Science Fairs are UDL, Personalized Learning | UDL - Universal Design for Learning |

From Stephen Petrucci's blog, Leadership i Public Education, a connection is made between UDL and Personalized Learning. Here are some of the connections he has made:


"As we continue to search for ways to frame personalized learning in British Columbia, we can point to some practices that have been around for a long time - notably the Science Fair. Rather than pitting the philosophies of revolution vs evolution in our education system, I believe it is crucial to recognize what currently exists as excellent practice in personalized learning. This approach is very much in line with the appreciative inquiry model which encourages a focus on what is going well."


"The Science Fair project is an excellent example of "independent study" - a term we use in describing a personalized learning framework."


"Finally, it is clear to see how well a science fair project fits in the Universal Design for Learning framework through Multiple means of Representation, Multiple means of Action and Expression and Multiple means of Engagement."