Learning spaces – are we doing enough? – Technology Enhanced Learning Blog | Help and Support everybody around the world | Scoop.it
 With the start of a new academic year swiftly approaching (I realise many have already started, sorry) I am again having discussions with academics on the best way to use the spaces they’re given. It’s not only about the size or resolution of the screen/projector. It’s not about the fact there is always a spot-light right above the screen which makes it so difficult to see the content. It is about whether the space is too cold or hot. It is about whether there is enough natural light, or is it annoying neon strip lights? Is there (enough) power sockets spread around the space so trailing wires aren’t a trip hazard? Can students get in and out of the room and seats quickly to enable a quick or easy change between classes? What about the spaces outside the classroom – does the next class block the exit as they hover outside waiting to get it?

Via Marta Torán