Important aspect in Improving Speaking Skills - Cemink's Voices | Daily Magazine |

English is not our language. English is foreign language for Indonesian people. We have to give attention in pronounce that language. Most problems when we learn other language is we got difficulties in pronounce that language. The Indonesian students said that English is very difficult, because the students have no motivation to learn for English. To response the student to learn English, The teacher must have a good strategy in teaching learning process. (Grugeon, 2005:84) said that some aspects to improve student speaking skill students are:

1. Taking opportunities to use talk in the classroom

Talk in the classroom is crucial to learning. It is where answers to puzzling questions can be found. It is where thoughtful argument and discussion make way for the understanding of new skills and difficult concepts. It is where difficult issues, which emerge from the children’s literacy work, their math or science investigations, history or religious education (RE) studies, can be talked through. It is where children listen to and respects the views of each other and where everyone’s learning is empowered by talking about what they have learned. It is where children can be supported in raising their own questions about their learning.

Via Charles Tiayon