10 Content Creation Tools For The Marketing Team Of One | Online tips & social media nieuws | Scoop.it
Does it feel like you’re working a 25 hour day yet you’re still drowning in the ocean that is online marketing?

As a Marketing Team of One you need to perform the same tasks that any ultimate inbound marketing team is capable of executing.

This can be rather daunting. You’re already super busy arranging trade shows, lunch & learns, preparing press releases and managing social media. Now, as your web presence quickly becomes the centre of your business universe, you need to become a content marketing superhero!

There’s no doubt, creating a powerful online presence is going to require time, energy, and resources.

So to create remarkable content, like any superhero, you’re going to need some superpowers. Okay, I can’t give you superpowers, however I can recommend some tools for your utility belt.

Via Brian Yanish - MarketingHits.com