21st Century Learning and Teaching
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21st Century Learning and Teaching
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Curated by Gust MEES
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Rescooped by Gust MEES from Social Media and its influence
November 19, 2013 12:49 PM


Using the power of Social Media, I FREAKED PEOPLE OUT by making them think I knew personal information about them! Join the Vale Nationâ–ş http://bit.ly/JoinVa...
Gust MEES's insight:


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Cindy Rogers's curator insight, November 20, 2013 4:22 AM

How much are you unwittingly  sharing about yourself?

Katia Roman's curator insight, November 21, 2013 3:01 AM

Watch out!

Pamela Perry King's curator insight, December 3, 2014 11:07 AM

Scary video, Big Brother is watching!

Scooped by Gust MEES
June 2, 2013 7:36 AM

Is Internet Addiction Real? [Infographic]

Is Internet Addiction Real? [Infographic] | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it
Gust MEES's insight:


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