Education 2.0 & 3.0
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Education 2.0 & 3.0
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Curated by Yashy Tohsaku
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Rescooped by Yashy Tohsaku from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
January 3, 2020 4:31 PM!

Some Quotes for EDUcators, TEACHers, Instructors, LEHRENDE to make THEM think on Modern-EDUcation…

Some Quotes for EDUcators, TEACHers, Instructors, LEHRENDE to make THEM think on Modern-EDUcation… | Education 2.0 & 3.0 |

A new year, new challenges! As every new year there is a new challenge to perform for a BETTER Professional-Development for TEACHers, EDUcators, LEHRENDE, Instructors. Especially for Modern-EDU, Modern-Pedagogy, Modern-Learning there is still a lot to LEARN! Here below some thoughts in form of quotes from me. . 


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Via Gust MEES
Gust MEES's curator insight, January 3, 2020 7:35 AM

A new year, new challenges! As every new year there is a new challenge to perform for a BETTER Professional-Development for TEACHers, EDUcators, LEHRENDE, Instructors. Especially for Modern-EDU, Modern-Pedagogy, Modern-Learning there is still a lot to LEARN! Here below some thoughts in form of quotes from me. . 


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Scott McKinley's curator insight, January 3, 2020 11:31 AM

success not failure

Rescooped by Yashy Tohsaku from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
October 10, 2017 12:43 AM!

NEW Words, Trends to Know and to LEARN about in 21st Century

NEW Words, Trends to Know and to LEARN about in 21st Century | Education 2.0 & 3.0 |

NEW Words, Trends to Know and to LEARN about in 21st Century Are YOU feeling overwhelmed with strange words, NEW trends, when you are reading and following posts, tweets, articles about/and in Social Media!? Well, I can understand YOU!!! There are SO MUCH, if I wouldn't do curation, I wouldn't understand it anymore…


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Via Gust MEES
Gust MEES's curator insight, October 9, 2017 12:59 PM

NEW Words, Trends to Know and to LEARN about in 21st Century Are YOU feeling overwhelmed with strange words, NEW trends, when you are reading and following posts, tweets, articles about/and in Social Media!? Well, I can understand YOU!!! There are SO MUCH, if I wouldn't do curation, I wouldn't understand it anymore…


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Rescooped by Yashy Tohsaku from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
April 25, 2017 2:04 PM!

Getting ready for Modern Education | #Video #SlideShow #LEARNing2LEARN #ModernEDU #ICT

Getting ready for Modern Education


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Via Gust MEES
Gust MEES's curator insight, April 24, 2017 5:55 PM
Getting ready for Modern Education


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Rescooped by Yashy Tohsaku from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
October 27, 2017 11:34 AM!

Social Media Twitter: WHAT Is Its Attraction And WHY Is IT Important For EDUcation!?

Social Media Twitter: WHAT Is Its Attraction And WHY Is IT Important For EDUcation!? | Education 2.0 & 3.0 |

Social Media Twitter: WHAT Is Its Attraction And WHY Is IT Important For EDUcation!? First of all, one can't ignore existing trends which are already existing in Virtual World since ages and one SHOULD adapt for it in Real World, especially in Modern EDUcation! Social Media plays already a BIG role in business,…


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Via Gust MEES
Gust MEES's curator insight, October 26, 2017 8:36 PM

Social Media Twitter: WHAT Is Its Attraction And WHY Is IT Important For EDUcation!? First of all, one can't ignore existing trends which are already existing in Virtual World since ages and one SHOULD adapt for it in Real World, especially in Modern EDUcation! Social Media plays already a BIG role in business,…


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Rescooped by Yashy Tohsaku from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
October 6, 2017 11:27 PM!

THE CHANGE: Trend in EDUcation to Make EDUcators TEACHers MORE Professional | #ModernEDU #ModernLEARNing

THE CHANGE: Trend in EDUcation to Make EDUcators TEACHers MORE Professional | #ModernEDU #ModernLEARNing | Education 2.0 & 3.0 |

Trend in EDUcation to Make EDUcators TEACHers MORE Professional Since I follow EDUcators, TEACHers on Social Media twitter (2009), I must admit that too many of them (a lot) are on a Mediocrity status, even on a BAD status, which is no more acceptable in 21st Century!! Using Social Media twitter and others…


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Via Gust MEES
Gust MEES's curator insight, October 6, 2017 5:15 PM

Trend in EDUcation to Make EDUcators TEACHers MORE Professional Since I follow EDUcators, TEACHers on Social Media twitter (2009), I must admit that too many of them (a lot) are on a Mediocrity status, even on a BAD status, which is no more acceptable in 21st Century!! Using Social Media twitter and others…


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