Highly Sensitive
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Highly Sensitive
Being a highly sensitive person http://highlysensitive.org
Curated by Douglas Eby
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Scooped by Douglas Eby
November 8, 2021 3:55 PM

How to Live Better With Sensory Overload as a Highly Sensitive Person

How to Live Better With Sensory Overload as a Highly Sensitive Person | Highly Sensitive | Scoop.it
Sensory overload is when our senses take in more information than our brain can keep up with processing
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Scooped by Douglas Eby
March 23, 2013 6:47 PM

Honoring Parts Of Yourself By Practicing Self-Care

Honoring Parts Of Yourself By Practicing Self-Care | Highly Sensitive | Scoop.it

“My decision to protect my sensitivity was one of the most influential acts of extreme self-care I’ve ever taken in my life,” writes Cheryl Richardson in her book The Art of Extreme Self-Care: Transform Your Life One Month at a Time. “It forced me to stop judging and disowning essential parts of myself and start honoring who I am at my core.”

Douglas Eby's insight:

“As we grow in our understanding and practice of extreme self care, our sensitivity level rises and we pay closer attention to what we need to feel good." - From my post: Cheryl Richardson on protecting our high sensitivity



[Includes video, and link to her article "So Sensitive: Are you tired of sucking it up?"

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