Fashion Law and Business
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Rescooped by Andre Castaybert from LAB LUXURY and RETAIL ® : MARKETING & COMMUNICATION : Retail - Expérience Client - Luxe - Digital in Store - Future of Retail - Commerce Connecté - Omnicanal - Social Marketing - Influence - Réseaux Sociaux -Transformation Digitale
onto Fashion Law and Business!

15 innovations qui vont métamorphoser retail et distribution

15 innovations qui vont métamorphoser retail et  distribution | Fashion Law and Business |
Face à la concurrence du e-commerce, une petite révolution se prépare dans les grandes surfaces. Le JDN a repéré 15 idées ingénieuses testées par les enseignes en France ou à l'étranger.

Via Jérôme MONANGE
Jérôme MONANGE's curator insight, September 16, 2015 4:16 PM

L' heure de la réinvention du magasin et des enseignes est enfin arrivée ... voici quelques innovations et pistes de réflexions pour le futur des enseignes retail  ...


Jérôme MONANGE  

Marketing & Communication & Retail & Future of Retail & Luxe & Expérience Client  & Cross Canal


Lab RETAIL 2025 :

Lab LUXURY and RETAIL 2025 :


Fashion Law and Business
Andre, of CASTAYBERT PLLC, has over 25 year experience as a litigator, IP and business lawyer. See  Note: selection of a Scooped item is not an endorsement of the views expressed, and is not meant to provide legal advice. Curated by Andre Castaybert
Curated by Andre Castaybert