in behavior. This in turn makes it difficult for them to be learning agile or to adjust to a rapidly changing and ambiguous world. On the other hand, people with a growth mindset are likely to take every opportunity to pull the resources they need to perform better. They are usually the ones to volunteer information, ask questions and try out new ways of doing things. It cannot be argued that the digital world calls for constant exploration, experimentation and learning. And individuals with a growth mindset are more likely to put in extra effort to learn new things, take charge of their own learning, and possess a resilience that helps them to overcome challenges.

Agile Approach

Being agile is more than just adapting to change. In the age of disruptive tech, we must be able to foresee and change before the need to change arises. Agility in this context encompasses the skill of being able to scan the landscape of one's domain of work and organizational ecosystem, and keeping pace with what is happening at the edges to remain relevant. In the digital era, this would mean being comfortable with technology, seeing change as an opportunity, and accepting the new ways of working without feeling threatened. 


Gust MEES's insight:
An individual with a digital mindset understands the power of technology to democratize scale and speed up every form of interaction and action


Growth Mindset

Carol Dweck, in her research, differentiated between Fixed Mindset and Growth Mindset, and how these linked to people’s perception of their own abilities. Those with a fixed mindset believe that intelligence is static, and this can become an obstacle to change in behavior. This in turn makes it difficult for them to be learning agile or to adjust to a rapidly changing and ambiguous world. On the other hand, people with a growth mindset are likely to take every opportunity to pull the resources they need to perform better. They are usually the ones to volunteer information, ask questions and try out new ways of doing things. It cannot be argued that the digital world calls for constant exploration, experimentation and learning. And individuals with a growth mindset are more likely to put in extra effort to learn new things, take charge of their own learning, and possess a resilience that helps them to overcome challenges.

Agile Approach

Being agile is more than just adapting to change. In the age of disruptive tech, we must be able to foresee and change before the need to change arises. Agility in this context encompasses the skill of being able to scan the landscape of one's domain of work and organizational ecosystem, and keeping pace with what is happening at the edges to remain relevant. In the digital era, this would mean being comfortable with technology, seeing change as an opportunity, and accepting the new ways of working without feeling threatened. 


Stephania Savva, Ph.D's curator insight, March 11, 2016 11:11 AM
An individual with a digital mindset understands the power of technology to democratize scale and speed up every form of interaction and action


Growth Mindset

Carol Dweck, in her research, differentiated between Fixed Mindset and Growth Mindset, and how these linked to people’s perception of their own abilities. Those with a fixed mindset believe that intelligence is static, and this can become an obstacle to change in behavior. This in turn makes it difficult for them to be learning agile or to adjust to a rapidly changing and ambiguous world. On the other hand, people with a growth mindset are likely to take every opportunity to pull the resources they need to perform better. They are usually the ones to volunteer information, ask questions and try out new ways of doing things. It cannot be argued that the digital world calls for constant exploration, experimentation and learning. And individuals with a growth mindset are more likely to put in extra effort to learn new things, take charge of their own learning, and possess a resilience that helps them to overcome challenges.

Agile Approach

Being agile is more than just adapting to change. In the age of disruptive tech, we must be able to foresee and change before the need to change arises. Agility in this context encompasses the skill of being able to scan the landscape of one's domain of work and organizational ecosystem, and keeping pace with what is happening at the edges to remain relevant. In the digital era, this would mean being comfortable with technology, seeing change as an opportunity, and accepting the new ways of working without feeling threatened. 


Melanie COVINHES's curator insight, March 14, 2016 6:24 AM
An individual with a digital mindset understands the power of technology to democratize scale and speed up every form of interaction and action


Growth Mindset

Carol Dweck, in her research, differentiated between Fixed Mindset and Growth Mindset, and how these linked to people’s perception of their own abilities. Those with a fixed mindset believe that intelligence is static, and this can become an obstacle to change in behavior. This in turn makes it difficult for them to be learning agile or to adjust to a rapidly changing and ambiguous world. On the other hand, people with a growth mindset are likely to take every opportunity to pull the resources they need to perform better. They are usually the ones to volunteer information, ask questions and try out new ways of doing things. It cannot be argued that the digital world calls for constant exploration, experimentation and learning. And individuals with a growth mindset are more likely to put in extra effort to learn new things, take charge of their own learning, and possess a resilience that helps them to overcome challenges.

Agile Approach

Being agile is more than just adapting to change. In the age of disruptive tech, we must be able to foresee and change before the need to change arises. Agility in this context encompasses the skill of being able to scan the landscape of one's domain of work and organizational ecosystem, and keeping pace with what is happening at the edges to remain relevant. In the digital era, this would mean being comfortable with technology, seeing change as an opportunity, and accepting the new ways of working without feeling threatened. 


Tony Guzman's curator insight, March 17, 2016 4:00 PM

This article list seven parts of what is called a digital mindset.