CAPITALISM as a socioeconomic system is neither egalitarian nor democratic. | Le BONHEUR comme indice d'épanouissement social et économique. |

Capitalism is not an economic system designed to cater to the needs of the common folk, and, left to its own devices - especially the financial component - it can wreak havoc on societies.

... why contemporary capitalism pursues goals which benefit almost exclusively big capital and the rich (this is the underlying issue behind virtually all recent studies dealing with inequality), it should be clear from the outset that capitalism as a socioeconomic system is neither egalitarian nor democratic. Capitalism is not an economic system designed to cater to the needs of the common folk, and, left to its own devices - especially the financial component - it can wreak havoc on societies. As for the so-called trickle-down theory, or the horse-and-sparrow theory, as John Kenneth Galbraith referred to it [1], it is nothing more than a propaganda tool used by those who seek to justify policies favoring the rich.

Via jean lievens