Does academic freedom have to come at the expense of inclusivity? - University World News | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) |
Summary from Academica Top Ten - Tuesday, December 6, 2016:

"Does academic freedom have to come at the expense of inclusivity? 

“Too often [the] tension between academic freedom and inclusivity is presented as a fatal competition where one survives only if the other dies,” writes Grace Karram Stephenson for University World News. 

The author focuses on the recent debate surrounding Professor Jordan Peterson’s refusal to use gender-neutral pronouns, noting that “the situation raises some important questions about academic freedom, freedom of speech and human rights.” 

Stephenson notes that while the push for more inclusive campuses is a universally accepted premise, the clash between inclusivity and academic freedom sometimes leads professors to claim that an academic force is attempting to silence dissenting views. 

Stephenson argues, however, that “[the] difference is that inclusivity policy is often the result of student movements. And students are members of the university community.”"

Via iPamba