21st Century Innovative Technologies and Developments as also discoveries, curiosity ( insolite)...
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21st Century Innovative Technologies and Developments as also discoveries, curiosity ( insolite)...
Everything from new developments and discoveries in the Technology world: science, ICT, medicine, pharma...
Curated by Gust MEES
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Scooped by Gust MEES
November 27, 2017 10:31 AM

3D printed 'Bionic skin' - YouTube | #Research #Robotics #3DPrinter 

Engineers at the University of Minnesota have developed a way to 3D print mechanical sensors that could one day give robots the ability to feel.

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Gust MEES's insight:
Engineers at the University of Minnesota have developed a way to 3D print mechanical sensors that could one day give robots the ability to feel.

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Scooped by Gust MEES
March 15, 2017 8:17 PM

Chinese research into liquid metal and 3D printing for functional electronics | #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces 

Chinese research into liquid metal and 3D printing for functional electronics | #Maker #MakerED #MakerSpaces  | 21st Century Innovative Technologies and Developments as also discoveries, curiosity ( insolite)... | Scoop.it
Researchers from Beijing have reported the use of 3D printing and injected liquid metal as a novel way to create functional electrical components.Citing the “fabrication freedom” that is enabled by 3D printing as a manufacturing technique, the academic paper explores the possibilities of embedding liquid metal


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Researchers from Beijing have reported the use of 3D printing and injected liquid metal as a novel way to create functional electrical components.Citing the “fabrication freedom” that is enabled by 3D printing as a manufacturing technique, the academic paper explores the possibilities of embedding liquid metal


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Scooped by Gust MEES
March 8, 2017 12:37 PM

Microsoft's HoloLens: How these surgeons can now voyage around patients' organs | #Research #STEAM #AR #3D

Microsoft's HoloLens: How these surgeons can now voyage around patients' organs | #Research #STEAM #AR #3D | 21st Century Innovative Technologies and Developments as also discoveries, curiosity ( insolite)... | Scoop.it
Researchers in Oslo have been working for years on turning 2D medical imagery into 3D but now they've used Microsoft's HoloLens to give surgeons more precision in operations.


The project by researchers at the Intervention Centre at Oslo University Hospital, working with developers at IT consultancy Sopra Steria, was recently awarded a Microsoft Health Innovation Award.


The data that the 3D models use comes from the hospital's various image-generating scanning CT and MR machines. These scanners provide detailed views of the human body, but present these images in the form of two-dimensional picture 'slices'.


When planning surgical procedures, the surgeons have to flip back and forth through a potentially large number of these slices, when using them directly from the scanning machines.

The Intervention Centre has been working on combining data from such 2D slices into a 3D model for more than a decade. Using a method called picture segmentation, the relevant sections are extracted from the scans and used to form a 3D model of, for instance, a liver with a tumor and its surrounding blood vessels.


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Gust MEES's insight:
Researchers in Oslo have been working for years on turning 2D medical imagery into 3D but now they've used Microsoft's HoloLens to give surgeons more precision in operations.


The project by researchers at the Intervention Centre at Oslo University Hospital, working with developers at IT consultancy Sopra Steria, was recently awarded a Microsoft Health Innovation Award.


The data that the 3D models use comes from the hospital's various image-generating scanning CT and MR machines. These scanners provide detailed views of the human body, but present these images in the form of two-dimensional picture 'slices'.


When planning surgical procedures, the surgeons have to flip back and forth through a potentially large number of these slices, when using them directly from the scanning machines.

The Intervention Centre has been working on combining data from such 2D slices into a 3D model for more than a decade. Using a method called picture segmentation, the relevant sections are extracted from the scans and used to form a 3D model of, for instance, a liver with a tumor and its surrounding blood vessels.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
January 9, 2017 4:56 PM

This weird, sponge-like stuff is 10 times stronger than steel | #Nano #Research #MIT 

This weird, sponge-like stuff is 10 times stronger than steel | #Nano #Research #MIT  | 21st Century Innovative Technologies and Developments as also discoveries, curiosity ( insolite)... | Scoop.it
It looks like a piece of Nerf or coral, but it's actually one of the strongest materials ever created.


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Gust MEES's insight:
It looks like a piece of Nerf or coral, but it's actually one of the strongest materials ever created.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
October 4, 2017 9:56 AM

Amazon has acquired 3D body model startup, Body Labs, for $50M-$70M | #Acquisitions

Amazon has acquired 3D body model startup, Body Labs, for $50M-$70M | #Acquisitions | 21st Century Innovative Technologies and Developments as also discoveries, curiosity ( insolite)... | Scoop.it
TechCrunch has learned that Amazon has acquired Body Labs, a company with a stated aim of creating true-to-life 3D body models to support various b2b software applications — such as virtually trying on clothes or photorealistic avatars for gaming.

One source suggested the price-tag Amazon paid for Body Labs could be $100M+. However a second well-placed source suggested it’s closer to $70M than $100M — so we’re pegging it at between $50M and $70M.

An Amazon spokeswoman declined to comment on the acquisition.

New York based Body Labs was founded in March 2013, according to CrunchBase, and had raised more than $10M across two investment rounds — closing an $8M Series A in November 2015.

The company says its AI, computer vision, and body modeling expertise stems from research started at Brown University and the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems.


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Gust MEES's insight:
TechCrunch has learned that Amazon has acquired Body Labs, a company with a stated aim of creating true-to-life 3D body models to support various b2b software applications — such as virtually trying on clothes or photorealistic avatars for gaming.

One source suggested the price-tag Amazon paid for Body Labs could be $100M+. However a second well-placed source suggested it’s closer to $70M than $100M — so we’re pegging it at between $50M and $70M.

An Amazon spokeswoman declined to comment on the acquisition.

New York based Body Labs was founded in March 2013, according to CrunchBase, and had raised more than $10M across two investment rounds — closing an $8M Series A in November 2015.

The company says its AI, computer vision, and body modeling expertise stems from research started at Brown University and the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
March 8, 2017 12:45 PM

HoloLens medical technology - YouTube Channel Videos (a LOT) | #AR #3D #MixedReality #VR 

Enjoy the videos...


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Enjoy the videos...


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Scooped by Gust MEES
January 18, 2017 5:14 AM

Microsoft acquires 3D optimization service Simplygon | #Acquisitions #HoloLens #AR #VR

Microsoft acquires 3D optimization service Simplygon | #Acquisitions #HoloLens #AR #VR | 21st Century Innovative Technologies and Developments as also discoveries, curiosity ( insolite)... | Scoop.it
Microsoft today announced that it has acquired Simplygon, a company that develops 3D-optimization solutions for game developers and other industries that need to visualize 3D data.

Simplygon’s SDK is used by many major game development studios and the company recently expanded into the AR/VR market, too. Given Microsoft’s push into AR with its Hololens project and VR with Windows Holographic, it’s clear where Simplygon’s technology fits into Microsoft’s own roadmap.


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Gust MEES's insight:
Microsoft today announced that it has acquired Simplygon, a company that develops 3D-optimization solutions for game developers and other industries that need to visualize 3D data.

Simplygon’s SDK is used by many major game development studios and the company recently expanded into the AR/VR market, too. Given Microsoft’s push into AR with its Hololens project and VR with Windows Holographic, it’s clear where Simplygon’s technology fits into Microsoft’s own roadmap.


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