He? She? Ze? They? Many colleges now let trans, genderqueer students choose their pronouns | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it

Summary from Academica Top Ten - 21 September 2015

"Many US colleges allow students to choose their own gender pronoun

Many US colleges have modified their registration and application processes to allow students to indicate their gender, with options that include gender identities beyond male and female. The University of Vermont first started letting students pick pronouns in 2009, and the work of advocacy groups on campus has further fuelled the movement. According to Harvard University Registrar Michael Burke, slightly over 1% of the 4,000 students who have submitted their pronouns to Harvard so far have chosen pronouns other than “he/him” and “she/her.” “We want this to be a place that is inclusive and embracing of everybody in the community,” said Burke.

Via iPamba